Chapter 211

Although Zhang Yan was small, but she was strong enough to push Zhang Bao down to the ground and tie him up.

"Brother Zhang Yan, what are you doing?"

Zhang Bao turned pale with shock, but he was not Zhang Yan's opponent despite his desperate struggle, so he was quickly tied up.

Come on!
Zhang Bao shouted loudly.

His throat was hoarse, and his subordinates did not move.

Only then did Zhang Bao feel that something was wrong.

"Zhang Yan, you dare to stab me in the back. In vain I value you now, and even betrothed my niece to you."

Zhang Bao shouted sharply.

After Zhang Yan tied up Zhang Bao, she fell to her knees again.

"My lord, Zhang Bao has already been captured, please let me know, my lord."

very good!

The young man nodded and came to Zhang Bao's side with a smile.

"General Tiangong, Guo Jia's head is here again, but it's a pity that you have no sword."

He is Guo Jia.

"Are you Guo Jia?"

Zhang Bao couldn't believe his eyes, thinking that he was hallucinating after drinking too much?
At this moment, he already knew that the young man in front of him didn't have the same name as Guo Jia, but he was Guo Jia, the governor of Zhongshan County.

Guo Jia rubbed his chin and said, "Is Guo Jia famous?"

Zhang Bao's heart fell into the ice cellar.

Although he fought several bloody battles with Guo Jia, the two had never faced each other, and Zhang Bao didn't know Guo Jia either.

Zhang Yan, a bastard, did not expect that he would already be under Guo Jia's command.

This time he was pitted.

Zhang Bao trembled, and hurriedly said: "The prefect forgives the crime, the prefect forgives the crime. The villain Zhang Bao is willing to surrender to the prefect."

He coughed and said: "Although the Yellow Turban Dao has suffered several setbacks, it still has 10,000+ elite soldiers. Qingxu Jingyang still has hundreds of thousands of believers. As long as the prefect can spare the life of the little one, you will go through fire and water for the little reason."

For the current plan, Zhang Bao can only adapt to the situation.

After all, saving your life is the most important thing.

The smile on Guo Jia's face remained unchanged.

"Didn't you just say that you wanted to cut off my head yourself?"

The two had been calling each other brothers for quite a while now.

Zhang Bao smiled and said, "That's because the villain drank too much."

It turned out that I drank too much!
Guo Jia smiled slightly and picked up the dagger.

Zhang Bao suddenly remembered something, flatteringly said: "The villain has a niece, who is born with a beautiful country. If the prefect thinks so much, the villain is willing to give it with both hands, and also a generous fortune. Of course, there are nearly a hundred people in the world. Ten thousand Yellow Turban believers are under the prefect's command."

"You are talking about Zhang Ning, she is indeed a beauty."

Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

Seeing Guo Jia seemed a little moved, Zhang Bao was overjoyed immediately.

"My niece has been a beauty since she was a child, and she is also a white lotus in the Yellow Turban Road. The prefect is a hero when she is young, and she and Ning'er are exactly the same couple."

Zhang Yan on the side couldn't help but sneer a few times.

He laughed at Zhang Bao because he was clever but was mistaken by cleverness.

It's okay not to mention Zhang Ning, but if Zhang Ning is mentioned, I'm afraid this guy will die faster.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia came to Zhang Bao with his hands behind his back.

"You mean to give Zhang Ning to me in exchange for my own life?"

Zhang Bao nodded hurriedly.

"The villain is not purely for survival. The prefect's heaven is full of heaven and earth, and he looks like a great fortune. It will not be a thing in the pool in the future. The villain's niece can get the favor of the prefect. That's Zhang. The honor of the family for generations. Also..."

He flattered and said, "I can't call you the prefect if I can't say it in the future."

The Zhang Jiao brothers were originally born as magic sticks, and they still have a way of fooling people.

As the number two figure in the Yellow Turban Road, Zhang Bao's eloquence is also excellent.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do the job of a magic stick.


Guo Jia was very happy to hear that.

This treasure is quite eloquent.

But no matter how good the eloquence is, it can't change Guo Jia's mind.

"Zhang Bao!"

Guo Jia suddenly leaned down and said with a smile: "There is one thing you may not know. Zhang Ning, she has long been my woman. The reason why I asked Zhang Yan to help Julu and protect your Yellow Turban Dao is because Because of this girl."

Zhang Bao was completely ignorant now.

No wonder this girl is sure to solve Julu's predicament.

No wonder Zhang Yan knelt down and slapped the girl when she saw this girl, as if she had caused some catastrophe.

No wonder the girl opened her mouth and shut her mouth to ask him to join Guo Jia.

It turned out that she had long been Guo Jia's woman.

Guo Jia smiled coldly, and said: "You actually use my woman as a bargaining chip to win people's hearts, and you dare to give this official a gold medal for avoiding death. It is really unreasonable."

grown ups!

Zhang Bao was really scared.

"Forgive me, forgive me, please forgive me this time for Ning'er's sake."

If he had known the relationship between Zhang Ning and Guo Jia, he would not have taken the risk to win over Zhang Yan.

This is cleverness and being mistaken by cleverness.

shut up!

A figure suddenly rushed over and slapped Zhang Bao on the face.

"I don't have a shameless uncle like you!"

It was Zhang Ning who came with pear blossoms and rain.

At this moment, she has returned to normal.


Zhang Bao hurriedly said: "I am your uncle. I am your own uncle. I often hugged you when I was a child. Your father went out to preach. Didn't your uncle take care of you that time? Uncle was also confused for a while and didn't know about your relationship. , This led to a big mistake. Fortunately, you are safe and sound. Just show kindness and let uncle off this time!"

You bastard!
Zhang Ning bit his lip, his heart was already cold.

Since the moment Zhang Bao gave her away as a bargaining chip, the family relationship between her and Zhang Bao was gone.

All that's left is hatred!

If it wasn't for Guo Jia's timely rescue, Zhang Ning would have fallen into the fire pit long ago.

How dare this bastard talk about family affection to her here?

When he went to anesthetize himself first and gave it away as a bargaining chip, did he ever talk about family affection?
Even if Zhang Bao deserved to die, Zhang Ning still couldn't bear it.

She suddenly looked at Guo Jia with a look of expectation on her face.

Guo Jia shook his head slightly.

Although this girl usually looked cold, she was really kind-hearted. Zhang Baokeng was so serious about her, she was still thinking about how to intercede with him.

What a silly girl!
Since the girl begged for mercy, Guo Jia naturally couldn't refuse.

"Since it's Ning'er who interceded, I'm going to let you go. Zhang Bao, whether you can survive or not is up to fate!"

As he spoke, Guo Jia took out two wine glasses and filled them up.

"These are two wine glasses, one is poisonous and the other is not. Zhang Bao, you can choose one and drink it. Whether you live or die depends on God's will."

Zhang Bao hesitated.

A villain naturally has the thinking of a villain.

He suspected that both cups were poisonous.

After all, Guo Jia couldn't let him go so easily.

"The prefect gave you a chance, hurry up!"

Zhang Ning urged.

She knew that Guo Jia actually didn't let go of the two cups, just to give Zhang Bao a chance to survive.

Zhang Bao hesitated for a while, then suddenly strode forward to pick up a glass of wine, making a gesture to drink it, and suddenly raised his right hand and poured it on Zhang Ning.

Be careful, Guo Jia immediately stood in front of Zhang Ning.

Zhang Bao kicked the case down, blocked Zhang Yan who was on the side, and immediately escaped through the back door.

These few times the rabbit rose and falconed very neatly, when he begged for mercy just now, he had already calculated his escape route.

It's a pity that within a few steps of going out, Zhang Bao let out a scream.

 It's almost Chinese New Year, and there are many things to do, so I owe it before it's too late, and I will definitely make it up in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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