Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 204 Guo Jia's Counterattack

Chapter 204 Guo Jia's Counterattack

Yuan Shao withdrew his troops.

After all, he is a false hero, without the courage to fight Guo Jia to the death.

If he is willing to follow the advice of the scribes in black and stick to Zhending, and Wuji County will be flooded, it won't take long for Guo Jia to be unable to hold on.

At that time, if the army tried its best to cover up and kill them, Guo Jia would definitely return in defeat.

But Yuan Shao didn't dare.

He came from a noble family and had a bright future, so he didn't want to take risks here.

As a result, the [-] troops immediately packed up and prepared to detour back to Guangzong.

Although the scribes in black strongly opposed it, but Yuan Shao had made up his mind, and he was powerless.

However, he still suggested to leave Yan Liang and two thousand cavalry to join Wen Chou's cavalry to prevent the enemy from chasing him, but Yuan Shao still refused.

Yuan Shao believed that Wen Chou's [-] cavalry was enough, and there was no need to keep Yan Liang.

Besides, he also needs some cavalry to guard.

"Yuan Shao withdrew his troops?"

Soon Guo Jia got the news, and a hanging heart finally fell.

Yuan Shao finally didn't have the guts to stay and gamble.

If he really stays, the outcome is really unpredictable.


A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

Once Yuan Shao withdrew like this, the balance of victory had already tilted towards Guo Jia.

With such a long distance from Zhending to Guangzong, and the two obstacles of the Yellow Turban Army and Zhang Yan's Taihang Mountain bandits, it would be very difficult for Yuan Shao to safely bring the [-] troops back to Guangzong.


Xu Shu, Jushou and Guan Zhang came forward.

Yuan Shao's retreat means that the crisis in Wuji County has been passed safely.

They still persisted to the end.

The next step is to fight back.

It is said that after being flooded by Yuan Shao for so long, everyone held their breath.

"Long Yun!"

Guo Jia suddenly said: "Zilong is entangled with Wen Chou at Jiumen. I will give you two thousand cavalry and set off to Jiumen immediately to help Zilong defeat Wen Chou."

Although Guo Jia was not very superstitious, Guan Yu was sent out this time by a strange coincidence.

In the original plot, Chinese Chou was killed by Guan Erye.

I hope that Erye Guan will live up to expectations and can show his power and defeat Wen Chou.

Guan Yu was overjoyed.

Since joining Guo Jia, he has been stationed in Wuji County with Zhang Fei, and this is the first time he has led the army alone, and it is also a cavalry.


Zhang Fei also said eagerly: "This subordinate is also willing to help the second brother."

He also wanted to make a difference.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled, but did not agree, his eyes suddenly fell on Xu Shu who was beside him.

"Yuanzhi, are you interested in traveling long distances with Yunchang?"

Defeating Wen Chou is not the goal, but joining Zhao Yun to pursue Yuan Shao's army is Guo Jia's real goal.

Although Guan Yu and Zhao Yun are brave, they still need a master to strategize in the future.

Looking at the entire Wuji County, only Jushou and Xu Shu are suitable, but Jushou has not recovered from his injury some time ago, and the long journey may be a bit difficult.Therefore, the best candidate in Guo Jia's mind is Xu Shu.

Xu Shu is capable of both civil and martial arts, and is physically strong, so it is no problem to travel long distances.

"I have a wish, but I dare not ask for it!"

Xu Shu hurriedly cupped his fists and said.

Guo Jia suddenly pulled Xu Shu's arm, and said meaningfully: "Yuan Zhi, whether Yuan Shao can be eliminated in this battle depends on you."

Xu Shu was very excited, clasped his fists again and said, "My lord, I will definitely do my best."

Although Yuan Shao retreated, he still had [-] troops.

Xu Shu and Zhao Yun had less than four thousand cavalry.

It was difficult for [-] cavalry to wipe out [-] troops, so Guo Jia asked Xu Shu to go out.

Xu Shu has a heavy responsibility on this trip.

The two bid farewell to Guo Jia and immediately set off in command of the cavalry.


Guo Jia suddenly asked: "How many cavalry are there in Wuji County?"

Ju Shou made some calculations and said, "There are still three hundred!"

As the bridgehead connecting Zhongshan to the Central Plains, Wuji County is an important town, and cavalry is naturally indispensable.

Although it cannot be compared with Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong, it is also an indispensable force in Wuji County.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

"These [-] cavalry are requisitioned by me. I will take people to Julu City overnight."

Jushou couldn't help being surprised.

Although the army suffered a disastrous defeat, Julu is still in Zhang Bao's hands at the moment, and the relationship between the two parties is far from friendly. Isn't Guo Jia throwing himself into a trap by going this time?

But he also understood what Guo Jia meant.

Only [-] cavalry are not enough to destroy Yuan Shao's [-] troops, even if they are transferred from Lu Nu, the only ones that can be used are Julu's Yellow Turban Bandit and Zhang Yan's Taihang Mountain Bandit.

If the two forces set up obstacles in front, it would be extremely difficult for Yuan Shao's army to pass through smoothly.Moreover, Yuan Shao's army was mostly infantry and walked slowly. If Guo Jia moved forward on Qingqi, he would definitely be able to reach the giant deer in front of them.


Ju Shou couldn't help shaking his head.

This time Guo Jia only brought [-] cavalry, if Zhang Bao and others were malicious, wouldn't Guo Jia be extremely dangerous.


Ju Shou hurriedly dissuaded him: "As the coach of Zhongshan, you must not move lightly, and the subordinates are willing to take it for you."

Said to leave.

Public and!

Guo Jia grabbed his sleeve again.

"Wuji County was hit by floods, and we need people like you who are proficient in internal affairs to deal with the aftermath. Besides, your injuries have not yet healed, so you simply cannot bear this long journey."


Ju Shou wanted to say something else.

But was interrupted by Guo Jia, who only heard him say indifferently: "This is an order!"

At the critical moment, he still showed the posture of the superior.

Ju Shou took the sign, suddenly let out a long sigh, and stopped talking.

That's right!
A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.


He suddenly warned: "Chang Yun has left, and the defense of the entire Wuji County will fall on you. You must do your best to assist Mr. Gong and Mister in dealing with the aftermath."

Don't worry, my lord!
Although he was a little regretful for not being able to go to the battle, Zhang Fei still patted his chest and took it with all his strength.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

"Dian Wei!"

Subordinates are here!
Dian Wei's tall figure appeared in front of him.

"Take the Tiger Guards, let's go!"

Now that it was raining continuously, the artillery battalion could not be used naturally, but Guo Jia still asked his subordinates to bring a lot of crock bombs in case they were not needed.

Just when Guo Jia's three hundred cavalry were about to leave.

Suddenly a horse galloped over, and it was Zhang Ning who was fluttering in white.

"Guo Jia!"

She came up panting.

After this period of training, this girl is already obedient to Guo Jia.

"I want to go to Julu with you!"

She also learned the news from Jushao.

This is also Jushou's little thought.

Guo Jia has always been a little worried about taking such a small number of people to Julu. If the saint of the Yellow Turban Dao follows, he should be more on the safe side.

Seeing that Zhang Ning was so considerate of himself, Guo Jia naturally had no reason to refuse, and immediately set off with Zhang Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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