Chapter 208
The current situation is very unfavorable to the Yellow Turban Road. The Yellow Turbans in Yuzhou, Jingzhou, and Youzhou were basically wiped out by the officers and soldiers, except for Jizhou, where the iron barrels surrounded by the officers and soldiers were generally in danger.

If Guo Jia hadn't intervened at the critical moment, Julu would have been defeated by the government army long ago.

If Zhang Ning was prejudiced against Guo Jiada before, when she saw Zhongshan's true strength, especially those mysterious gunpowder, her mind began to waver.

That kind of crock bomb can explode violently when it is ignited.

It is not something that flesh and blood can resist.

At present, Zhongshan spans four counties and has a population of one million, which can be regarded as a strong army.Both the Yellow Turban Dao and the officers and soldiers were defeated by him. Even the rebellious Zhang Yan of Taihang Mountain obediently surrendered to Guo Jia's men.

Zhang Ning also knew very well that Guo Jia didn't think much of Huangjindao's strength at all. If Yuan Shao hadn't attacked Zhongshan, Guo Jia would not have helped Huangjindao defeat the official army.

Now is a great opportunity, Zhang Baoken lowered his body and surrendered to Guo Jia, and with his own arrangement, Guo Jia would most likely accept it.

In this way, the Yellow Turban Dao was able to stand firm.

Guo Jia!

Mentioning this name, Zhang Bao's eyes suddenly flashed sharply.

If it wasn't for this guy making trouble, how could he have fallen to such a point?
The hatred between the two sides is so irreconcilable that it is simply impossible for him to surrender.

Besides, he is the leader of the Yellow Turban Taoism, and his believers are all over the world, so how could he submit to a court official?
In addition, Zhang Ning had disappeared as early as in Guangzong, and Zhang Bao was very nervous when he came back suddenly.

It was so easy for him to control the command of the Yellow Turban Army, so naturally he wouldn't give it up so easily.

But Zhang Bao didn't show it, just smiled and said: "We will discuss this matter later, Ning'er, you came from a long way, and you are very happy to be an uncle. Come, let us have a drink."

Zhang Ning frowned slightly, but still picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

it is good!
Zhang Bao reached out and filled another cup for Zhang Ning.

"Brother drove the crane to the immortal, your third uncle Zhang Liang also died in battle, and now only we are left in the Zhang family. Ninger, don't worry, as long as the uncle is alive, the Yellow Turban Dao will be defeated in my hands." Come on, let's have another drink!"

He drank it while talking.

Zhang Ning smiled wryly in his heart.

The reason why the Yellow Turban Dao was defeated has a lot to do with her uncle.

But it was not convenient for her to say such words, so she just lowered her head and drank it down.

"Huang Tian bless you!"

Zhang Bao laughed a few times, and said: "A few days ago, my uncle led the Yellow Turbans to fight a big victory, and defeated the officers and soldiers. The soldiers and horses of the imperial court are finished, and the world is still governed by our Yellow Turbans."

Seeing that he didn't mention Guo Jia and her credit at all, Zhang Ning felt a little uncomfortable.

If Guo Jia hadn't asked Zhang Yan to come to support him, Julu might have broken through the city by now.


Zhang Ning said in a deep voice: "Although the army is defeated, Huangfusong is in Guangzong. This man is good at fighting. Once he restrains the defeated army and stands firm, the Yellow Turban Dao will still face a great threat..."

She also wanted to try to persuade Zhang Bao to surrender to Zhongshan.

It is said that the reason why Zhang Ning did not follow Guo Jia to Zhang Yan's barracks was for this matter.

Don't worry, niece!

Zhang Bao patted his thigh, and said with a smile: "Of course, Uncle knows about Huangfusong's tricks. Now Uncle has a clever plan, which can save the day."

Save the day?

Zhang Ning was stunned.

She didn't expect Zhang Bao to have a solution?
"Appreciate further details!"

Zhang Bao held up his wine glass: "Zhang Yan is a hero in Taihang Mountain, with hundreds of thousands of people under his command. If we unite with him, Taiping Dao will be able to rely on Taihang Mountain and gain a foothold in Hebei. But..."

He suddenly paused, and then said mysteriously: "Niece Xian needs help with this matter."

Want me to help?

Zhang Ning was at a loss.

Zhang Yan is Guo Jia's subordinate, he will do whatever Guo Jia asks him to do, no matter how much he needs her help.

At this time, Zhang Ning suddenly felt his body tremble, followed by a burst of exhaustion, and a double image immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

"What did you do?"

She pointed at Zhang Bao and stood up unsteadily.

Zhang Bao laughed and said, "Don't worry, my niece, my uncle has no bad intentions. I heard that Zhang Yan is single, and my uncle intends to help the two of you. The saint of the Yellow Scarves and the Marshal of Black Mountain are also well matched. If this matter comes true Now, Zhang Yan is the son-in-law of our Zhang family. The combination of the two parties is good for the Yellow Turban and the Black Mountain Army."

In fact, when he heard that Zhang Ning was back, he had this idea.

Zhang Ning is the saint of the Yellow Turban Dao, and she has the credit for saving the giant deer, so she can completely threaten Zhang Bao's status.

So Zhang Bao would never tolerate Zhang Ning's existence.

But killing Zhang Ning is not enough, after all, she is still the saint of the Yellow Turban Taoism.

Originally Zhang Bao planned to put this niece under house arrest, but a sudden thought made him change his mind.

After hearing about the previous contact, Zhang Bao found that Zhang Yan was also a womanizer, and he would never refuse any beauties he gave him.

Zhang Ning is a beautiful woman, and she has been a beauty since she was a child. If Zhang Ning is sent there, Zhang Yan will naturally be overjoyed.

In this way, Zhang Yan became his niece and son-in-law, and the two sides became a family, which was very beneficial to the future development of the Yellow Turban Dao.

Not only win over Zhang Yan, but also get rid of Zhang Ning, the hidden opponent, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Zhang Bao felt more and more wise and powerful.

"You bastard!"

Zhang Ning felt cold for a while, she never thought that this uncle would use her as a bargaining chip,
"The brothers of the Yellow Turban Dao will not let you go!"

Zhang Ning struggled to escape, but fell to the ground after walking a few steps.

Zhang Bao stood up, holding the cup in his left hand, and slowly came to Zhang Ning's side.

"Niece Xian, uncle, this is also for your own good. Zhang Yan is also a dragon and phoenix among men, and she is a perfect match with you. Besides, girls still have to marry in the end."


Only then did Zhang Ning understand that Zhang Bao was afraid that he would come back and take away his power, so he thought of this way to send him out.

A burst of sadness suddenly flashed in her heart.

For the Yellow Turban Dao, Zhang Ning has worked hard, even at the expense of his innocence to please Guo Jia, hoping that he can give Huang Jin Dao a way out for his own sake.

Finally, Guo Jia spoke up and gave Huang Jindao a chance.

Zhang Ning came to Julu excitedly, trying to persuade Zhang Bao to join him.

But what she didn't expect was that Zhang Bao still didn't forget to fight for power and profit at this time.

"Zhang Bao!"

Zhang Ning suddenly yelled, and said, "You are... you want to make the Yellow Turban Dao go forever... Guo Jia... Guo Jia won't let you go..."

Then the voice became weaker and weaker, and finally passed out.

Guo Jia!

Zhang Bao sneered.

"I'm afraid it's Guo Jia who will never be restored."

As he spoke, he drank it all at once, smashing the wine glass in his hand to the ground.

"Come here, tie up this girl and go to the banquet with General Feiyan at General Feiyan's place?"

(End of this chapter)

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