Chapter 206
Because there is a big flag of Guanzi flying above.

It's not Yan Liang, it's Guo Jia's army.

"Get on the horse and meet the enemy!"

Wen Chou was horrified.

Too bad it's too late!

The leading general, with red phoenix eyes and silkworm brows, and a face like a jujube, is Guan Yu.

"Thief general, take your life!"

Guan Yu swung his sword and led his army to rush over.Like a tiger descending a mountain, he rushed into Wen Chou's team.

Wen Chou exhausted all his strength to take Guan Yu's knife just now.

"Okay! Take another knife from a certain family!"

Guan Yu yelled, and the second saber round lasted for a month and a half like a Wen Chou attack.

not good!

Wen Chou had no choice but to bite the bullet and hold his gun to take it.

So strong!

Wen Chou trembled and almost fell off the horse.

The third knife is coming!

Guan Yu suddenly lifted the reins, and the horse's head jumped up suddenly, taking advantage of the momentum and swung the saber again.

This knife has already used horsepower, and its strength is very powerful.

Wen Chou and his horse were knocked back a few steps, his arms were numb, and his chest was so sweet that he almost spurted blood.

This red-faced man was so lucky, he tried his best to block the three stabs, and the fourth stab could not be blocked by anything.

When will you not go now?


Wen Chou leaned on the horse's back, turned the horse's head and fled immediately. Fortunately, he was riding a good horse, otherwise he might not have died here.

Guan Yu glanced at Wen Chou in surprise.

Looking around the world, there are not many who can make the second master thunder three times, but this ugly man is really skilled.

It's a pity that Guan Yu's mount is average. If he had a fast horse, he would definitely be able to catch up and chop him off.

Forget it, run and run.

Wen Chou has a good horse, just run away.But his men were not so lucky.

They had just driven for a long time, and they were exhausted by now, how could they stop the second master's divine power?
Guan Yu led the cavalry to charge back and forth for a while, Wen Chou's cavalry was already scattered, and the rest all dismounted and surrendered.

Half of the more than 2000 people were killed or injured, and nearly a thousand people surrendered.

Have a great time!

Guan Yu withdrew his troops, stroked his beard and smiled.

This was his first time leading troops, and Guan Yu was also very pleased with how good he was able to achieve.

"Yun Chang, you are really a tiger general!"

Xu Shu rode his horse to Guan Yu's side and raised his thumb.

Guan Yu has a fiery personality, with a kind of power from the inside out, which makes the enemy frightened.


Guan Yu's face showed color, but he was still humble a few times.

Others are fine, this Xu Shu is someone he admires.

"It's all due to the master's command, and a certain family is just doing their best."

It turned out that Xu Shu had made a plan when he sent troops.

There are not many soldiers and elites, and their [-] soldiers and horses are of limited use in chasing Yuan Shao's [-] troops.On the contrary, it is better to concentrate our forces to eat Wen Chou's cavalry.

Yuan Shao without cavalry is like a tiger without teeth, and he is a live target for cavalry along the way.

So Xu Shu first pretended to be chasing Yuan Shao's rear army, and tricked Wen Chou to return to the south, and then came to surprise Wen Chou's army while waiting for work.

After Wen Chou's defeat, the [-] cavalry behind him were finished.

Without the support of cavalry, Yuan Shao's infantry would be a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.Sooner or later, it will be the soul of the dead under the sword of the cavalry.

After a while, Zhao Yun also chased up with his cavalry.

He has successfully wiped out the thousand cavalry.

The two sides joined forces and continued to pursue Yuan Shao's rear army.


Let's say that Guo Jia led five hundred cavalry to run wildly day and night, and within a day came to the outside of Julu City.

Guo Jia did not enter the city, but went to Zhang Yan's camp outside the city first.

When going to Zhang Yan's camp, Guo Jia did not reveal his identity, but only said that Zhongshan had news for Man Chong.

Hearing the news, Man Chong immediately came out to welcome him.

When he saw Guo Jia, he couldn't help being surprised.

"My lord, why are you here in person?"

He glanced left and right, saw that no one had noticed, and then led Guo Jia and others into the barracks.

"Where's Zhang Yan?"

Guo Jia glanced left and right, and found that the defense in the camp was very loose, and the thieves in Taihang Mountain were also loose.

Man Chong hesitated for a moment, then said: "Since defeating the officers and soldiers, Zhang Bao immediately sent people to win over Zhang Yan. There was a big banquet every three days and a small banquet every five days. There were countless gold, silver and jewels. The bosses, big and small, also received a lot of rewards." .Now Zhang Yan has already called Zhang Bao brothers."

He complained: "My lord, you shouldn't have come. In case something goes wrong, what should I do?"

The grievances between Zhang Bao and Guo Jia are too deep, and it cannot be explained in one sentence or two.

Now that Zhang Yan is flirting with Zhang Bao, if Guo Jia's identity is leaked, it will be bad if the two have strange thoughts.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I can't do Zhang Baonai."

As he spoke, he led people into Zhang Yan's camp.

In the past few days, Zhang Yan has been entertained by Zhang Bao, and she gets drunk every day.

There is no defense in the camp, and the entire giant deer is theirs right now, who dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head?
Just as Zhang Yan was lying in the big tent, having fun with the women sent by Zhang Bao, a group of people suddenly broke in.

Zhang Yan was taken aback for a moment, then his face became ugly.

"Get out!"

He didn't expect someone in his camp to be so obstinate and disturb his rest at this moment.

The visitor just smiled coldly and said, "General Feiyan is so elegant."

This voice is so familiar!
Zhang Yan couldn't help but wiped his eyes, and looked at the person carefully. When he saw the person clearly, he couldn't help but tremble, and immediately sobered up.

"It turns out that it is the lord of the palace. If the lord is here, and the subordinates are late to welcome you, I hope you will forgive me!"

When it was clear that it was Guo Jia who came personally, Zhang Yan immediately scrambled and crawled to Guo Jia's knees.

The two women were frightened and knelt down behind him.

Now that Zhang Yan has taken refuge in Guo Jia, Guo Jia is his lord.

It's just that Zhang Yan didn't expect Guo Jia to appear in front of him so suddenly.

Guo Jia said indifferently: "Don't dare! Now General Feiyan has made great achievements in defeating the official army, and he is favored by Zhang Bao. It is also a golden bead and a beauty. It is far more comfortable than being under Guo's command. Feiyan Why should the general lower himself?"

Zhang Yan was terrified.

Guo Jia's remarks vaguely accused him of getting too close to Zhang Bao.

Now the people around this lord look even more unfriendly, if he answers a little poorly, he might be decapitated.

"My lord, since I, Zhang Yan, recognize you as my master, I will never betray you for the rest of my life. No matter how much Zhang Bao gives, I, Zhang Yan, will not be tempted."

Zhang Yan became ruthless, and suddenly turned around and pressed the necks of the two women, with a click, the two of them disappeared immediately.

He brought out several boxes again.

"It was given by Zhang Bao every time, and the subordinates did not dare to tamper with it. Now it is handed over to the lord."

(End of this chapter)

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