Chapter 1608 Doing the opposite

Chang'an City!
Zhuge Liang looked at the envelope in his hand dumbfounded.

Since Guo Jia sent troops, he, the general manager of the rear, has never been idle, ensuring the supply of the front and preventing the enemy from attacking Chang'an.

Not only that, but also to deal with the internal interest groups that are ready to move, Zhuge Liang has been worrying about it during this period.

If it was just like this, it would be fine. After receiving Guo Jia's personal letter, Zhuge Liang felt that his head was getting bigger.

This lord is really whimsical, actually wanting him to write a letter to Sima Yi to pretend to surrender in order to delay the time.

There was nothing wrong with the strategy, and there was nothing wrong with the idea, but Zhuge Liang sighed again.

If it's someone else, it's fine, Sima Yi may still believe it for a minute and a half, but if it's Zhuge Liang's letter to pretend to surrender, Sima Yi won't believe it for a minute.

Because when the two of them were studying under Mr. Shui Jing, they were a little uncomfortable.

It's not that there is any personal grievance, but that Mr. Shui Jing attaches great importance to both of them, and he intends to train them to be Heishui's successors.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and both of them wanted to be the successor of Heishui, so they joined them openly and secretly.

Zhuge Liang is cautious, Sima Yi forbears, and the two can be regarded as rivals in chess and will meet good talents.

Zhuge Liang hated Sima Yi's gloomyness, and Sima Yi also sneered at Zhuge Liang's cautiousness.

Now Zhuge Liang has taken refuge in Guo Jia and disbanded the Black Water, which makes Sima Yi even more intolerable.It is impossible for him to let Zhuge Liang go.

Naturally, it was impossible for Zhuge Liang to surrender to him.

So, this strategy was implemented on the wrong side from the start.

Of course, Zhuge Liang also understands Guo Jia's situation, and it will take some time to prepare, and false surrender is the cheapest strategy.

But Zhuge Liang cannot feign surrender. Once he implements this plan, it will definitely backfire.

"Kong Ming!"

A beautiful figure walked in, it was Huang Yueying.

With the help of Hua Tuo, the couple successfully had a child, and the child was only one year old at the moment.

"Is Zhan'er asleep?"

Seeing his wife coming in, Zhuge Liang showed a smile on his face.

Huang Yueying smiled and nodded.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, and no one is the greatest.

Since marrying Zhuge Liang, she has been childless, which is definitely a pity in this day and age.

As a last resort, Zhuge Liang had to adopt Zhuge Qiao, the son of his elder brother Zhuge Jin, as his eldest son.

Zhuge Qiao is smart and eager to learn, just like a little Zhuge Liang, and the couple also like this child very much.

But if he likes it, he is not his own son after all, and the couple feel a little regretful when they are happy.

After arriving in Chang'an, with the help of the genius doctor Hua Tuo, the couple's wish was successfully realized.

Huang Yueying felt more and more that it was a wise move for her to suggest her husband join Guo Jia.

It was precisely because of her persistence that Zhuge Liang took refuge in Guo Jia.

If not, it is impossible for them to have their own biological children.

"The governor's wife is calling for women who know the rhythm in Chang'an, and my concubine has also signed up."

Huang Yueying said softly.

Some time ago, in order to cooperate with Guo Jia's strategy, Cai Yan summoned all Chang'an masters who knew the rhythm to go to the front line to cooperate.

As soon as the order came out, the wives of the Guo family almost came out in full force, except for some who didn't understand the rhythm, the rest joined the team.

Not only that, but many wives of dignitaries also applied for the job.

This is also an opportunity to serve Guo Jia.

Madam can also make meritorious service.

As the wife of Zhuge Liang who stayed behind in Chang'an and Cai Yan's righteous sister, Huang Yueying was naturally not far behind.


Zhuge Liang frowned.

It wasn't that he was reluctant to let his wife leave, but that the child was too young.

"Don't worry, I've settled down with the nanny."

Huang Yueying said.

"Madam, you have worked hard!"

Zhuge Liang sighed, and gently hugged Huang Yueying's waist.

He understood Huang Yueying's painstaking efforts.

Originally, everyone had some objections to Zhuge Liang's qualifications. Guo Jia asked him to stay in Chang'an, and many people were dissatisfied.

But Guo Jiali rejected all opinions and handed over this important task to Zhuge Liang.

This time Mrs. Guo Jia will go to the battlefield. As the wife of the No. [-] figure in Chang'an, if Huang Yueying doesn't show up, it will easily cause people's dissatisfaction.

In other words, Huang Yueying had to come forward for her husband's sake.

"The lord's wife has personally dispatched, so naturally the concubine can't lag behind. Besides, this is also a great opportunity to make meritorious service. Maybe this concubine can also perform meritorious service and ask for a reward or something."

Huang Yueying comforted her.

It's not that simple!
Zhuge Liang hesitated to speak.

As the chief executive at the rear, he is very clear about the situation ahead.

This battle was not so smooth, Guo Jia suffered several losses one after another, and the dead soldiers and puppets in Sima Yi's hands were really too powerful.

With the ability of the central imperial army, people have to feign surrender to buy time, which shows how difficult this battle is.

"Proceed with caution and don't act rashly!"

Zhuge Liang didn't want to tell his wife the difficulties, so as not to arouse the morale of the army.

I know it myself!

Huang Yueying was very optimistic.

In her opinion, even the Cai Yan sisters were dispatched, and of course there was no risk in this battle.

Guo Jia naturally couldn't let his family take risks.


Huang Yueying suddenly remembered something: "I heard that the lord wants you to write a letter to Zhong Da, pretending to surrender to delay time?"

She also just found out about it.

Not bad!

Zhuge Liang nodded helplessly.

This thing is a bit difficult.

Zhuge Liang couldn't do this, and he didn't want to.

After all, Sima Yi is his junior brother.

The incense of Heishui is still there.

Huang Yueying also knew her husband's difficulties, so she thought about it for a while, and said in a low voice: "You write a letter to the lord, expressing your worries. With my lord's wisdom, I will definitely understand your difficulties."

In her eyes, Guo Jia is an enlightened person who will definitely understand Zhuge Liang's difficulties.


Zhuge Liang shook his head again.

That's what he's worried about.

Because it was Xi Zhong, not Guo Jia, who suggested that Zhuge Liang feign surrender.

Xi Zhong is an old man from Yunzhou, and his qualifications are older than Zhuge Liang. He must not have done this on a whim.

Perhaps the insiders in Yunzhou have become wary of Blackwater.

Right now, Guo Jia is fighting Sima Yi to the death. If Zhuge Liang refuses to fight with all his strength, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of others.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang cannot do this.


Zhuge Liang suddenly sighed, and said: "You can do it in your own way."

Do the opposite?
Huang Yueying looked at her husband puzzled.

Zhuge Liang walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said solemnly: "Zhong Da is suspicious by nature. If I say to rely on him, he will definitely not believe it. Why don't we follow the plan, and I will personally lead the army to attack his left flank. Make a two-prong attack In this state, Sima Yi will definitely be fooled, he will strengthen the defense and delay the attack on the central army. He will definitely be able to buy time for the lord."

 Keep updating!
(End of this chapter)

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