Chapter 1609 bluff
Just do it!

Zhuge Liang immediately wrote back to Guo Jia, mobilized the Chang'an garrison, took Hao Zhao as a general, and led [-] troops out of Wuguan to threaten the Central Plains.

Of course, this is just thunder without rain.

Hao Zhao was also aware of Zhuge Liang's intentions. On the surface, he prepared his troops vigorously and dispatched vanguards to leave the customs, but in fact he stood still.

The news quickly reached Sima Yi's ears.

He is a little anxious!

The current battle situation is very powerful for him, even if Guo Jia increases his troops, he will not be afraid.

But if Wolong Zhuge Liang came, Sima Yi would still feel a little pressure.

After all, this third senior brother is not in vain.

Back then, Mr. Shui Jing once said that Zhuge Liang had the ability to control the world, and his ability to be unpredictable. His wife Huang Yueying was also a talented woman in the world, and she had a lot of research on the art of organs.

The reason why Zhuge Liang is today is due to this lady.

Among the four heroes of Heishui, the one Sima Yi fears the most is Zhuge Liang.

If this senior brother came up with some powerful tricks, Sima Yi would be really hard to deal with.

"Come here, shrink your troops, hoard Yiyang, and prevent Zhuge Liang's army from attacking."

Sima Yi immediately changed his strategy.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Niu Jin frowned.

The situation is very clear now, Guo Jia is afraid of his dead soldiers, so he has been on the defensive, not daring to move.

As for Luoyang, Zhong Yao is also very firm, and it is impossible for Guo Jia to break through in a short time.

Right now is a good time for the army to march straight in and destroy Guo Jia's main force.

Once Guo Jia is defeated, the enemies of the North Road and South Road will be defeated without a fight, basically winning the battle.

But what he couldn't understand was why Sima Yi suddenly flinched at a critical moment.


Niu Jin stepped forward bravely: "Zhuge Liang guards Chang'an and protects Guo Jia's retreat. It is of great significance and it is unlikely that he will go out to join the war. His move is probably a bluff. Besides, even if he also participates in the war, the most he can dispatch is around Chang'an The small number of troops has no impact on the overall situation at all. We deal with Guo Jia first, and it will not be too late to deal with him later."

Luoyang and Xincheng are like two barriers, sandwiching Guo Jia in between.

Sima Yi took advantage of the right time, place and people.

At this time, the defense is really a trick.

"What do you know?"

Sima Yi reprimanded: "Zhuge Liang was extremely cautious in his life, and he would never take any risks. Since he sent troops, he was fully prepared. Our army already has an absolute advantage, why take risks? Even if Guo Jia is given a little time, he will It can't solve the king's black-clothed dead man."

This also makes sense!

Right now they have taken advantage, there is no need to take the risk of a decisive battle with Guo Jia.

Sima Yi has great confidence in his dead soldiers.

This army is simply beyond human power.

Sima Yi also has a deeper meaning.

He has always wanted to compete with this third senior brother.Now that Zhuge Liang entered the arena, it was naturally in line with Sima Yi's wishes.

In this battle, he, Sima Yi, will defeat Heishui Erjie and Gui Jia Guo Jia in a row, and establish the victory of number one in the world.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Niu Jin was a little disapproving, but kept saying yes.

Soldiers are very fast!
The main force to destroy the enemy first is to strive for it.

Changes later.

Who knows what will happen next?
The protagonist has a stoic personality, but he also has a problem, that is, he is not good at taking risks.

If it was Niu Jin, he would have sent his army north to fight Guo Jia.

"Everyone listen..."

Sima Yi snorted, and continued: "From now on, guard the camp firmly and don't attack lightly."

Everyone said yes.

Sima Yi's words were completely in vain.

Right now, the only one who can face Guo Jia's main force is the dead soldier in black, and the others are completely defeated.

The dead men in black are completely in the hands of Sima Yi. Without his order, none of the dead men will be dispatched.

Even if these generals want to attack, there is no way.

very good!

Seeing everyone's obedience, Sima Yi nodded in satisfaction, turned and left.


"You mean, Sima Yi flinched?"

Zhang Chunhua asked in surprise.

Not bad!

Niu Jin nodded.

During this period of time, the two had already hooked up together.

They are also ambitious people, so naturally they don't want Sima Yi, a eunuch, to be on their heads for the rest of their lives.

The two discussed in secret, using Sima Yi's power to kill Guo Jia, and then replace him.

Originally in their plan, Sima Yi was going to fight Guo Jia to the death, but Zhuge Liang's sudden intervention made Sima Yi fearful.

"This useless dead eunuch!"

Zhang Chunhua gritted his teeth with hatred.

At the beginning, she wholeheartedly planned for Sima Yi, even if Sima Yi was inhumane, she had no complaints.

It's a pity that Sima Yi's unfeeling made Zhang Chunhua heartbroken, so he turned to Niu Jin's arms.

"Thanks to him being a eunuch! Otherwise, how could he take advantage of me?"

Niu Jin also hugged Zhang Chunhua's waist proudly.

When the two hooked up that day, he was surprised to find that Zhang Chunhua was a virgin, which was beyond Niu Jin's expectation.

Only then did he know that Sima Yi was an inhumane eunuch.

A eunuch is not worthy to be emperor.

Niu Jin also felt strange.

How could he, a man of seven feet, still kneel in front of an eunuch for the rest of his life?

Zhang Chunhua suddenly pushed Niu Jin's hand away, put his hands on his hips and said, "You are also a dead man, you won't stop him from doing that? Now it's all right, he's staying here, and we don't know the year of the monkey is going to come out."

Ha ha!

Niu Jin was not angry either, and said with a smile: "It's not that you don't know his nature. I can stop what he decides? Isn't it just a few days late, it's nothing."

It's not that simple!
Zhang Chunhua shook his head.

"Based on what I know about Sima Yi, he must be very afraid of this Zhuge Liang, otherwise he wouldn't be so steady. Guo Jia is very difficult to deal with, and if you add Zhuge Liang, it will be difficult to deal with in the future. .”

They plan to use Sima Yi's hand to kill Guo Jia, and then Li Daitao kills Sima Yi stiffly and steals his victory.

Guo Jia survived for a day, and they didn't dare to attack Sima Yi.

Ma'am, don't worry!

Niu Jinxiong said with success: "Let Guo Jia take a breath first, and then I will definitely let the two of them fight for my husband. Then our chance will come."

At this moment, he has assumed the identity of the new master.

any solution?
Zhang Chunhua was not angry, and hurriedly asked.

Niu Jin whispered a few words.

Hearing Niu Jin's plan, Zhang Chunhua hugged him excitedly, and kissed him on the face with a smack.

"Okay, okay, as long as this is done. My mother will do something to Sima Yi immediately, and the world will belong to the two of us."


Niu Jin also laughed triumphantly, as if everything was in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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