Chapter 207

Zhang Yan is also a smart person, and immediately expressed his attitude.

He also knew very well in his heart that Guo Jia was his lord and Zhang Bao was just a bandit leader. If it wasn't for Guo Jia's appeasement, he would have been wiped out by the government and army long ago.

Even if he survived, it would be just lingering on his last breath, and naturally he couldn't compare with Guo Jia.

Therefore, he must face the attitude.

Sure enough, Guo Jia's face looked much better.

"Why is this necessary?"

Guo Jia stretched out his hand to support Zhang Yan.

"These two beauties are not bad, it would be a pity to kill them!"

When Zhang Yan got up, she suddenly felt chilly. It turned out that her back was soaked in cold sweat.

Guo Jia ignored him, but came to those golden beads with a smile.

"It seems that Zhang Bao has really collected a lot of things over the years?"

Zhang Yan hurriedly said: "If the lord likes it, these subordinates will honor you."

Now he desperately hopes to restore Guo Jia's trust in him.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

As the lord of Zhongshan, these gold, silver and jewels are naturally ignored by him.

"If you have meritorious service in defeating officers and soldiers, you will naturally be rewarded for meritorious service. Give these jewels to your brothers!"

Yes Yes Yes!
Zhang Yan immediately ordered: "Come here, the lord has an order to carry out these jewels and give them to brothers."

Although he was a bit reluctant, he didn't dare to say no.

Soon, the jewel reward went down.

"My lord is mighty, and my lord is mighty!"

The crowd cheered in unison.

They have long regarded themselves as officers and soldiers.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

just now!

Guo Jia suddenly said to Zhang Yan: "Go and get Zhang Bao's head."

Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Guo Jia in puzzlement, but when he saw that he was smiling but not smiling, his heart sank again.

It seems that the prefect still doesn't trust him.

"My lord, don't worry, my subordinates will hold a banquet for Zhang Bao tonight, and then..."

Zhang Yan made a cutting gesture.

Now he has to express his attitude again.

He will do whatever Guo Jia asks him to do.

Guo Jia asked him to chop whoever he wanted.

This is what a loyal subordinate should do.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

"Then I will wait and see!"

Originally, he planned to let Zhang Bao live for a few more days, but this fellow dared to poach his corner, he was really impatient.

Fortunately, Zhang Yan is still loyal, and Zhang Bao can only give a limited amount, and the two of them did not spark, otherwise Guo Jiake would suffer a big loss.

That being the case, then get rid of Zhang Bao, anyway, Guo Jia's goal has been achieved.

Zhang Yan clasped her fists again, retreated, and immediately went to make preparations.


Man Chong fell to the ground with a bow, and said sincerely: "I respect you."

He didn't expect Guo Jia to hit Zhang Yan so straightforwardly.

It takes a fair amount of confidence and certainty.

A little carelessness can wipe out the whole army.

After all, this is Zhang Yan's camp.

In case Zhang Yan had something different, Guo Jia would be in danger.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

He is still very clear about Zhang Yan's thoughts.

Zhang Yan is no ordinary mountain king.

Throughout the history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only three lords who started as thieves and became regulars in the end. One is Han Sui, the other is Zhang Lu, and the other is Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan also has ambitions. He wants to be recognized by the court and wants to separate one side and become a prince.

Of course, Zhang Bao couldn't give him these hopes.

Now the only one who can give him is Guo Jia.

Therefore, right now he will not betray Guo Jia.

"Let's just wait for good news from Zhang Yan!"

Guo Jia smiled and walked into the big tent with his hands behind his back.Zhang Yan's handsome account has now been unceremoniously occupied by him.


In addition, after Zhang Ning arrived in Julu, he did not follow Guo Jia to Zhang Yan's barracks, but turned to the city.

She wants to see Zhang Bao.


The Yellow Turban Army guarding the city immediately spotted Zhang Ning.

"I'm Zhang Ning!"

Zhang Ning raised his head and took off his bamboo hat.

"My Lady of Saintess!"

The Yellow Turban soldiers guarding the city panicked.

It just so happened that he also knew Zhang Ning.

"My lord is here, my lord is here!"

All the soldiers shouted loudly.

Back then, when they were about to fail in defending the city, it was Lady Saintess who sent the news, giving them the confidence to persevere.

In the eyes of these people, Zhang Ning is their savior.

"My Lady of Saintess!"

When all the believers saw Zhang Ning, they couldn't help but knelt down on the ground and chanted reverently.

They have already attributed this victory to the apparition of the God of the Yellow Sky, and the Holy Maiden is the messenger of the God.

Brothers please rise up!

Zhang Ning was in a trance for a while, as if he had returned to the days when thousands of people worshiped him.

Back then, she was the saint of the Yellow Turban Taoism, bathed in the eyes of everyone adoring her.


Zhang Ning's face darkened.

The Yellow Turban Road is not as good as before.

The reason why he was able to escape the roundup of the officers and soldiers this time was entirely because of Guo Jia's help.

Master is right, the only way out of the Yellow Turban Way lies with Guo Jia.

This time, Zhang Ning followed Guo Jia to Julu, just to persuade his uncle Zhang Bao to join Guo Jia.

Only in this way can the lineage of the Yellow Turban be preserved.

I hope that this lesson can make Uncle Zhang Bao wake up and get rid of those unrealistic thoughts sooner.

Hearing that Zhang Ning had entered the city, Zhang Bao immediately brought people out to greet him.


Zhang Bao smiled all over his face.

Now the siege of Julu City has been lifted, and although the Yellow Turban Dao has suffered losses, it still has a hundred thousand troops in its hands.

The official army has been defeated, and it is not that simple to make a comeback.


There was also a rare smile on Zhang Ning's face.

She has never had a good impression of this ambitious and talented uncle.

If it weren't for this uncle's ambition and unwillingness to be a religious leader, Huang Jindao would not have been forced to such a point by the officers and soldiers so quickly.

Everything was made by this uncle without authorization, which harmed Huang Jindao.

Originally, Zhang Ning didn't want to have anything to do with him.

But with the death of her father and Zhang Liang, Zhang Bao is already her only relative in this world.

"It's cold outside, come in quickly, let's have a good talk!"

Zhang Bao took her hand and said gently.

Zhang Ning nodded.

She did have something to say to Zhang Bao.

Zhang Bao's command post is in the original prefect's mansion.

After hearing that Zhang Ning had entered the city, Zhang Bao had someone prepare a banquet.

There are only two uncles and nephews at the banquet, and the rest are waiting outside.

"Ning'er, it's just in time for you to come back. Although our Yellow Turban Dao has suffered setbacks, it's all over. The current situation is very good."

Zhang Bao said with a smile.

Zhang Ning frowned.

She suddenly found that this uncle seemed to be dazzled by the victory in front of him.

"Uncle, my opinion is different from yours. The situation at the moment is not only not good, but extremely bad! There is only one way for Huangjindao to survive, and that is to surrender to Guo Jia, the governor of Zhongshan County."

Zhang Ning said straight to the point.

 The fourth update is completed, yesterday's update was added, the author does what he says, please collect, reward and subscribe, everyone, let's go!

(End of this chapter)

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