Chapter 202
Boom, boom!
Zhang Yan's army rushed into the official army's camp in the dark.

Each of the death squads in the lead carried a basket containing crock bombs provided by Guo Jia.

While igniting the fire, dropping the bomb.

This kind of small hand-thrown bomb has limited power and more of a deterrent effect.

However, many camps of the officers and soldiers were burned.

The officers and soldiers were in confusion.

"Where is the riot!"

Cao Cao walked out of the tent while putting on his clothes.

Although he ordered the army to attack the city in turn, even so, the army was very tired.

In the same way, the Yellow Turban Army in the city should be even more exhausted, and they simply have no ability to attack the official army at night.

So Cao Cao only sent a small number of troops to guard the Yellow Turban Army in the city.


A general Zuo Lian ran over.

"It's not good, it's not good, Guo Jia's army is coming, and there are those demons."

This person is also a survivor of the last battle in Wuji County, and he has seen the power of those crock bombs in Guo Jia's hands.

So as soon as I saw these explosive things, I immediately realized that it was Guo Jia who had come.

Guo Jia!

Cao Cao almost fell to the ground.

It is said that since Cao Aman's debut, he has suffered a defeat at the hands of Guo Jia, and it was a big defeat.

Especially those mysterious earthen pots in his hands, but they are extremely sharp.

So far, Cao Cao still has a big shadow.

Guo Jia came, which meant that Yuan Benchu ​​was defeated.

Cao Cao immediately realized this possibility.

"Hold the camp, keep the camp!"

Cao Cao roared angrily, commanding his subordinates to restore the decline.

But the officers and soldiers have been stunned by these bombs, and they are also very tired after days of siege, so how can they still have the courage to fight.

Most people collapse at the first touch, and there is no decent resistance at all.

It's not their fault, where have they seen the power of crock bombs?
Defeat like a mountain!
Cao Cao was simply unable to support himself, and tasted the taste of failure again.

"Reinforcements are coming, reinforcements are coming!"

Zhang Bao in the city had been watching the movement outside, and now seeing the defeat of the government army, he was naturally overjoyed.

"Leave the city, counterattack, and destroy the official army!"

Zhang Bao roared angrily, opened the city gate and chased after the rout of the officers and soldiers.

These days, he has been surrounded and beaten by the officers and soldiers, and he has a stomach full of evil fire.

With the addition of the Yellow Turban Army, the defense line of the official army was defeated more quickly.

Zhang Yan's sudden attack by the bandits in the Taihang Mountains completely bankrupted the government's plan to encircle Julu. The 10,000+ people were defeated and suffered heavy losses all the way. It was not until Guangzong Huangfusong heard the news that he came to gather the defeated soldiers that he gained a firm footing.But it has already lost more than half.


Julu's battle situation is overwhelmingly good, but the situation in Wuji County is not good at the moment.

After Yuan Shao occupied Zhending, he immediately built a dam to store water. When the water level reached a certain level, the dam immediately broke down and caused a flood.

Wuji County in the lower reaches was the first to be affected, and soon fell into the flood.

Fortunately, Guo Jia had already made preparations. The army and people in the city braved the rain to fight the flood.

"Quickly block the city gate, strengthen the city wall, and don't let the flood rush in!"

In the heavy rain, Guo Jia's command was determined.

Beside him, countless soldiers and civilians are desperately carrying sandbags to contain the raging flood.


Xu Shu and Ju Shou came to him with their trouser legs arm in arm.

The faces of the two were very serious.

They were not as confident as Guo Jia.

"The flood control wall has been washed away, and the three surrounding earth hills are also crumbling, and most of them will not be able to support the second round of flood."

Xu Shu said worriedly.

In order to deal with Yuan Shao's water attack, they also racked their brains, not only reinforced the base around the city wall, but also dug several diversion channels, and piled three mounds upstream.

When the upstream flood came, these measures played a big role. The mound blocked the impact of the flood, and the aqueduct diverted the flood, reducing the impact on the city.

However, covering with water and soil is a passive method after all, and Yuan Shao upstream can completely store and release water many times.

These measures simply cannot sustain a few times.

The best way at present is to leave Wuji County and retreat to Lunu City to avoid the impact of the flood.


Ju Shou also said in a low voice: "It's too late to withdraw now. We have tried our best, and I believe that the people in Wuji County will not complain about us."

Indeed, Guo Jia has led the officers and soldiers to fight for several days.


Guo Jia wiped the water from his face and said, "Why are we retreating?"

Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army has already arrived at Julu, and under the command of Man Chong, it will definitely deal a fatal blow to the officers and soldiers, not to mention that they also carry a lot of crock bombs.

This is a serial robbery.

With the help of the mysterious black-clothed scribe, Yuan Shao seized the opportunity, won Zhending, and gained the initiative.

Guo Jia fell into a disadvantage.

But Guo Jia is not without countermeasures. He has sent Man Chong and Zhang Yan to lead the army to sneak into the flanks of the Julu army, and launch a surprise attack while the army is attacking the city. He will definitely be able to defeat the army. .

As long as the official army is defeated, the situation here will be reversed.

Yuan Shao became a lone army and went deep.

As a dude, he would not be in danger.

Yuan Shaoming's safety is in danger, while Guo Jia's is in danger.

Guo Jia suddenly pointed in the upstream direction.

"Now I'm going to take a bet with Yuan Shao to see who can persevere to the end."

In war, resourcefulness is really important, but will is also an important part.

In many cases, it is even the key to determining victory or defeat.

He has the confidence to spend with Yuan Shao.


Xu Shu hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "What if Yuan Shao is determined to flood Wuji County?"

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

if it is like this!
Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said word by word: "Then I, Guo Jia, will live and die with Wuji County!"

Since it is a gamble, there are risks.

Who can have a smooth sailing?

Seeing Guo Jia's confident smile, Xu Shu and Ju Shou glanced at each other, then suddenly fell to their knees.

"The subordinates are willing to follow the lord, and vow to live and die with Wuji County."

Behind them, all the soldiers also knelt down on the ground.

"I follow the lord for reasons, and swear to live and die with Wuji County."

Although the wind and rain were strong, it was difficult to conceal the voices of the people.

"My lord! We are willing to follow your lord and vow to live and die with Wuji County."

The people also fell to their knees, and everyone burst into tears.

The reason why Guo Jia did not retreat was that on the one hand, he did not want to lose Wuji County, a strategically important place, and on the other hand, he was reluctant to part with these people.

Once the army leaves, this place will inevitably fall under the iron hooves of Yuan Shao's army.

Guo Jia treats the people like flesh and blood, how can these people refuse to die?

"Folks, please stand up!"

Guo Jia hastily helped everyone up.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shu and Ju Shou also nodded.

The time is not as good as the place, and the place is not as good as the harmony of people.

Although they lost their geographical advantage in this battle, they gained precious people and peace.

Mr. Guo Fu is indeed a generation of benevolent monarchs.

It's not worth their allegiance.

Just then, an excited voice came.

"Victorious, the Yellow Turban Army has won, the official army has been defeated, the official army has been defeated!"

(End of this chapter)

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