Chapter 212 Surrounding Yuan Shao
In order to prevent Zhang Bao from escaping, Zhang Yan has already set traps around.

Zhang Bao finally died under his own cleverness.

For Guo Jia, this is also an acceptable consequence.

After all, he didn't kill Zhang Bao himself.

Even in the face of Zhang Ning, there is no guilt.

Zhang Bao died, and the dragons of the Yellow Turban Dao had no leader.

Fortunately, Zhang Ning stood up and stabilized the morale of the army.

After going through so many twists and turns, Zhang Ning also wanted to understand that the Yellow Turban Dao would never accomplish anything and would only bring harm to the people.

She intends to disband Huangjindao, but is stopped by Guo Jia.

Most of these people are ordinary people who have been deluded. As long as there is land to grow and food to eat, they will not stand up to rebel. Besides, Zhongshan County has open land everywhere, and some wasteland needs to be developed. These people can be digested and absorbed.

As for the bandits and bandits mixed in the Yellow Turban Army, Guo Jia handed them over to Commander Zhang Yan, and he didn't want to accept these restless elements.

But the elite of the Yellow Turban Army was taken under Guo Jia's banner.

These people are old soldiers who have grown up through countless battles. They have extremely strong fighting skills, and they will be a good source of soldiers with a little training.

After all, there is an urgent shortage of troops in Zhongshan, and it is a good choice to absorb these veterans of the Yellow Turban Army.

"Report to the lord!"

Zhang Yan came in a hurry.

"Fifty miles away, we found traces of the officers and soldiers exploring the horses. Judging from the banners, they should be Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses."

Is it finally here?
Guo Jia suddenly stood up.

Yuan Shao!

Unsuspecting people.

The most powerful is the black-clothed scribe next to him.

Guo Jia sneered a few times, and said to himself, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Since Guo Jia traveled to this era, he has never suffered a loss.

But as soon as the scribe in black made a move, he caught Guo Jia by surprise.

Compete for true determination, surprise the nine gates, flood the infinite.

A shot is a killer move, and the chain is intertwined, which almost makes Guo Jia unable to stand up.

If it wasn't for Yuan Shao's failure to understand the master, he was cowardly at the critical moment and refused to fight fiercely with Guo Jia, Guo Jia would definitely suffer a big loss in the hands of this person.

After being pressed and beaten by the scribes in black for a while, Guo Jia was also a little unconvinced.

This time, Guo Jia must meet this mysterious person.

"Come on, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Guo Jia immediately ordered that Man Chong Zhang Ning be left to guard the city, while he took Dian Wei and Zhang Yan's [-] Black Mountain Army out of the city.

This time, he wants to settle accounts with Yuan Shao properly.


Fifty miles outside Julu City!
"General, the Yellow Turban Bandit is on the move!"

Tanma had already told Yuan Shao what was going on in the city.

"How many people came?"

Yuan Shao asked in a deep voice.

"Thirty thousand infantry!"

Hearing this number, Yuan Shao was relieved.

The fighting power of the official army far exceeds that of the Yellow Turban Bandits.

The same number of officers and soldiers can hang and beat the yellow turban bandits.

"Yan Liang, lead your cavalry to meet up and destroy this band of yellow turbans! The whole army forms a circle and moves forward slowly."

Yuan Shao shouted and ordered.

"No general!"

The one who spoke was naturally the scribe in black.

He said in a deep voice: "The yellow turban bandits have 10,000+ troops, why only 3 came out to meet them. There must be a fraud, the general must not be fooled. Besides, there are [-] cavalrymen from Zhongshan chasing us behind us. Before getting rid of them, it is best not to conflict with the Yellow Turban Taoism."

Regarding the current situation, the scribe in black still had a precise judgment.

Wen Chou's three thousand cavalry were wiped out, and they fled back in embarrassment.

The broken cavalry was finished, so that the entire army was exposed to the enemy's cavalry assault.

The reason why these people did not act rashly was because Yuan Shao still had two thousand cavalry in his hands.

Until the two thousand cavalry are dealt with, Zhongshan's cavalry will not launch a fatal blow.

It can be said that Yan Liang's cavalry is the key to the [-] army avoiding the pursuit of the Zhongshan cavalry.

It would be fine if Yuan Shao was careful and speeded up the process, but this guy wants to send out life-saving cavalry to attack the Yellow Turban Bandits?
Once Yan Liang's cavalry had an accident, the [-] army would be in the pocket of the Zhongshan cavalry.


The scribe in black wanted to say something else.

But was interrupted roughly by Yuan Shao.

"The intention has been decided, there is no need to say anything."

He was extremely dissatisfied with this scribe in black.

Yuan Shao also had his own thoughts.

The army's journey is slow, the consumption is huge, and there is very little food and grass left.

You can get some supplies by defeating this Yellow Turban army.

In addition, it would be better if he took advantage of the chaos to take Julu City. He could completely defend the city and wait for reinforcements from the imperial court.

The scribe in black was silent for a while, then suddenly heaved a long sigh and stopped talking.

Yuan Shao is not the master of the Ming Dynasty.

He has made it very clear.

As the chief general, he does not distinguish between right and wrong and does not know whether to reward or punish. This time it must have a dismal ending.

Soon Yan Liang's cavalry went up to meet them, preparing to storm the 3 horses of the Yellow Turban Army.

The combat effectiveness of the official army far exceeds that of the Yellow Turban Army, and the combat effectiveness of the cavalry far exceeds that of the infantry.

Although there are only [-] cavalry, Yan Liang is also confident that he can beat the [-] infantry of the Yellow Turban Bandits.

Of course, it is possible in theory, but what he didn't know was that what he was about to face was not the Yellow Turbans' troops, but Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army.

The [-] Black Mountain Army were elites carefully selected by Zhang Yan from the Taihang Mountains, far from being comparable to the mob of the Yellow Turban Army.

More importantly, the commander of this army is Guo Jia.

Hearing that Yuan Shao was preparing to fight.

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

The reason why he used [-] soldiers to meet Yuan Shao was also considered.

Too many people will scare Yuan Shao away.

With a small number of people, it may not be able to guarantee victory. This army is not his Zhongshan County soldiers.

So he also dispatched [-] soldiers and horses.

If Yuan Shao heard that the enemy was only [-], he must have been lucky, so that he could take advantage of it.

"The whole army is ready, send some gifts to Yuan Benchu!"

Guo Jia raised his whip and said with a loud laugh.

The soldiers of the Tiger Guards smiled.

This time, they brought a secret weapon - an improved crock bomb that can be thrown by hand.

Cao Cao's army was defeated by these secret weapons.

The weather on Julu's side is clear, and these weapons can be used completely.

Yuan Shao!

Guo Jia sneered.

The last time he was conspired by the scribes in black, Yuan Shao took advantage of the rainy weather to launch an attack, and Zhongshan's most powerful gunpowder weapon was useless.

This time, I want to take revenge with one arrow.

Although the earthen pot bomb in his hand was not very lethal, its momentum was astonishing, and it would surely catch the officers and soldiers by surprise.

Xu Shu and Zhao Yun's cavalry were right behind. Once they heard the battle here, they would naturally not miss this opportunity.

The two sides attacked back and forth, and Yuan Shao was bound to die.

"My lord!"

Tanma came to report again.

"Yuan Shao's vanguard cavalry is charging up!"

Guo Jia shouted loudly!
"Array, meet the enemy!"

The army immediately opened up the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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