Chapter 1610 The Detachment of Women

Kong Ming's trick!

When the news came that Sima Yi would stand still, Guo Jia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As expected, Wolong lived up to its reputation, and it frightened Sima Yi away with just an empty plan, and gave Guo Jia a chance to breathe.

very good!
Xi Zhong on the side also nodded.

In Yan'an on the Yellow River, Xu Shu and Zhong Hui have already faced each other. Xu Shu has the advantage in military strength, but Zhong Hui also has the natural danger of the Yellow River.

On the other hand, Jia Xu stabilized the situation in Xinye, but it was only stable, and it was very difficult to launch an attack on the southern front.

The real battle is in the Central Route Army, which is also the Luoyang battlefield.

Currently, Guo Jia's party is at a disadvantage.

This group of dead men in black is really too difficult to deal with.

Don't look at Guo Jia's so many people are not his opponents.

Although there is no problem in frontal combat, if someone suffers a surprise attack at night, the tens of thousands of troops may collapse in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, the Taoists already have a way to deal with these dead men, what Guo Jia has to do now is to wait for the arrival of Zuo Ci and others.

Of course, we have to buy some time.

Fake surrender is a helpless move.

If possible, Guo Jia would not use this method.

Zhuge Liang did his best, and frightened Sima Yi with an empty strategy, buying Guo Jia some time.

"Where did the Taoist come?"

Guo Jia was a little impatient.

There is time, but he still has no confidence in the way to deal with puppets and dead men.

"Already arrived in Xiangyang!"

Xi Zhong said in a low voice.

Zuo Ci and his party came very quickly, and all the roads along the way were also well prepared.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded again.

Although I don't know what method Zuo Ci used to defend against the enemy, but this thing is very evil, so I can only trust them.

"Report, my lord, the reinforcements from Guanzhong are here!"

A subordinate came to report in a hurry.

Reinforcements are here!

Hearing this, everyone's spirits lifted.

They are not rootless trees, behind them is the entire city of Chang'an.

A heavy-backed general came to Guo Jia in a hurry.

"My lord, it's too late for evil!"

Of course Dian Wei came.

Dian Wei had already left the ranks of the imperial guards and became the guard of Chang'an City.Now that Cai Yan and a group of wives are going to the front line, Dian Wei refuses to stay behind no matter what.

He is going to fight in the field.

There was no other way, Zhuge Liang had no choice but to agree. Guo Jia's wife and his wife went to the front line. If Dianwei was protecting him, Zhuge Liang would feel relieved.

"Come on, why are you here?"

Guo Jia looked at Dian Wei in confusion.

In order to prevent turmoil in Chang'an, he deliberately left the loyal Dian Wei behind.

With Dian Wei watching, Chang'an will not have any major troubles.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually ran to the front line.


Dian Wei rubbed his hands together and said: "A certain family is the lord's confidant, now that the lord is in trouble, how can a subordinate stay at the back with peace of mind?"

He abruptly pulled out the double halberds behind him, and said solemnly: "From now on, the safety of the lord will fall on Elai. Even if those black-clothed dead men come to fight, they must first step on the ground of our third son." Corpse."

Grandpa three!

Hearing this word, Guo Jia was a little dumbfounded, and his gaze immediately fell on the two equally stout children beside Dian Wei.

As expected of the Dian family, they were born as tall as Lao Tzu, each holding a painting halberd, very majestic.

Of course, he is as ugly as his father.

This guy Dian Wei brought his two sons, his wife Du Hanying is also on the list of wives, this is the rhythm of the whole family to be loyal.

good good!
Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

There are many people who can share adversity, but not many people who can share wealth.

He can feel Dian Wei's loyalty.

Besides, he urgently needs a trustworthy general to guard him.

Dian Wei had participated in the battle in Nangong County back then, had seen the power of the yellow turban dead men, and was more experienced in dealing with Sima Yi's black-clothed dead men.

"In this case, the three of you should join the ranks first, and temporarily join the Tiger Guards."

Guo Jia couldn't bear to reject Dian Wei's loyalty, so he arranged him by his side and returned to his old profession.

Welcome back General Dian!
Xu Hu and the others shouted excitedly.

Although Xu Hu is now the commander of the Tiger Guards, he is not even a star behind Dian Wei.

Elder brother Xu Chu may be about the same.

During this period of time, Xu Hu was also under a lot of pressure. Guo Jia was the hope of the entire Yunzhou. If something went wrong, Xu Hu would be guilty of a serious crime.

Even if he didn't die, his elder brother Xu Chu couldn't spare him.

So Xu Hu has always been conscientious and not daring to be sloppy.

When Dian Wei came, Xu Hu was relieved.

With this fierce general around, the Tiger Guards can relieve half of their burden.


Dian Wei said nonchalantly, "You kid also dare to take command from me?"

Don't dare, dare not!
Xu Hu smiled embarrassingly.

In terms of military strength and seniority, he is no match for Dian Wei. Besides, Dian Wei is the No. 1 commander of the Tiger Guards, so how dare he challenge Dian Wei.

Just know!

Dian Wei nodded in satisfaction.

"From now on, the Tiger Guards must put up all their spirits and never leave the lord."

The crowd responded in unison.


After Dian Wei and the others settled down, Guo Jia made great strides to the tent in the center.

Cai Yan and others were placed here.


Seeing Guo Jia walking in, a beautiful figure came out to greet her immediately, and it was Cai Yan who was gentle and elegant.

Wen Ji!

Guo Jia suddenly held her hands and said sincerely, "Thank you for your hard work."

The method of influencing puppets with rhythm was passed down from the Daoist sect. Guo Jia thought it made sense, so he asked people to go to Chang'an to find someone who understands rhythm.

Cai Yan volunteered to answer the call.

Cai Yan, Guo Jia's first wife, she stood up, and the rest of the wives and concubines naturally did not dare to neglect, except for a few who didn't know the rhythm, Cai Yu and others followed.

Not only that, Huang Yueying and other wives of other high-ranking officials also responded to the call.

The governor's wives have all played in person, so can they hide behind and watch the fun?
A group of women's soldiers came to the front line in this way, there were about several hundred people.

so much?
Seeing so many women gave Guo Jia a headache.

He didn't intend to have so many people.


A woman stood up, it was Dian Wei's wife Du Hanying, she smiled and said: "Actually, some of us know the rhythm and some don't, but most of us have other skills, and we can do it if we stay here. Can help."

She was born in Skynet, and she was very clever. When she saw Guo Jia frown, she knew what Guo Jia was thinking.

In this battle, they participated in the second battle, mainly to show their loyalty to Guo Jia.

Can't use so many people!
Guo Jia waved his hand!

He couldn't help but look at Cai Yan with displeasure, and the latter shrugged helplessly: "I said it long ago, but they didn't listen. You, the lord, didn't say how many people you want?"

Guo Jia sighed helplessly.

"Thank you, thank you ladies for your help."

He cupped his fists slowly, feeling a little moved in his heart.

It seems that these people are planning to tie themselves together, otherwise they wouldn't drag their families around like this.

 There are some things these days, continue to update, it has come to an end!
(End of this chapter)

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