Chapter 1611 Zuo Ci Arrives
"The governor is very polite!"

A woman stood up, blessed, and said softly: "As a member of Yunzhou, the little woman must also do her part. Besides, the wife of the governor is on the front line in person, how can we lag behind others?"

It was Huang Yueying who spoke!

As the wife of Zhuge Liang, the chief executive who stayed behind, she would naturally also come.


Several other women also stood up, and one of the tall women said with a smile: "I don't know how to play the piano. But I can fight on horseback and protect the ladies."


Another woman also stood up and said seriously: "The last general Huang Wudie requests to return to the team."

The two are Ma Yunlu and Huang Wudie.

They can also be regarded as rare female generals in Yunzhou.

After being a general, it is not a problem to ride a horse and fight.

All these years, they have been caring for their husbands and children, and rarely fight or kill, and now they have responded to the call and come to the front line.

This group of women soldiers.

Guo Jia couldn't help feeling helpless.

However, they came here to serve the country, so Guo Jia naturally couldn't turn him away.


Guo Jia finally nodded.

"Since everyone is interested, I won't say anything more. Everyone is exhausted, so let's go down and rest first."

With Cai Yan and Huang Yueying around, Guo Jia doesn't have to worry, these two women will definitely be optimistic about this army of women.


Just as everyone was leaving, Zhen Tuo suddenly stepped forward shyly.

what happened?
Guo Jia looked at her puzzled.

Zhen Tuo hesitated to speak, and finally leaned into his ear and whispered, "Come to my concubine's tent at night."


Guo Jia never expected that Zhen Tuo was talking about this.

This is really a bit embarrassing.

In other words, almost all the women in the backyard of the Guo family came here, and Guo Jia couldn't favor one over the other.

"I have something important to do~"

Zhen Tuo said something and quietly retreated.

important things!
Guo Jia nodded helplessly.

Which is not an important thing?
He was most worried about the [-] dead men in black on the opposite side.

Report, my lord!

A general came in a hurry.

"Mr. Zuo Ci has arrived."

It's finally here!
Hearing Zuo Ci's arrival, Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

Dealing with those puppets and dead men depends on this old man. Although he is a little unhappy with this old man, Guo Jia still has to put on a smiling face.

"Please come and meet them."

Shao Qing, Zuo Ci, Yu Ji and others appeared in front of Guo Jia.

"Master, Mr. Yu!"

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qi immediately stood up.

The two are also from the same line of Taoism, so when they see these two masters, they will naturally come out to greet them.

Meet the Governor!
Zuo Ci and Yu Ji came to Guo Jia and bowed slowly.

"Don't dare, Mr. Wujiao, Mr. Yu, please sit down!"

Guo Jia also stood up slowly.

Although the two sides had some disagreements, they finally got along in harmony.

If Taoism can solve Sima Yi's dead man in black, Guo Jia doesn't mind making some concessions.

Zuo Ci and Yu Ji slowly took their seats.

"The two gentlemen have been exhausted all the way, and it has been very hard. The governor has prepared a banquet to clean up the dust for the two gentlemen."

Guo Jia waved his hand.

The two of them came from Jiangnan not far away, so he naturally had to make arrangements to show his importance.

not busy!

Zuo Ci waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about the business first."

This time, the two of them came here to deal with Sima Yi's dead man in black. It was his fault, so naturally he had to deal with it.

Not bad!

Yu Ji also nodded and said, "This is the responsibility of the Daoist sect."

The puppet art came from Zuo Ci's hands, and Sima Yi was using this to stir up trouble, so the two of them naturally couldn't just sit back and watch.

Guo Jia was also very happy to see the two of them being so active.

"I don't know how you two can deal with these non-human beings?"

Guo Jia asked in a low voice.

Whether it is a puppet or a dead soldier, they have already left the category of human beings, and there is nothing wrong with calling them non-human.

Hearing the word Guo Jia, Zuo Ci and Yu Ji looked at each other, a little dumbfounded.

Although they are a little unfamiliar with this new vocabulary, it does not affect their understanding.


Yu Ji just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zuo Ci.

I saw him ask back: "Dare to ask the governor, what do you think is the difference between these black-clothed dead men and the old yellow-turban dead men? Does your army have any chance of winning?"

the difference?

Guo Jia frowned.

Although the old yellow turban dead men were also very powerful, they were definitely not as good as these black-clothed dead men.

If the fighting power of the yellow turban dead men is at the level of Zhou Cang, then the fighting power of the black-clothed dead men can definitely catch up with Dian Wei.

Not only is the force abnormal, but the IQ is also very high. He knows how to cooperate with each other, and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It is very difficult to deal with.

Imagine, what kind of concept is five thousand Dianwei?
What's even more sad is that these people also have a good IQ.

"The black-clothed dead soldiers are more powerful, and they are much inferior to their yellow-turban dead soldiers. I won't lose in a frontal battle. But night battles are a bit hard to say."

Guo Jia said slowly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he could only tell the truth.

There is the threat of artillery on the frontal battlefield, and no matter how powerful the dead soldiers in black are, they are still flesh and blood. It is difficult to break through the blockade of artillery, but night battles are very difficult.

After all, artillerymen are not night owls, and it is difficult to accurately strike targets in the dark.

Ha ha!

Zuo Ci just smiled lightly and said: "Captain, please rest assured, they won't fight at night."

Will not fight at night!

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help being a little moved.

"The old Taoist made some improvements on the basis of the Vajra Puppet Art, and increased the ratio in the Dunjia Tianshu. Therefore, these black-clothed dead men are stronger than yellow-turban dead men. But at the same time, their senses are also weakened. These people have no sense at night. of any combat power."

Zuo Ci said lightly.

At the beginning, he didn't trust Sima Yi very much, so he kept a hand.

Guo Jia couldn't help being very excited.

This is explosive news.

If these dead soldiers can't fight at night, he naturally doesn't have to worry about it.

Very good!
Guo Jia couldn't help standing up.

"Come here, go and call some generals, let's study the night battle."

Since the dead in black cannot fight at night, he will take advantage of the black clothes to eliminate these non-human beings.

This is called taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

It is said that Guo Jia was overwhelmed by Sima Yi's dead men in black during this time.

Now that he knew their weaknesses, Guo Jia was naturally not polite.

Zuo Ci suddenly stopped again.

"Although these dead soldiers in black cannot fight at night, they can also exert great destructive power when life and death are at stake. It is not an easy task to completely eliminate them."

Guo Jia frowned and understood.

Rabbits are in a hurry and bit people.

Although these dead men in black can't show their combat effectiveness at night, they won't be caught without a fight.

The person who tied the bell is still needed to untie the bell. This matter still depends on the Taoist sect.

"Is there any good way to teach me, sir?"

Guo Jiagong asked respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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