Chapter 1616 Miscalculation
After sending everyone away, Sima Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

"Come here, guard the four gates and don't let anyone in."

As soon as the dead man in black entered the night, he entered sleep mode, unshakable.

An ordinary person can easily destroy them.

So at this time, Sima Yi must protect him with all his strength.

He has long listed the barracks of the dead soldiers in black as a restricted area, and no one can enter without his authorization.

The reason why he didn't send troops to garrison was because Sima Yi was very suspicious and afraid that the secret would be exposed, so he simply set up a suspicious formation with no guards.

Anyway, with the terrifying fighting power of the dead soldiers in black, there will be no Xiaoxiao attack.

But this time, Sima Yi seemed to have miscalculated.

Some people really dare to break ground on Tai Sui.

Four or five corpses were dumped in the camp. Judging from their attire, they should be patrolling soldiers.

The dead men in black don't have any fighting power, so it's impossible for them to kill these people.

But here comes the question again, who killed them?

Sima Yi's eyes flickered for a while.

The secret of the dead man in black may be exposed.

Without further ado, Sima Yi immediately sent a large army to guard around the camp.

Don't look at Zhao Yun's cavalry making a scene outside, as soon as the day breaks and the black-clothed dead soldiers recover their combat effectiveness, Sima Yi will be able to wipe out the cavalry.

There are still two hours left.


Sure enough!

Niu Jin saw Sima Yi mobilizing an army to surround the camp, and immediately confirmed his guess.

The dead soldiers in black have great flaws, and they have no fighting power at night.

Really help me too!
Niu Jin's heart immediately became active.

Although he conspired with Zhang Chunhua to abolish Sima Yi, he has always been very afraid of these dead men in black. Now that he has mastered their secrets, Niu Jin is no longer worried.

What he has to do now is to wait with peace of mind, waiting for Sima Yi and Guo Jia to exert their strength when they are both hurt.

Niu Jin seemed to see the goddess of victory waving to him.

What Guo Jia Sima Yi crouching dragon and phoenix young, the world is still his gold in the end.


The flags and drums in the new city were silent, and Zhao Yun's cavalry was allowed to wreak havoc.

Zhao Yun knew it well.

They have been arguing outside for so long, but Sima Yi still hasn't made any movement, which already shows the problem.

Basically proved the previous guess.

However, it was still not enough. In order to completely arouse Sima Yi's anger, Zhao Yun decided to provoke him again.

"Sima Yi, you dead eunuch, you have no eggs, dare to come out and fight to the death?"

"Back then, this kid sneaked into Yunzhou under the pseudonym Ah Chou, and secretly learned our firearm making technology. That groveling, I don't know how many times he sold his ass."

"Hehehe, I saw this kid back then, and it was a tragedy."

All the soldiers ridiculed Sima Yi's past one after another.

Zhao Yun still felt that it was not enough, so he put up many banners and left many slogans, all of which were of course greetings to Sima Yi.

He also learned this from Guo Jia.

At the beginning, this master used this method to stimulate the army of the Southern Huns to scream, and finally fell into a trap and disappeared.

It's too late to fry and sell now.


Hearing this, Sima Yi nearly vomited blood.

In order to get into the gunpowder workshop in Yunzhou, he did not hesitate to injure himself and fell from the cliff, accidentally hurt his lower body, and since then he has lost the function of a man.

Yunzhou Army's words about dead eunuch really angered him.

"Come here, open the city gate and destroy this small group of cavalry."

Sima Yi roared.


Niu Jin on the side hurriedly stood up.

"All those left in the city are infantry. The opponent's cavalry is flexible. It is not wise to use infantry to fight against cavalry. In my opinion, it is better to hold on to the city until dawn."

Now that he has mastered the weakness of the dead man in black, Niu Jin is not in a hurry to deal with Sima Yi, the most urgent thing is to help Sima Yi defeat Guo Jia.

"Then tune in and come back to help. I don't care about other things. I must destroy this group of cavalry."

Sima Yi was really angry now, and his face became ferocious.

Dragons have inverted scales, and phoenixes have empty necks.

This time Zhao Yun hit Sima Yi's sore spot.

Another minister stepped forward, and he was also Sima Yi's Conglong veteran.

"At this point, even if General Le is transferred back, it won't help. Zhao Yun is waiting for work, and General Le has traveled a long distance. If Zhao Yun returns the carbine again, General Le will definitely suffer heavy losses..."

Suddenly he let out a scream, took a few steps back, and looked at Sima Yi in disbelief.

Sima Yi's face twitched, holding a long sword in his hand, blood dripped from the tip of the sword, and fell to the ground drop by drop.


This person never expected that the lord would suddenly kill him, and it was too late to regret it.

i hate...

After the man said something, he fell straight on the ground, and naturally he couldn't live.

Who else?
Sima Yi said something sinister, and glanced left and right.

Everyone hastily stepped back and lowered their heads.

This minister can be regarded as Sima Yi's confidant, and he has the merit of Conglong's support, but because of one sentence, Sima Yi killed him as soon as he said it, who would dare to say anything else?
Niu Jin also lowered his head, feeling both resentful and grateful.

He also knew the person who died, and his relationship was not bad, and he was loyal to Sima Yi, so he was killed because he opposed Sima Yi's sending troops, which was simply unreasonable.

On the other hand, Niu Jin is also very fortunate that Sima Yi killed innocent people indiscriminately, and his subordinates are also renegade, so it is convenient for him to replace him.

Someone died on the spot, and naturally no one objected, so Sima Yi immediately recalled Le Jin.

This time, he did not intend to let Zhao Yun go.

Le Jin only needs to hold Zhao Yun for two hours, and the black-clothed dead men will wake up. Five thousand dead men will come out together, and this pair of cavalry will not escape the fate
Sima Yi also had a feeling that this team of cavalry was a little weird, as if they were here to test the truth.

The corpses in the Black Death Barracks may also be related to them.

They must not be allowed to escape.

Sima Yi secretly felt ruthless.


Soon, a token was delivered to Le Jin.

Seeing that Sima Yi gave the order to die, Le Jin didn't dare to neglect, and immediately assembled a large army to smear and rush to the new city.

There is a certain distance from his residence to the new city, if you drive overnight, you can catch up at dawn.

It seems that this is really going to compete with Zhao Yun.

Le Jin was also a little apprehensive.

He knew that Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were not as powerful as Baima Yicong.

Frontal combat is all about seeking abuse.

The most ideal way is to stick to the enemy, not to fight and not to retreat, and to use the home field advantage to drag down the enemy.

Le Jin has always done this, and the results are very good.

Although Zhao Yunbu was brave, he was tightly bound by him, unable to do other things.

But the lord has a life, and Le Jin can do it if he doesn't want to.

(End of this chapter)

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