Chapter 1615 Secret Exposure
Zhao Yun's army drove straight in and came under the new city. As expected, there was no movement in Le Jin, but there were quite a few scouts.

There was no movement from Sima Yi's side, and the guards didn't take Zhao Yun seriously. After all, it was unrealistic to attack the city with so few troops, and they were all cavalry.

So everyone defended the city wall one after another, without any panic.

Sure enough!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun had already put down a big stone in his heart.

At first, he still didn't believe it, but now he saw that the black-clothed dead soldiers simply didn't have the ability to fight at night, otherwise Sima Yi would have sent them out long ago.

"Brothers, give Sima Yi some food!"

Zhao Yun said with a smile.

He had already prepared it when he came, and he would definitely make Sima Yi angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

The crowd responded in unison.

"Sima Yi is a coward, he dare not come out to fight."

"Sima Yi is so timid, he just changed into women's clothes and went home to take care of his husband and raise his children."

"Sima Yi is just a bastard with no eggs, even if he is killed, he dare not come out."

"Sima Yi, your mother is calling you home for dinner."

Everyone shouted!
Zhao Yun was also inspired by Guo Jia's dealing with the Huns back then, and came to such a scolding war.

If Sima Yi didn't dare to fight, he would have confirmed the fact that dead men in black cannot fight at night.

Look at this, the Jin army on the top of the city is a little frustrated.

The king humiliates his ministers to death!

Naturally, they cannot sit idly by when the enemy slanders their king so much.

Several generals petitioned one after another, requesting to lead their troops into battle to destroy these ignorant enemies.

Sima Yi's face was like sinking water.

He has a stoic personality, and he would not take this level of humiliation to heart at all.

"Don't bother!"

Sima Yi said indifferently: "They are just stern, they should do whatever they want, and they will disappear in the morning."

Right now he has taken the initiative, and he will never give up his advantage to fight the enemy at night.

Just wait until the morning of tomorrow, the dead soldiers in black will be able to play a role, and the cavalry will be completely wiped out by then.


Everyone looked at each other again.

Niu Jin's heart suddenly moved, and he immediately grasped the point.

The black-clothed dead men are the existence of hanging bombs, 1000 people can hang 1 cavalrymen.

Facing the provocations of Zhao Yun and others, Sima Yi only needs to send some dead soldiers to eliminate them.

But why did Sima Yi wait until tomorrow morning?

Niu Jin's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Is there any mystery in this?
Thinking of this, Niu Jin left quietly without saying a word.

The camp of the dead men in black has always been around Sima Yi's tent. This is the core of the core, and even his confidantes cannot enter.

Niu Jin has always wanted to come in to find out what happened, but unfortunately he never found the opportunity.

This time, the opportunity has come!

Being able to become the number two under Sima Yi's command, Niu Jin is not an easy person.

He knew that the camp of the dead men in black was a forbidden area, so he naturally didn't dare to enter easily.

So he found a few confidants who came to the front of the camp and yelled loudly.

"It's not good, it's not good, the enemy has entered the city."

"It's not good, it's not good, King Jin was captured alive by the enemy."

"The city is broken, everyone run for their lives!"

These people were yelling at the top of their voices, and the movement could be heard for a mile around.

The dead man in black will not let it go when he hears this.

But what puzzled Niu Jin was that after the soldiers shouted loudly for a long time, the camp inside was still lifeless and there was no movement.

But the inspectors patrolling the city heard the wind and moved closer to this side.

Something is wrong!

Niu Jin made a decisive decision and led his men into the barracks of the dead soldiers in black.


After entering the barracks, Niu Jin and the others were immediately dumbfounded.

These dead men were lying on the bed one by one, like dead bodies, without any vitality at all.

Niu Jin winked at his soldiers, who boldly stepped forward and pushed a dead soldier in black.

With a bang, the man fell off the bed with a muffled sound, but there was no movement, and he still maintained his original posture.

Evil door!

Niu Jin and the others were sweating a little.

Whether these dead men in black were dead or asleep, why didn't they even move at all.

He immediately led the people away and walked into another camp.

The same is true of the dead men in black inside.

The black-clothed soldiers in the entire camp were like this.

Coming out of the last camp, Niu Jin's face became excited.

He discovers a startling secret.

The dead man in black is unstoppable during the day, but at night he will turn into a dead body, without any fighting.

This is also the fundamental reason why Sima Yi dare not fight at night.


Having figured this out, Niu Jin suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled.

He had already rebelled, but he hadn't acted because of the sharpness of the dead man in black.

Now that he knows the weakness of the dead man in black, how can he not be excited?

"My lord, let's go, the soldiers patrolling the city are here?"

A confidant came to Niu Jin.

The noise just now was so loud that it alarmed the inspecting soldiers. They had already surrounded the entire camp of the dead men in black, but they dared not step inside because of Sima Yi's ban.

very good!

Niu Jin nodded slowly.

The reason why Sima Yi hid the dead men in black so tightly was because he was afraid that their weaknesses would be exposed.

Now that someone broke into the camp, he would definitely kill someone to silence him.


Niu Jin suddenly took the lead and killed the four men one by one.

The four subordinates didn't expect the lord to attack them suddenly, and they immediately ended up decapitated.

Niu Jin wiped the blood from his face, and said to himself: "Brothers, don't blame me for being cruel. If you don't die, I, Niu Jin, will die."

If such a big commotion happened in the barracks, Sima Yi would definitely investigate to the end, and whoever was involved would be silenced.

It was a last resort for Niu Jin to kill his confidant.

Soon, Niu Jin's figure disappeared into the darkness.

In the three caves of the cunning rabbit, he had already found a way out, and transformed himself into a general leading the team, leading a group of men to surround the barracks.

"The people inside quickly come out, otherwise we will go in."

Niu Jin shouted solemnly.

A troop of cavalry galloped forward, led by Sima Yi.

The dead man in black was his last trump card. When he heard that something happened in the camp, he rushed back immediately.

"what happened?"

he asked sharply.

Tell the lord!
Niu Jin hurriedly said: "There is movement in the barracks, and my subordinate wants to lead people to check what happened, but because of the lord's military order, I dare not go in."

here you go!
Hearing that no one went in, Sima Yi was relieved.

He didn't want the secret of the dead man in black to be exposed.

"Let's leave everyone, the king will handle this matter himself."

As he spoke, he led a group of men and broke in.

(End of this chapter)

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