Chapter 1613 The Cavalry Contest

Soon, Guo Jia's order came to Zhao Yun.

"I see!"

Zhao Yun also stood up slowly.

He took a deep breath and said to himself, "The opportunity is here!"

Ever since he was defeated by the dead man in black, Baima Yicong has been recuperating on the periphery.

The vitality gradually recovered, but the morale was getting lower day by day.

If the cavalry is the darling of this era, then Baima Yicong is the darling of the darlings.

As Guo Jia's elite cavalry, Baima Yicong is an elite selected from an army of hundreds of thousands, and the quality of weapons and equipment personnel is even more outstanding among the cavalry.

The cost of one cavalry can arm twenty infantry, and the cost of one white horse righteous can arm three to five ordinary cavalry.

From top to bottom, Bai Mayi believes that he is the elite of the lord Guo Jia, and should achieve brilliant achievements in this battle.

Since the start of the war, Baima Yicong has driven straight in under Zhao Yun's command, scaring off the opponent's cavalry several times.

Compared with them, Sima Yi's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were not enough, and Le Jin didn't dare to challenge the sharpness of Baima Yicong. He would just lead the army around and dare not fight them decisively.

It's a pity that a surprise attack that night brought Bai Ma Yicong down from the altar.

1000 infantry defeated [-] cavalry and caused them thousands of losses.Although it has received some replenishment, it still has not regained the strength of its heyday.

This is definitely the biggest shame of Baimayi since its establishment.

Although the opponent is the most elite black-clothed dead under Sima Yi, even though they have broken away from the category of ordinary people, Bai Ma Yicong still feels very humiliated.

It has always been the cavalry who beat the infantry, but now they are beaten by the infantry, and it is in a situation where the enemy is outnumbered.

The whole army was very frustrated from top to bottom.

The same is true for Zhao Yun.

Although Guo Jia has made it clear that this battle was not Zhao Yun's mistake, but that those dead soldiers were too perverted.

But Zhao Yun still took the responsibility on himself.

He is the commander of Baima Yicong, and it is his responsibility to lose the battle.

Zhao Yun also eagerly hopes to have the opportunity to avenge his shame.

Finally, the opportunity came.

Information came from the rear that these dead men were not good at night combat, Guo Jia ordered them to test the truth at night.

Order to go down!

Zhao Yun couldn't wait: "The first watch makes food, and the third watch surprises. I want to see if these guys are really invulnerable?"

Baima Yicong trains hard. They can not only meet all kinds of harsh conditions, but also be able to fight in all terrains and all weathers.

Fighting a night battle is no problem at all.

This is also Zhao Yun's painstaking efforts over the years.

All the generals responded in unison.

They also knew that this time was a good time for Bai Mayi to avenge his humiliation, and they all geared up for a surprise attack.

"Captain, what about Le Jin Yubu?"

A general objected.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the dead men in black were more powerful than expected, and their 9000 or [-] troops might not be able to beat them.

Besides, Le Jin's [-] cavalry were still following around.

If Baima Yicong attacked rashly, Le Jin would probably not sit idly by, and would definitely lead his elite to take advantage of the fire.

Ha ha!

Zhao Yun just smiled lightly and said, "I'm afraid he won't come."

He said a few words in a low voice.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that they all raised their thumbs up.

The governor is wise!

That night, Bai Mayi started to act immediately.


Soon some secret agents spread the news to Le Jin's ears.

"Zhao Yun wants to hit the new city?"

Hearing this news, Le Jin's first thought was that Zhao Yun was crazy.

There are 5 people in the new city, Jin Wang Sima Yi personally guards it, and there are [-] elite dead soldiers.

Zhao Yunman has less than 1 people in total, so he is not superior in terms of military strength.

Besides, cavalry are not good at attacking cities, and it is difficult to attack cities with this force.

There is a conspiracy!
Le Jin immediately thought of a question.

Xiang Zhuang's sword dance was aimed at Pei Gong.

It is false that Zhao Yun attacked the new city, but it is true that he tempted himself to send troops.

Although Xincheng has plenty of troops, it has nothing to do with these maneuverable cavalry. After all, the two-legged cavalry cannot catch up with the four-legged ones.

The only one who can check and balance Zhao Yun's cavalry is Le Jin's tiger and leopard cavalry.

Tiger and Leopard Cavalry was created by Cao Cao, a generation of news.

He assembled the resources under his command to create such a flexible cavalry.

It's a pity that it fell into Sima Yi's hands before it warmed up.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took the shade.

Over the years, Sima Yi fought south and north, and laid down such a territory, and the tiger and leopard cavalry made a great contribution.

Without this cavalry, Sima Yi would fall into a passive position and lose the opportunity.

The reason why Zhao Yun didn't dare to go straight in was because he was afraid of the ten thousand cavalry in Le Jin's hands.

Therefore, Le Jin had reason to believe that Zhao Yun's intention was to lure him into sending troops.

Once the tiger and leopard cavalry were destroyed, the entire battlefield fell into a passive state.

Order to go down!

Le Jin said lightly: "Stick to the camp and closely monitor Zhao Yun's every move."

To be able to become a good general of the five sons of the future generations, Le Jin also has a few talents. This person is not only brave and good at fighting, but also has some strategies and knows how to advance and retreat.

The Cao family collapsed, and a group of heroes collapsed, only Le Jin was able to retreat unscathed, and was reused by Sima Yi.

This person is not simple.


The lieutenant on the side was a little puzzled.

"Although the new city has many soldiers and generals, the cavalry come and go like the wind. If the King of Jin is caught off guard, wouldn't it be remiss of me to stand still?"

They were not Sima Yi's direct descendants in the first place, if Sima Yi was angered, things would be troublesome.

Do not worry!

Le Jin snorted and said: "Zhao Yun's move is not to attack the city, but to lure and kill us. This general will not be fooled. We just need to stick to the camp and pay attention to the enemy's movements, and we will be fine. "

He fought against Zhao Yun many times, and he was beaten by the opponent all the time.

He lost five battles and lost hundreds of soldiers and horses.

Although the tiger and leopard cavalry are also elite cavalry, they are still far behind Baimayi's elite soldiers armed to the teeth.

Le Jin knew that Tiger and Leopard Cavalry was no match for Baima Yicong, so he cut off the idea of ​​fighting head-on.

If you can't fight, then start guerrilla warfare.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we pursue, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack, happy progress has won the essence of the sixteen-character policy.

He didn't fight, he didn't retreat, it was like sticking a cowhide plaster on Baima Yicong's body.

Le Jin will consume Zhao Yun to death.

Zhao Yun had nothing to do, the opponent was stuck to him like a piece of dog skin plaster, and he had no chance to fight.

This time, the purpose of luring the enemy deep is to solve Le Jin.

But the latter is cunning and cunning, and he is determined not to be fooled by Zhao Yun's tricks.

Le Jin's purpose is very clear.

As long as he holds the only cavalry in his hands, King Jin will have the initiative.

Le Jin thought so.

Neither side can afford to lose this battle.

Le Jin couldn't afford to lose either.

This is a contest between cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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