Chapter 1607
Ever since Bai Ma Yi was defeated in the first battle with the dead man in black, Guo Jia has been infected with phobia.

Fortunately, during the day, there are artillery and the frontal battlefield.

It was a little bad at night.

If Sima Yi broke the boat and attacked at night, Guo Jia's strength would really not be able to stop him.

So right now, he can only defend passively.

Blindly defending is not the answer. If you want to completely solve this problem, you must solve the five thousand dead soldiers in black once and for all.

The best way is to design a trap to put all these dead men in, and then focus on eliminating them.

But these [-] dead men are the bottom of Sima Yi's chest, so he will not take the risk easily.

How to make him put all his eggs in one basket and send [-] dead soldiers to strike hard has become Guo Jia's top priority now.


Guo Jia hesitated for a moment, then said, "I can..."


At this time, Xi Zhong suddenly said: "This subordinate thinks it is impossible."

He unceremoniously interrupted Guo Jia's suggestion.

"My lord is the lord of a country, so don't take risks lightly."

As Guo Jia's classmate and friend, Xi Zhong naturally understood that Guo Jia wanted to use his body as bait to lure Sima Yi to attack with all his strength.

Guo Jia is the key to Yunzhou. If Sima Yi kills Guo Jia in the first battle, the whole Central Plains will be settled.

The method is a good method, and Sima Yi will swallow the hook.

But Xi Zhong would absolutely never agree.

you can try...

Guo Jia still did not give up.

It's not like he hasn't done it before.

How many princes died at Guo Jia's hands.


All the generals refused in unison.

Now and then!
When Guo Jia took risks in the past, it was because there was no other good way, so he had to put it to death and survive.

Now they have the upper hand, there is no need to take risks.

Besides, Guo Jia is the foundation of a country, if something goes wrong, the whole country will be ruined.

The reason why these people follow Guo Jia is that they want to leave some glory and wealth to future generations?

Therefore, nothing happened to Guo Jia.


Zhao Dachui stood up with his stomach straight.

"It's not suitable for you to be the bait. If you want to do it, you have to come down to do it. Make sure you can complete the task."

Everyone couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

This guy is loyal, but he is a little overwhelmed.

Sima Yi doesn't even roll his eyelids for your little value.

Pretending to be addictive, isn't it?

Do you really think you are some kind of golden armor god?

Xi Zhong on the side cupped his hands: "This subordinate thinks it's not too late to go back to the customs first and then make plans."

This time the crusade against Sima Yi still had the upper hand overall, and he was able to explain to the common people.

Besides, the Central Plains War is not something that can be settled in one war.

Good things take time!
Since there is no way to deal with the dead men in black, retreating at this time is also a strategy.

Can't retreat!
Guo Jia shook his head.

This battle is not only a battle between him and Sima Yi for the king, but also about the ownership of millions of people in the south of the Yangtze River.

Although Feng Chu has a heart, but Guo Jia can't help Sima Yi, he will probably stand on the sidelines, increasing the difficulty of dominating the world.

Besides, Guo Jia is also a character who refuses to admit defeat.

He didn't believe that he, a traverser, couldn't find a way to deal with the dead man in black.

Just as Guo Jia was thinking hard, a Skynet member hurried over.

"Great governor, secret letter from Jiangnan!"

Bring it up!

Hearing these words, Guo Jia suddenly felt hopeful.

Jiangnan Secret Letter is a channel specially opened for Diao Chan.

Once there is news, there must be something happening on Diao Chan's side.

A confidant immediately sent the deciphered secret letter to Guo Jia.


Seeing the contents of the superstition, Guo Jia suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help laughing.

Everyone was a little puzzled for a while.

He was at a loss just now, but now he actually laughed. Could it be that he has found a way to restrain the dead man.

Sure enough, Guo Jia said: "Everyone, don't panic, the Daoist sect has already planned to cooperate with us to crack down on these dead men in black. Someone will come over in a few days, we just need to wait."

Long live!

The crowd also cheered in unison.

The trouble should end it.

Since this thing was made by Daomen.

They naturally have a way to deal with it.

The problem is solved!
Below are some required materials listed by Zuo Ci and Yu Ji.

This is easy to do!

With a big wave of Guo Jia's hand, everything was transported from the rear. Anyway, they had plenty of supplies.

Since the problem is expected to be resolved, there is no need to be so nervous.

"The entire army has taken defensive measures these days. The entire army is divided into two teams. One team rests during the day and guards at night. The other team does the opposite. Everyone cheer up and must not give the enemy an opportunity."

Guo Jia issued an order again.

The most fearful thing right now is Sima Yi's night attack. In order to deal with the night attack of the dead soldiers in black, Guo Jia immediately adjusted the army's biological clock.

This is a feasible way.


Guo Jia's eyes suddenly fell on Xi Zhong, and he said with a smile, "Zhicai, please write a handwritten letter to Sima Yi!"

I write to Sima Yi?
Hearing these words, Xi Zhong was suddenly stunned.

He is not familiar with Sima Yi?Why write to him?

Besides, what did he write to Sima Yi?
Suddenly, Xi Zhong's heart moved, and he said in a low voice: "Could it be that the lord wants to use the strategy of slowing down the army?"

The people from the Daomen are on their way, and it will take some time to deliver the supplies. During this time, they cannot be passively defended. They must find a way to hold Sima Yi back.

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

For Xi Zhong's mind, he still appreciates it, and he can completely catch up with his own thinking.

Sima Yi is treacherous and cunning, and it is not easy to delay troops. A master should pay attention to calmness when using troops.If there are too many traces, it would be too much. How could he be able to fool Sima Yi quietly.

This is really not an easy task.

Xi Zhong pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "My subordinates think it's more suitable for me to write alone."

Although there is no difficulty in delaying the attack, it is necessary to find a suitable person to get twice the result with half the effort.

Xi Zhong and Sima Yi couldn't match each other, even if he feigned surrender or made friends with Sima Yi, the latter would not take it seriously, but would arouse his vigilance.

If it doesn't work out, something bad will happen!
"You mean Kong Ming!"

Guo Jia asked tentatively.

He is also a person with a clear mind, and immediately understood the meaning of Xi Zhong.

Not bad!

Xi Zhong twisted his beard and said: "Kong Ming is a suitable candidate, and he has a close relationship with Sima Yi. If he wrote it, the effect would be better!"

Either way!

Guo Jia thought for a while and said, "Leave this matter to Kong Ming. I hope Kong Ming can successfully hold Sima Yi back. When we figure out how to deal with the dead, we won't be afraid of Sima Yi."

Subordinates obey!

Xi Zhong slowly cupped his fists and pushed this glorious but arduous task to Zhuge Liang.

He felt that Zhuge Liang was more qualified for this role.

 To all my dear book lovers, this book has entered the stage of completion, and there are still [-] to [-] words to finish, and the book will be finished next month.

  Thank you for your support, the new book has been put on the charter, and I will be able to meet you next month.

  Thanks again everyone.

  In addition, I have the audacity to ask for a few days off to spend a vacation with my family. Four Seas has not taken a vacation for a year or two, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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