Chapter 200

Let's say that Zhao Yun was ordered by Guo Jia to lead two thousand cavalry to Zhending in the rain.

It was raining heavily, the roads were muddy, and it was very difficult for the cavalry to march.

"Brothers, work harder, we must be ahead of Yuan Shao and make sure."

Zhao Yun shouted loudly.

Excellent generals will encourage the morale of their subordinates in due course.

This is charisma!
Zhao Yun is no exception.

Marching in rainy weather was originally a hard job, and the soldiers were miserable, but there was no way around it.

Now it's a race against time, whoever occupies the true determination first will have the initiative.

"General, Jiumen County is ahead, it's getting late, and the brothers are also exhausted, why don't you rest for a night before leaving?"

A general Zuo Jin said.

Zhao Yun nodded slowly.

Even if the people are not tired, the horses are also tired, and they must take a rest before continuing to march.

Jiumen County!
As a real person, he is very familiar with this county.

Legend has it that Lin Xiangru built nine cities, so it got its name.

This is also a large county with a large population, but unfortunately it did not escape the cholera of the Yellow Turbans.

"The army moved forward and set up camp on the high ground to prevent flooding. The whole army was divided into two waves and rested in turn to prevent enemy attacks."

Zhao Yun immediately sent an order.


The general at the side smiled and said, "It's raining heavily now, where else will there be enemy attacks besides us?"

The rest of the generals also laughed.

They also think that Zhao Yun is unnecessary.


Zhao Yun said solemnly: "When marching during the flood season, you must avoid the water. When you set up your camp, you must beware of the enemy's sneak attack. This is the duty of a general. No matter how hasty it is, it must not be negligent."

The general said yes!
All the generals Zuo Wu clasped their fists together, but they didn't think so in their hearts.

With such a heavy rain, the enemy still came to sneak attack, unless they were out of their wits.

The army rested, and there were two teams, one to rest and the other to guard.

Zhao Yun did not rest, and led his personal guards to inspect the camps after dismounting.

In the middle of the night, Wen Chou's cavalry suddenly arrived, and the cavalry in charge of guarding went up immediately. Zhao Yun immediately put on his horse and led the army to meet Wen Chou's cavalry.

Wen Chou rushed into the barracks first with his personal guards.

This time, he waited for work with leisure, and Guo Jia's soldiers and horses were asleep again, so they were bound to suffer a crushing defeat.

This is the first time he has led the army independently.

As long as this cavalry is defeated, Wen Chou will surely make his first contribution.

Thinking of this, Wen Chou couldn't help but get excited, and kept waving the spear in his hand, harvesting the lives of the Zhongshan County soldiers beside him.

But what made him a little puzzled was that although Guo Jia's men rushed to the battle, they did not panic. At least half of them were fully clothed.

It seems that the leader of the army is not mediocre, even during the rest, half of the people were left to watch the night.

But that's okay.

A stern look flashed across Wen Chou's face.


He waved his spear again and led his elite troops into the camp of the Chinese army.

Hold the camp!

A Zhongshan County general commanded his men loudly to block the gap.Although a little embarrassed, but also very calm.

The mantis arm stops the car!

Wen Chou sneered, and suddenly rode his horse and galloped past.

Good to come!
The general saw Wen Chou's banner and knew that it was the leader of the enemy army.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
If he can capture the general in the future, he will naturally be able to rescue his own army.

When the two horses meet, and when they meet, the general will be picked off by Wen Chou, and the man will also fall off the horse.

He is Wen Chou's opponent!
Wen Chou turned his horse's head and rushed over again.

Seeing that one shot could end the life of this general.

At this moment, a group of men and horses rushed over from Diagonal Stab, and a general riding a white horse blocked Wen Chou's killing move with a single shot.


Wen Chou sneered.

The long spear pierced obliquely like electricity.

The opponent's reaction was extremely quick, and the tip of the gun suddenly flicked, making Wen Chou's attack fall through.

Not only that, but the opponent's spear did not use up, but took the opportunity to stab Wen Chou in the ribs.

Wen Chou was slightly surprised.

This man's spear skills were so good that he had no choice but to return the spear.

The use of the gun is just a clever trick.

If you use it as a stick, it is already a low-level vehicle.

However, Wen Chou is born with supernatural power, even if he uses a gun as a stick, it is extremely powerful.

When the sound!

The two guns intersected, sparks splashed, and there was a dull sound.

Wen Chou suddenly felt a numbness in his arms, and then looked at the other party in surprise.

Since Wen Chou's debut, he has rarely met an opponent. A long spear is powerful in Hebei, and it is a typical type of skill and strength.Looking at the entire army, except for his righteous brother Yan Liang, no one is his top general.

Didn't expect to meet an evenly matched opponent in Guo Jia's barracks?

The white horse and the silver gun, the opponent was actually a majestic young man.

"Come and report your name, I will not kill the unknown person!"

Wen Chou rode his horse and stood up, and his subordinates also gathered around.

The one who came was naturally Zhao Yun.

After encountering the attack, he reacted quickly, led the army to various camps, and quickly organized the scattered cavalry.

"Zhongshan Guo Fujun's captain Zhao Yun."

At this moment, Zhongshan's cavalry also recovered, and under the leadership of their respective generals, they got entangled with the enemy.

Zhao Yun!

Wen Chou frowned.

He is from Nanpi.Although it also belongs to Jizhou, it is a little far away, and Zhao Yun's prestige is not clear.

"Guo Jia rebelled against the imperial court with ulterior motives. If today's soldiers are here, why don't you dismount and surrender!"

Wen Chou sneered.

Ha ha!

Zhao Yun retorted: "Since my lord Guo Jia took office, he has been very kind to the people under his rule. Jizhou has ten houses and nine empties, but Zhongshan is prosperous and stable. When my lord fought bloody battles with the Yellow Turban Bandits, you people don't know where they are. Where is the cat? How dare you speak so boldly here now?"

darn thing!

Wen Chou was furious, and rushed over again with his army.

The surprise attack was unsuccessful, but his strength was still superior, and he could fight recklessly.

White horse righteous obedience!

Zhao Yun also roared, and the white horse soldiers around him roared in unison.

The momentum is amazing.

The two sides immediately scuffled together.

Baima Yicong is an elite selected by Zhao Yun from the Zhongshan cavalry. Although there are not many in number, their combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

Although there are only a few hundred people, they are still entangled with Wen Chou's main force.

Wen Chou and Zhao Yun had fought fifty bouts, and he was already exhausted, but the opponent was getting more and more courageous, and he was almost overwhelmed.

In the end, Wen Chou saw that he could not take advantage of it, so he led his army to withdraw.

Although he failed to wipe out the cavalry, the strategic goal was achieved.

After Wen Chou's harassment, Zhao Yun's cavalry had no energy to move on.

With Wen Chou's army in check, Zhao Yun's cavalry could no longer catch up.

The strategy for scrambling for true determination has fallen a step behind.

Zhao Yun didn't chase after him, but sent people to subdue the remnants of the army, while flying horses to report to Guo Jia, and spread the news of the enemy's surprise attack to Wuji County.

(End of this chapter)

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