Chapter 201 Guo Jia's Raiders

Guo Jia stood up in surprise.

He had already received the news that Zhao Yun was attacked in Jiumen County and reached Wuji County.

Yuan Shao actually set up an ambush halfway!
If Zhao Zilong hadn't been cautious, the 2000 cavalry would have been wiped out.

But even so, in the battle between the two sides for the key node of true determination, Guo Jia's family has already fallen into a disadvantage.

Yuan Shao is brilliant!
Guo Jia's eyes narrowed immediately.

Something is wrong!

Yuan Shao shouldn't be so powerful.

Cao Aman once said that Yuan Shaozhi was a man with great ambition but little wisdom, fierce but timid, fearful but little prestige, many soldiers but unclear divisions, arrogant generals but inconsistent government orders.

Originally, Guo Jia didn't take him seriously, but as soon as this person came out, he made a series of tricks, making Guo Jia very passive.

What is going on?

Could it be that his time travel made Yuan Benchu ​​smarter?
Looks like it shouldn't be!

At this moment, Ju Shou came in a hurry.

"My lord, I suddenly remembered something recently. When I was in the barracks, there was a black-clothed scribe beside Yuan Shao, who was respected by Yuan Shao. I must call him Mr. when I was in the military camp. From the perspective of these two strategies, Most likely it came from the hands of Mr. Black."

Ju Shou had also heard about Yuan Shao, and knew that he was just a playboy with a superficial appearance.

But after these two encounters, Ju Shou suddenly discovered that Yuan Shao's methods were very clever, so he became suspicious.

Mr. Black!

Guo Jia just nodded.

now it's right.

In history, Yuan Shao was no match for Cao Aman. Even Cao Aman was defeated by himself, so how could Yuan Shao be so powerful.

Most likely someone was grabbing a knife from behind.

But, who is this Mr. in black?
Although it can't be said to be exhaustive, it can be regarded as a sure hit.

"My lord, General Zhao is blocked and cannot go to Zhending as planned. Once Yuan Shao occupies Zhending to store water and block the river, Wuji County will be flooded. According to my subordinates, we should return to Lu Nu first." .”

Jushou said worriedly.

This is also no way.

After the army left Wuji County, the rest were the local people, and the officers and soldiers would naturally not flood the downstream with water.

Most of them will not start with the people.


Guo Jia smiled coldly.

If he quit today, he would lose the support of the people of Wuji County.

So he would rather die than retreat!

"Things haven't reached that point yet."

Guo Jia waved his hand!

Although Yuan Shao occupies the real position and has the advantage of upstream, building a dam to block the river is not so easy to operate.

Besides, Guo Jia is not unprepared.

The black-clothed scribe has a strategy to attack the places he must save, so how could he, Guo Jia, not have this consideration?

"Order Zhao Yun to garrison where he is, and keep an eye on Yuan Shao's cavalry. Flood warnings are issued throughout the city, and the people are ordered to strengthen the city walls, prepare more sand bags, and prevent floods at any time."

Guo Jia said in a low voice.

Ju Shou hesitated for a moment. Although Guo Jia made a lot of preparations, he was passive after all.

Besides, once Yuan Shao stored the flood and released the water, he would naturally not stop until Wuji County was flooded.

rest assured!

A cold light flashed across Guo Jia's eyes.

"He won't be able to stay in Changshan."

Jushou was puzzled.

What is the situation.

Guo Jia didn't answer, but sneered.


Julu County.

The offensive and defensive sides are still going on.

It's strange to say that the weather in Jizhou is so weird. It is raining continuously in Wuji County, but there is not a drop of rain here.

Cao Cao, who succeeded Yuan Shao, was very strategic. He did not follow Yuan Shao's practice of not showing mercy to officers and soldiers. Instead, he divided the attacking army into several teams and attacked the city in turn.

Although the intensity is not as good as the whole siege, the casualties are greatly reduced.

Zhang Bao in the city also gritted his teeth and persisted, desperately letting his subordinates guard the city.

Because my niece Zhang Ning said that reinforcements will arrive soon.

Both the official army and the Yellow Turban Army are very exhausted now. As long as the Yellow Turban Army can persist until the arrival of reinforcements, they will be able to last until the end.

When the two sides were fiercely attacking and defending, a military horse suddenly sneaked out from Taihang Mountain and entered Julu County through a well.

It was Zhang Yan's 3 horses who came to help Huang Jindao under Guo Jia's order this time.

Zhang Yan set off from Zhongshan with the army, passed through the trails on the mountain, traveled through several counties, and finally arrived at the destination.

Taihang Mountain is a dangerous place for outsiders, but for them it is their own back garden.These people are all bandits from the Taihang Mountains. They have lived in the mountains all year round and are very familiar with the Taihang Mountains.

Therefore, it took Zhang Yanzhi a short time to quietly reach Julu County.

In order to save time, the 3 horses are all infantry, and they are all Jianyong who live in the mountains all year round.

Behind Zhang Yan, the leaders of the bandits in Taihang Mountain gathered.

After the last accident, these people were convinced by Guo Jia and were willing to be driven by him.

There is also a scribe next to Zhang Yan, who is Man Chong.

He was also ordered by Guo Jia to stay by Zhang Yan's side, firstly to give Zhang Yan an idea, and secondly to monitor Zhang Yan.

"Mr. Berning! We're on the flank of the officers."

Zhang Yan said excitedly.

They came all the way along the trail in the mountains, and the surrounding counties didn't realize it, so the officers and soldiers naturally didn't know.

If they rushed out suddenly, they would surely catch the officers and soldiers by surprise.

not busy!

Man Chong waved his hand suddenly.

Just some time ago, Guo Jia suddenly sent someone to deliver a letter to Man Chong, and sent him some small crock bombs, asking them to make a surprise attack on the officers and soldiers.

Although there is no trebuchet, it can also be ignited and thrown from a short distance.

"Some time ago, Mr. Guo sent someone to send a message and prepared some powerful things for us. They were all brought by the Golden Armored God."

Man Chong suddenly lowered his voice.

Golden Armored General!

Hearing this name, all the thieves were shocked.

Right now, Zhao Dahammer has been forged by Guo Jia to be the patron saint of Zhongshan. He can swallow clouds and mist, call wind and rain, and is so powerful that he can kill hundreds of thousands of yellow scarves with a single blow.

The reason why the bandits in Taihang Mountain took refuge in Guo Jia so smoothly is also related to the prestige of Zhao Dahammer.

Killing [-] yellow scarf gods with one blow, although they are numerous in Taihang Mountain, it is still a matter of several blows for them.

Many people have also seen Zhao Dahammer's bravery with their own eyes, but just standing there, they are so scared that they dare not move.

Man Chong demonstrated it himself, lit the earthen pot in his hand, and threw it out.


All the thieves turned pale with fright.

Gunpowder was still a foreign thing to them.

In their eyes, apart from the thunder in the sky, that is, this thing can explode.

As expected of a god general, it's amazing!

Everyone was convinced.


With a wave of Man Chong's hand, he distributed the earthen pots, and 3 people took advantage of the night to touch the camp of the officers and soldiers.

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(End of this chapter)

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