Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 198 Rainy Days and Flood Seasons

Chapter 198 Rainy Days and Flood Seasons
In addition, Zhang Ning received Guo Jia's advice, and sent someone to pass the news to Zhang Bao in Julu City overnight.

She is the saint of the Yellow Turban Way. Although she has left the Yellow Turban Army, she still has some channels.

Zhang Bao paid himself to die, and suddenly received a summons from Zhang Ning, and he was overjoyed.

Zhang Ning didn't say anything about his situation in the news, but only vaguely said that he had a way to make the officers and soldiers suffer a lot.In addition, he was also told that Zhang Yan from Taihang Mountain had led an army of [-] troops out of Changshan Mountain.Their destination is also Julu, which is to rescue Zhang Bao, but Zhang Bao must cooperate.

Zhang Bao naturally agreed.

Although he didn't have a good impression of this niece, it was also an internal problem of the Yellow Turban Dao, and it was still unanimously open to the outside world.

With Zhang Ning's message, Zhang Bao also regained his spirits, and the Yellow Turban soldiers in the entire Julu City also gained confidence.

Because they also got the message that the Holy Maiden will lead an army of [-] to reinforce them in a few days.



Yan Liang was fully clothed and came to Yuan Shao with a big knife in his hand.

"The cavalry is assembled!"

He was originally an official in Nanpi County, Hebei Province, and the Yellow Turban Rebellion was broken up.Later, when Yuan Shao convened the trilogy, he brought his followers to join him, and became Yuan Shao's confidant and beloved general by virtue of his extraordinary martial arts.


Wen Chou's tall figure also appeared in front of Yuan Shao.

"Infantry assembled!"

He and Yan Liang are from the same township, and they are sworn brothers. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, they joined Yuan Shao together.

Now, he has also become the infantry commander of Yuan Shao's trilogy.

very good!

Yuan Shao looked at the [-] majestic troops and nodded in satisfaction.

As a member of the Yuan family in Runan, Yuan Shao's family background is prominent and quite famous, and he is very much supported by heroes from all walks of life.

After the officer paid homage to the captain of the cavalry, Yuan Shao was about to send troops to fight against the Yellow Turban bandits. How could a member of the Yuan family not have a team?

With the financial resources of the Yuan family, Yuan Shao was quickly armed with a private army.

Yan Liangwen Chou also took refuge at this time.

In that era, it was normal for dignitaries to have private soldiers.

Now that Yuan Shao has replaced Huang Fusong as the commander of the army, this private soldier has justifiably become an officer and soldier.

His men also became generals of the official army.

"Soldiers, as an official of the court, Guo Jia has ulterior motives. He is actually a traitor. This general should follow the imperial court's will and the hearts of the soldiers. Lead the army to fight against these traitors. I hope everyone will go forward bravely."

Saying that, Yuan Shao drew out his sword and roared.

The official army will win!

Everyone raised their weapons in unison and shouted: "The officers and soldiers will surely win!"

"Whoever captures Guo Jia alive will be rewarded ten thousand gold and promoted to three ranks."

"Whoever kills Guo Jia will be rewarded with five thousand gold and be promoted to two ranks!"

"Whoever captures the important leader of Guo Jia's subordinates alive will be rewarded with two thousand gold and promoted to a higher rank!"

The Yuan family in Runan is rich and powerful.

This promise immediately mobilized the enthusiasm of [-] officers and soldiers.

Of course, these promises are also easy for the Runan Yuan family.

"Kill Guo Jia, get promoted and get rich!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

Why did they come as soldiers?
It's not for the lofty reason of defending the country and protecting the common people.

The purpose of their military service is actually very simple, it is to fill their stomachs and earn some money to gain fame.

Now's your chance!

General Yuan said that as long as he can kill Guo Jia, or capture his important leaders alive, he will have a chance to be promoted and make a fortune.

Kill Guo Jia, get promoted and get rich!

Everyone roared in unison again, and the sound resounded through the field.

very good!

Yuan Shao nodded in satisfaction, his eyes suddenly fell on a scribe beside him.

"Sir, in this battle, Yuan is relying on you."

General Yuan is polite!

The scribe was covered with a black scarf and dressed in a strange way.

"It is my duty to eradicate rebellion for the country. If you watch the sky at night, there will be continuous cloudy and heavy rain in the next day. Although Guo Jia's magical skills are powerful, he is afraid of water. Once it encounters cloudy and rainy days, he will Useless."

it is good!
Yuan Shao laughed out loud and said, "Now, let's go!"

He also heard about Cao Cao's defeat.

Now fighting in the rainy weather gave him more confidence.

As a result, the army galloped mightily towards Wuji County.


Yuan Shao sent troops?
There are five thousand cavalry, twenty-five thousand infantry, and countless luggage.

After hearing the news, Guo Jia stood up in surprise.

This dude!

With only 3 people, does he really dare to attack Wuji County?

Is it a lesson for not seeing Cao Aman?
It was hopeless.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

Yuan Shao is also the overlord in the future, and with his background and prestige, he will definitely become Guo Jia's opponent.

Now that he personally delivered it to the door, how could Guo Jiayou let it go so easily?

"Come here, hurry up and summon Lu Nu's Xi Zhong, and let him transport the crock bomb."

Guo Jia said excitedly.

With crock bombs and artillery in hand, no matter how many people Yuan Shao came to, it would be useless.

After all, gunpowder cannot be resisted by cold weapons.

In the last battle, Guo Jia captured five large trebuchets, which he transformed into heavy artillery.

There happened to be two of them erected in Wuji County, and a lot of cluster bombs were prepared. He had long wanted to try the power of heavy artillery.

Now it is an excellent opportunity for Yuan Shao to come to his door, this time he will definitely make Yuan Shao unable to eat.

"Come here, send a message quickly and order the Polu army stationed in Wubao to come to Wuji County for reinforcements."

In order to avoid accidents, Guo Jia mobilized his ace infantry-Polu Army.

Yu Jin was training the new army, so Guo Jia didn't interrupt his progress, but just transferred two thousand Polu troops.

Under Yu Jin's training, the Polu Army has already taken shape. Even without Yu Jin's command, it can still carry out the offensive and defensive procedures step by step.

After transferring the Polu Army to Wuji County, Guo Jia finally let go of his heart.

Today's Wuji County already has [-] troops, including Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry, even if they face Yuan Shao's [-] troops, they will not suffer.

Just as Guo Jia was thinking about how to completely annihilate Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses, Ju Shou outside suddenly came sick.

"My lord, it's not good. The flood season is coming."

flood season!

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, wondering what flood season?
Jushou is from Jizhou, and he is very familiar with the geography and hydrology here. He immediately explained: "The Hutuo River is the largest water system at the junction of Zhongshan and Julu County. In summer, there will be floods. Watching the sky at night, I found that the recent It will be cloudy and rainy for a while. Beware of the flood of the Hutuo River!"

Flood, rainy day!

Guo Jia's heart sank suddenly, and he immediately realized a problem.

If Yuan Shao launched an attack on a rainy day, his gunpowder would be useless.

Yuan Shao came here with a lot of confidence, could it be because of this support?
The more Guo Jia thought about it, the more this happened, and his heart couldn't help but sank to the bottom.

If this is the case, this battle will be another difficult one.

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(End of this chapter)

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