Chapter 196
Collaboration thing!
Zhang Ning was stunned, and his shame was gradually diluted.

"You want to cooperate with us?"

This is what she wished for.

By the way, this girl didn't give up on trying to win Guo Jia over.

Not bad!

Guo Jia shrugged: "It seems that the saint has no time, so I will take my leave."

He said he was about to leave again.

do not go!
Zhang Ning didn't care about being ashamed anymore, and immediately grabbed him.

"I have time, we can discuss."

is it?

Guo Jia looked at Zhang Ning with a half-smile.

Zhang Ning blushed again, and let go of Guo Jia involuntarily.

Normally, Guo Jia would have to tease Zhang Ning anyway, but now that the matter is urgent, he put up with the idea.

"Zhang Bao is now struggling with the beasts in Julu City. I am afraid that he will be broken by the officers and soldiers in a short time. The situation of the Yellow Turban Road is not very good!"

Zhang Ning couldn't help but also nodded.

indeed so.

When her father Zhang Jiao was alive, the situation of Huangjindao was still very objective. Once her father died, Huangjindao gradually fell into a trough.

Now Guangzong is also lost, and his uncle Zhang Liang is also killed in battle. Only Zhang Bao hides in Julu City and lingers on his last breath.He is a man with great ambition and talent, and he can't lead the Yellow Turban Taoism at all, so before Zhang Jiao died, he just passed the Taoism to him, and the political system to Zhang Liang.

It's a pity that Zhang Liang, who was brave and good at fighting, was not Zhang Bao's opponent after all. The power of the Yellow Turban Dao still fell into Zhang Bao's hands, and he himself died in battle.

The current giant deer is also in danger. Once the giant deer is broken, the last fortress of the Yellow Turban Road is also lost.

In this way, the Yellow Turban Dao will be completely over.

Although Zhang Ning has left the Yellow Turban Army, he still regards himself as the heir of the Yellow Turban Way.

Facing this difficult situation, she was very impatient, but there was nothing she could do.

The only person who can change this situation is Guo Jia. Unfortunately, this bastard doesn't like the Yellow Turban Dao. No matter how Zhang Ning persuades him, he is unwilling to save the Yellow Turban Dao.

Today, he suddenly proposed to cooperate with Yellow Turban Dao, how could Zhang Ning not be overjoyed.

"Have you decided to join forces with our Yellow Turban Dao?"

Zhang Ning asked in a low voice, with an excited tone.

She has seen the strength of Zhongshan's army with her own eyes. If Guo Jia is willing to make a move, the siege of Julu will definitely be untied.

The Yellow Turban Road was also saved.

"It's not joining forces, it's cooperation!"

Guo Jia corrected: "I can help you defeat the officers and soldiers, but the Yellow Turban Road will still be the Yellow Turban Road, Zhongshan County will still be Zhongshan County, and we will keep the water in the well. Of course, if Zhang Bao dares to covet Zhongshan, I will not let it go." he."

No, no!
Zhang Ning said hurriedly.

It is better to cooperate than to turn against each other.

"I will immediately write to Uncle Zhang Bao and convey your intentions to him. Let him fully cooperate with you."

Zhang Ning hastily agreed, and got up to get a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, as if he was afraid that Guo Jia would go back on his word.

Guo Jia actually planned to help them, which was tantamount to pie in the sky for Zhang Ning.

Guo Jia!

Zhang Ning managed to stop Guo Jia's tricks.

"What are we going to do?"

Since Guo Jia used Zhang Yan's dark move, it meant that he didn't plan to send troops himself.

Zhang Ning is still very clear about this.

Although Guo Jia did not send troops, Zhang Yan was able to send troops and relieve the pressure on the Yellow Turban Army from the flanks.

"You go and send someone to tell Zhang Bao to follow the plan and not make any mistakes. Otherwise, his head will be lost after the army breaks through the city."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

I see!

Zhang Ning gritted his teeth and said.


A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hurry up and send the news to Zhang Bao. Don't miss the time, otherwise don't blame me if something goes wrong."

Guo Jia suddenly let go of Zhang Ning and stood up.

Leaving Guo Jia's arms, Zhang Ning immediately felt a sense of emptiness and loss, but she dared not show it.

"I see!"

She lowered her head and said, not daring to look into Guo Jia's eyes at all.


Guo Jia smiled and said, "Lady Saintess, rest well, I won't bother you."

Said and swaggered away.

Playing hard to get is the best way.

This bastard is really hateful!
Looking at Guo Jiayang's leaving figure, Zhang Ning was angry and ashamed.

This guy picked her up, and then walked away in such a swaggering manner.

He must have done it on purpose.

Zhang Ning thought bitterly in his heart.

But even if she knew that this guy did it on purpose, she couldn't help it, because the balance between the two had been broken at this moment, and Guo Jia began to take the initiative.

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(End of this chapter)

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