Chapter 197 Yuan Shao Sends Troops

Zhao Yun came in a hurry suddenly, with a heavy expression on his face.

"I just got the news that Mr. Yan Zhong fell into the hands of Yuan Shao. In order not to implicate Huangfusong, he committed suicide. His body is now hanging in the army camp."

Ju Shou on the side almost fainted.

"Mr. Yan!"

He suddenly cried out sadly: "It's all because of me. If it wasn't for saving me, Mr. Yan wouldn't have ended up like this."

You don't have to be sad!

Guo Jia hastily comforted this loyal subordinate, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yan Zhong has a kindness with me in Zhongshan, and I, Guo Jia, will definitely avenge him."


He suddenly raised his head, and said word by word: "The whole camp is plain, for Mr. Yan Zhong's funeral!"

Thank you my lord!

Jushou fell to the ground.

Yan Zhong had the grace to save his life, and Guo Jia did this purely for the sake of Jushou.

Soon, the barracks in Wuji County were set up, and the six thousand soldiers all wore white scarves, and the entire barracks was in awe.



"Guo Jia, you are too deceitful! Come on, and immediately mobilize the army to attack Wuji County, and capture Guo Jia, a rebellious official and traitor alive."

Yuan Shao was suddenly enraged, and he drew his sword and cut off the table.

Yuan Yi was his confidant and was ordered to pursue Jushou, but was beheaded by Guo Jia.

This guy is provoking the Runan Yuan family for the second time.

Before Yuan Lang could avenge his revenge, Guo Jia dared to attack the Yuan family again.

How could Yuan Shao not be angry?

He became famous at a young age and had a prominent family background. Although he was born as a concubine, he enjoyed the treatment of a son-in-law.

Even in the capital, the princes and ministers all gave him three points of courtesy.

Now this little Zhongshan prefect actually provoked him again and again.

If you don't kill Guo Jia, you swear you won't be a human being!
Yuan Shao roared angrily.

"Why is Yan Liangwen so ugly?"


Two burly generals walked into the tent.

Naturally, Yuan Shao will not be a bare-bones commander when he takes office, he also has his own steps.

This Yan Liangwen Chou is his number one general.

"General, calm down!"

Cao Cao on the side hurriedly stood up to dissuade Yuan Shao.

"Meng De, have you forgotten the shame of defeating Wuji County?"

Yuan Shaoyuan is from the circle of the sons of officials and eunuchs in Luoyang, and they have known each other since childhood, and the relationship has always been very good.

How dare you forget!

Cao Cao's eyes also flashed sharply.

Since he sent troops to wipe out the Yellow Turbans, it has always been smooth sailing, going south and north like a broken bamboo.

But in Wuji County, Cao Cao suffered his first fiasco, and it was Guo Jia who brought him this fiasco.

It was precisely because of this fiasco that Cao Cao almost failed to stand up.

If it wasn't for Yuan Shao's success, why would he still be doing nothing in the rear army?

Cao Cao gave a wry smile.

Although he hated Guo Jia very much, he still had a clear mind at the moment.

The most important strategic purpose of the imperial army is to break through Julu County and wipe out the last stronghold of the Yellow Turbans in one fell swoop.

Originally under the siege of Huangfusong, the remnants of Julu's yellow scarf were just lingering, and they were about to be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Although Cao Cao had a lot of complaints about Huangfusong, he still admired him very much for his military strategy.

Huangfu Song was mature enough to seek the country, and the strategy he formulated was to seek victory while maintaining stability.

The first is to encircle but not attack, cut off the surrounding supply channels, and consume the food and grass of the giant deer.

After the food and grass in Julu City were almost consumed, they began to encircle and lack one.

In this way, Zhang Bao ran out of food and grass, let alone defending the city, so he would break out overnight.

In the end, all you need to do is to send light cavalry to follow up and wipe out the Yellow Turban Army.

Huangfusong's method is very clever, and there is no risk.But he didn't expect that the imperial court would replace him with Yuan Shao, a young man, at this juncture.

Yuan Shao replaced Huang Fusong as commander of the army.

This man was young and energetic, so he changed Huangfusong's strategy of besieging and not attacking, and ordered the officers and soldiers to attack the giant deer.

It would be fine if it was just like this, but Yuan Shao desperately wanted to make a military contribution, intending to complete his meritorious service in one battle, so he actually ordered the city to be surrounded to death, so as not to leave a way for the Yellow Turban army inside.

In this way, a military taboo has been violated.

Zhang Bao saw that his life was cut off, so he fought back desperately. Although the siege lasted only a few days, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

For this reason, Cao Cao tried to persuade him many times, but Yuan Shao refused to accept it because he was self-willed.

Seeing that Yuan Shao was going to divide his troops to attack Zhongshan County again, Cao Cao couldn't bear it anymore.

"General, the Yellow Turban has a public enmity, and Guo Jia has a personal grievance. Now that the government and army are encircling and suppressing the Yellow Turban, how can the general abolish the public with private interests?"

In Cao Cao's view, it is better to concentrate on Zhang Bao, who first wiped out the giant deer, and after completing the task given by the court, he will send his troops north to find Guo Jia to settle the score.

Although Guo Jia's soldiers are brave, how can they stop the 10,000+ army of the imperial court?


Yuan Shao sneered, and said, "You came from the capital anyway, so why did Guo Jia scare you out of your wits? If you don't want to go, just stay here and take care of the Chinese army. I personally commanded an army of [-] to wipe out Wuji County. "

Said to get up and leave.


Cao Cao stood in front of Yuan Shao again.

"In the beginning, Guo Jia and I had a bitter hatred. It's just that right now is really not the time to attack Guo Jia."

He took a deep breath, and said heavily: "The battle in Julu is very tight, and you are so sparing of troops. This battle has turned into a war of attrition, and it is the time when troops are needed. Now, you want to divide your troops to fight Wuji County? Isn't that right? Putting the cart before the horse? I dare say that you will definitely lose!"

The two grew up with naked buttocks, and Cao Cao couldn't care less if he was in a hurry.

He absolutely disagrees with sending troops to attack Guo Jia now.

Cao A concealed!
Yuan Shao said angrily: "Is the general still asking you to teach how to fight?"

He took a few steps slowly, and said calmly: "The army is short of food and grass, but the court's supplies can't keep up. If this continues, the offensive of the government and the army will not be able to continue at all. I heard that Guo Jia beat the Yellow Turbans to hoard food and grass in Nangong County , Most of these grains are still in Wuji County, and the plan to attack Wuji County is to confiscate some grain and grass for military use."

Yuan Shao, who can become the overlord of later generations, is naturally not a simple character. On the surface, he was provoked by Guo Jia and prepared to attack Wuji County, but in fact he had other considerations.

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Yuan Shao to have such a meaning.


The corners of his mouth twitched for a while.

How could Wuji County be captured so easily?
Last time, he was defeated by Guo Jia with [-] officers and soldiers and a large number of siege equipment.

Especially the earthen pot, which can emit light, set fire to it, and hurt people.

Cao Cao's army was defeated by this thing.

Looking back now, Cao Cao also felt that it was a nightmare.


Cao Cao wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yuan Shao.

"That's it. You are here to stay in the middle army and oversee the siege. I will personally lead 3 people to attack Wuji County."

 The second is more, all kinds of requests!

(End of this chapter)

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