Chapter 1612 A New Beginning

The person who needs to tie the bell is needed to untie the bell!
Zuo Ci smiled faintly, and said: "Sima Yi succeeded in puppetry, and failed in puppetry. The way of heaven is bleak, and he follows morality. He will not succeed in evil ways."

Guo Jia was dumbfounded.

Didn't you guys come up with this crooked way?

If Sima Yi hadn't acquired the puppet technique, how could he have stopped his own army?
Of course, this is not the point, and Guo Jia doesn't want to hold Daomen accountable.

What he wants to know most now is how to crack these dead men in black.

It seems that this old Taoist Zuo Ci has a solid mind.

It seems that Guo Jia still underestimated the ancients.

Although he used the knowledge of later generations to make gunpowder ahead of time, he also made a puppet technique against the sky.

As if God didn't want him to cheat, he deliberately sent a big gift package to his opponent.

Sure enough, Zuo Ci continued: "It's not difficult to crack the puppet technique, after all, this technique is just an immature experiment."

Now the origin of puppetry is revealed.

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help being a little surprised.

Only now did he know that the Vajra Puppet Art was originally a thing made by the fusion of the four heavenly scriptures.

No, Yu Ji didn't participate, just three heavenly books.

Up to now, Zuo Ci no longer hides it.

"If you want to crack the puppet art, you must gather the power of the four heavenly books. The old Taoist believes that you will be able to research a new technique to counter the puppet art. Of course, it is not an easy task to study new Taoism. preparations. But as you, there shouldn’t be any obstacles.”

Stop it, stop it!
Guo Jia hastily called a timeout.

"I'm old-fashioned, you can do it!"

He looked Zuo Ci up and down with both eyes: "It seems that you don't intend to help me solve the problem at all, you want to use my strength to fulfill the great wish of the Daoist sect, right?"

Originally, Guo Jia was a little dissatisfied with Sima Yi's overturned by Taoism's vajra puppet technique, but now Zuo Ci wanted to use Yunzhou's strength to do further research.

Isn't this taking Guo Jia as a fool?

It's fine if they really research something useful, but if they come up with a nondescript Vajra Puppet Technique, wouldn't Guo Jia suffer a lot?
Seeing Guo Jia's doubts, Zuo Ci could understand.

After all, the two sides have had quarrels before.

"Great Governor, the old Taoist asked you something. What do you think of the people in the world?"

Zuo Ci asked seriously.


Guo Jia didn't expect the old Taoist to say such a sentence suddenly.

Without even thinking about it, he came up with a famous sentence in later generations.

"The people are water, and the king is a boat. Water can carry a boat and capsize it."

This is a generation of famous minister Wei Zheng to persuade Li Shimin.

well said!
Hearing what Guo Jia said, Zuo Ci's eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands together.

Although Taoism emphasizes governance through inaction, it is not true inaction. Their inaction emphasizes not violating the Tao.

The relationship between the people and the emperor has always been subordinate, and few people think so highly of the people.

Guo Jia's ability to think of this shows that he has extraordinary insight. If he really inherits the great lineage, he must also be a generation of Mingjun.


A smile appeared on the corner of Zuo Ci's mouth.

"The old man has a different opinion."

He suddenly pointed to the sky: "The king is the sky, and the people are the earth. You were born to protect the people."

This also makes sense.

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

The end of the Han Dynasty was a chaotic time, and the population dropped from tens of millions to a few million.

With Guo Jia's crossing, the chaos ended early, and the people didn't lose so much.

In other words, without Guo Jia, at least half of the population of the people would have been lost.

just now……

Zuo Ci took a deep breath: "It's time for you to protect them."

Guo Jia was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly smiled coldly.

"It's just Sima Yi, so what if there is a puppet technique? Don't be too sensational, old man."

Although Sima Yi's dead man in black made Guo Jia very passive, Guo Jia is not completely helpless.

At present, Guo Jia has occupied most of the territory of the Han Dynasty, with a population of more than [-] million and hundreds of thousands of troops under his command.

In comparison, Sima Yi pales in comparison.

If Guo Jia transferred all the troops under his command, even if Sima Yi had dead soldiers, he would not be able to hold on.

What Zuo Ci said was completely alarmist.

That's not it……

Zuo Ci shook his head, he hesitated to speak, and finally sighed after a long time: "Let's not talk about it now, let's study how to deal with the dead men in black. This time, the old Taoist brought Yu Ji, and it happened that Hui Niang He and Zhang Qi are also here. The four sects of Taoism have gathered together, I hope the governor will give us a quiet place so that we can do some research."

no problem!
Guo Jia also readily agreed to Zuo Ci.

Zhang Ning also knew that Zhang Qi was one of his own, so he wasn't afraid that these two veterans would make any fools.

Besides, Guo Jia also yearns for the things about the Four Heavenly Books.

very good!

Zuo Ci nodded.

"It's not too late, let's start now."

He stood up while speaking.

Yu Ji followed immediately.

Right now he can only advance and retreat with Zuo Ci.

Zhang Ning and Zhang Qi looked at Guo Jia in unison.

Now, Guo Jia is their backbone.

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

The two looked at each other and followed.



After the Taoist people left, Xi Zhong immediately greeted them.

"I think this Zuo Ci is not telling the truth."

he said in a low voice.

I also believe so!
Guo Jia nodded in agreement.

But it's okay.

The two old men couldn't make any waves.

"Dian Wei, send someone to keep an eye on the two ladies, and let me know if there is any news."

Guo Jia gave Dian Wei a death order.

Don't worry, my lord!
Dian Wei said eagerly: "A certain family will never let these two old men do things under our noses."

What does a confidant do?

It is to share the worries of the Lord.

Dian Wei has already made up his mind, the father and son will go into battle together and will never make any forks.


Guo Jia seemed to have thought of something, took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "Zuo Ci said that Sima Yi's black-clothed dead soldiers can't fight at night, so I don't know if it's true or not. Feige sent a letter to Zhao Yun, asking him to send troops to test it out appropriately. Take a look. If it’s true, here’s our chance.”

If the dead men in black really couldn't fight at night, the threat to Guo Jia would be much less.

During this period of time, Guo Jia kept going every step of the way because he was afraid that these unkillable men in black would raid in the middle of the night?
Xi Zhong responded and left in a hurry.

Sima Yi!
Guo Jia's eyes flashed brightly.

God is fair, Guo Jia has artillery and gunpowder weapons, and the opponent also has a puppet army, and the strength is evenly matched.

That's how fun it is!
There is no point in blindly suppressing the advantages.

Even if he won, Guo Jia felt that it was no fun.

Is the war just starting now?

Guo Jia said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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