Chapter 205 Wen Chou's Defeat
Jiumen County!
Zhao Yun calmly looked in the direction of the other side.

On the other side is Wen Chou's cavalry.

A sudden flood separated the armies of both sides on the opposite bank.

But that's good, at least you won't worry about the other party rushing over in a short time.

Since Wen Chou's sneak attack failed last time, although Zhao Yun suffered a slight loss, he still tenaciously withstood the opponent's attack and saved the cavalry.

The two sides entered the confrontation stage.

Wen Chou's purpose is to hold Zhao Yun back and prevent him from reaching Zhending smoothly.

Therefore, he has been closely monitoring Zhao Yun.

Although his military strength is slightly superior, he is not sure to swallow Zhao Yun's army.

These days, the two sides have been confronting each other on both sides of the strait, and there have been occasional small-scale contacts, but no conflicts have occurred.


A general came to Zhao Yun's side.

"The water flow has obviously slowed down in the past few days. Could it be that Yuan Shao has started to store water?"

Zhao Yun nodded.

Yuan Shao's water storage above caused floods to be very destructive to the downstream.

Even the cavalry must be prepared.

Originally, according to the plan, Zhao Yun was going to Zhending, but due to the entanglement of the Wen Chou cavalry, he had to slow down.

This section of the riverbed cannot stop Wen Chou.

But Zhao Yun was a little strange again.

It stands to reason that Wen Chou has already gained the upper hand, why hasn't there been any movement in the past two days?
At this moment, a group of scouts suddenly came galloping.

"General, good news. Yuan Shao has retreated. My lord has been able to send Mr. Xu and General Guan to help. Mr. Xu asked us to send a message to General Zhao, asking us to hold back Wen Chou's cavalry, and they went to chase Yuan Shao's rear army."

Hearing the news, Zhao Yun was overjoyed.

No wonder Wen Chou has been standing still. It turned out that Yuan Shao had retreated.

Yuan Shao retreated, and Wen Chou's task became to protect the rear of the army and prevent the opponent's cavalry from chasing.

That's why Wen Chou has been on hold for the past two days.

The whole army!

Zhao Yun pointed his spear suddenly, and said, "Cross the river, attack Wen Chou's army, and buy time for General Guan and the others."


Baima Yicong's spirit was shaken, and he rode his horse across the river one after another.

Overwhelmed by Wen Chou these past few days, they had already held their breath.

not good!

Wen Chou immediately noticed Zhao Yun's change.

"Did they find out?"

He had already received Yuan Shao's order to lead the cavalry to protect the rear army and prevent the opponent's cavalry from attacking.

"Gather the whole army, entangle them, and never let them rush over!"

Wen Chou also gave a loud cry, and led his army to meet him.

As long as Zhao Yun's cavalry is entangled, Yuan Shao's army can retreat safely.

The two sides fought together again.

Bai Mayi rode finely against the officers and soldiers, and the moment the two sides came into contact, a real fire broke out.

In terms of strength, Baima Yicong is superior, because they are all elites selected by Zhao Yun from the county soldiers.

But the number of cavalry of the officers and soldiers is higher than that of Baima Yicong.

Zhao Yun and Wen Chou fought together again.

This is the second time the two have met.

Bang bang bang!
Both of them are spear masters, and they are evenly matched after several fights.

"Wen Chou!"

Zhao Yun suddenly laughed and said: "Your master's [-] troops have all run away. What's the use of your troops staying here? It's better to dismount and surrender early. My master, Mr. Guo Fu, is a man who loves talents, so he might give it to you." You are an official."

Wen Chou sneered and said, "Guo Jia is just a traitor, and he will be put down by the imperial army sooner or later. Your Excellency is a character, but it's a pity that he recognizes a thief as his father. It's a pity for this ability."

Wen Chou also admired Zhao Yun's ability very much.

The two were talking, but they didn't stop their hands. They were still fighting with guns and guns.


Zhao Yun sneered and said, "My lord just settled the banditry in Zhongshan, defeated 10,000+ Yellow Turbans, and took in millions of refugees from the surrounding area. How could he ever feel sorry for the imperial court? Now the imperial court listens to slander and slanders my lord as a rebel. To let a brat like Yuan Shao The boy led the army, and he really destroyed the Great Wall. Today, he will not escape the pursuit of my Zhongshan army."

Wen Chou was immediately speechless.

He is a military general, and he doesn't know much about the affairs of the court.

Yuan Shao said Guo Jia was rebellious, so he thought Guo Jia was rebellious.

As for whether Guo Jia was rebellious, he didn't know.

"Stop talking nonsense! I will be ordered to cut off the queen, and I will definitely not let you rush over again."

Wen Chou said swearingly.

He is confident to intercept Zhao Yun's cavalry.

After all, his army is numerically superior.

is it?

Zhao Yun smiled lightly, and said, "I'm afraid you'll be happy for nothing. We Zhongshan cavalry are not the only ones in my team."

Wen Chou was taken aback.

Seeing that Wen Chou was slow, Zhao Yun laughed and said, "Actually, it's okay to tell you, my righteous brother Guan Yu has already led four thousand cavalry to chase after Yuan Shao's rear army."

Wen Chou finally panicked.

If there are other cavalry in Zhongshan to catch up, then it is meaningless for him to entangle with Zhao Yun here.

Retreat, retreat!
Wen Chou parried Zhao Yun's spear, turned his horse's head and retreated.

He wants to rush to the rear army immediately and guard the rear side of the army.

But the two sides are intertwined, how can they be separated for a while?

Wen Chou gritted his teeth and cut it off himself, only then was he able to escape from Zhao Yun's siege.

Even so, nearly a thousand cavalrymen still fell into the siege of Zhao Yun's cavalry.

Seeing that Wen Chou had escaped, Zhao Yun didn't chase after him, but ordered his subordinates to divide and encircle the cavalry, and eat them with superior force.

The cavalry is a flexible and mobile unit, and it is not an easy task to encircle and wipe out. Now Wen Chou, in order to rush to Yuan Shao's rear army as soon as possible, left one-third of the troops with pain, how can Zhao Yun not accept it?
Naturally, it is a feast for the eyes and eliminates nearly a thousand cavalrymen.


Finally got rid of it.

Seeing that Zhao Yun did not follow, Wen Chou let out a sigh of relief.

Although he paid the price of a thousand cavalry, he finally got rid of Zhao Yun's entanglement, which was also worth it.

"The whole army, move forward quickly! Get to the rear of the army as soon as possible."

Wen Chou roared angrily, and rode his horse forward quickly.

He wanted to join Yuan Shao's army in front of the Zhongshan cavalry.

After walking for half a day, some people were exhausted, but Zhao Yun had been left far away. Wen Chou ordered everyone to get off their horses and rest, and eat something by the way.

Before everyone's buttocks were warmed up, they heard a vibration from the ground.

Is the enemy coming after you?

Wen Chou looked behind in surprise.


Zhao Yun did not catch up.


The sound of hooves came from the south.

Could it be that Yan Liang came for reinforcements?
Hope suddenly rose in Wen Chou's heart.

To the south is Yuan Shao's rear army, and only brother Yan Liang has such a large cavalry.

Just as Wen Chou was waiting eagerly, the cavalry from the south finally arrived.

When he saw the leader's banner, he couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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