Chapter 213
Following Guo Jia's order, the bandits in Taihang Mountain stopped immediately.

Although their equipment is far inferior to that of the army, they have been bandits for so many years and have a lot of combat experience.

The vanguard immediately set up carbine refusal guns.

The so-called refusal gun is to sharpen the branches, strengthen the back, and point the front obliquely at the sky.

The Taihang Mountains stretch for nearly a thousand miles, and most of them are timber, so the weapons of the bandits are also obtained locally.

Soon, the position of refusal to carbine was established.

The thieves in front held giant wooden shields in front of them, and these were their means of defending against the cavalry.

Under normal circumstances, they would not confront the officers and soldiers head-on, but this time, Guo Jia had a military order, and those who retreated died.

So everyone also bit the bullet and went up.

But they were not afraid.

This Mr. Guo Fu is the reincarnation of an immortal, he is guarded by golden armored generals, and there are some strange earthen jars.

The thieves are still full of confidence.

Is there still a disadvantage to follow the gods?
The people under him were full of confidence, but Zhang Yan was a little uneasy.

He was very worried about the combat effectiveness of his poorly equipped men.

"My lord!"

Zhang Yan said in a low voice: "Our army has been on the mountain for a long time. It is a good game to go over mountains and ridges to raid night battles. This is the first time that we have fought an open battle with the officers and soldiers. The subordinates are a little worried. In addition, why don't you also set up a stronghold on the left side? Horse position?"

This time Guo Jia arranged in a square formation.

Three of them have prepared positions for rejecting carbine guns, but the rear is not fortified.

Once the cavalry of the official army charged from the left, it was impossible to stop them with such crude weapons of the Taihang Mountain bandits.

Once defeated, Zhang Yan would have committed a great crime.

Do not worry!

Guo Jia said something with a smile.

At this time, Dian Wei led the Tiger Guards to the left, quickly buried some earthen pots, set up fire starters, and dug a lot of pits for horses.

Guo Jia put the only [-] cavalry he brought with him on the left flank, pretending to be the entrance and exit of the cavalry.

This is……

Zhang Yan also has some commanding skills, and immediately recognized that the position on the left was a trap prepared by Guo Jia for the officers and troops.

Although Guo Jia had a crock bomb in his hand, the cavalry moved too fast and the attack range was too wide, so the effect of the crock bomb was not ideal.

So he wants to invite the king into the urn, and deliberately fortify three sides, leaving a left army position undefended.

If the cavalry of the official army came, they would definitely rush in from the left.

Once the iron hooves of the officers and soldiers set foot on the left position, they have already entered the urn.

"My lord is wise!"

Zhang Yan worshiped.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled.

Yan Liangwen's courage is ugly, and he can be captured in a single battle.

As long as it wasn't the scribe in black who came, he wouldn't take it to heart.

Boom boom boom!
There was a sound of hooves on the ground.

Yan Liang's two thousand cavalry finally arrived.

Just as Guo Jia expected.

Yan Liang had a simple mind. After observing for a while, he immediately chose to break through from the left wing.

Because he discovered that the left wing position did not set up a horse rejection position, which was conducive to the breakthrough of the cavalry.

Once the formation of the Yellow Turban Army is dispersed by the cavalry, the 3 horses will become the souls of the cavalry.

"Brothers, kill!"

The voice sounded, Yan Liang roared and led the army to rush up.

He was originally a brave general in Bohai, but now he has joined Yuan Shao's sect, and he is highly valued by Yuan Shao.

Now that the Yellow Turban Army is blocking the way, it is time for him to show his might.

As long as the formation of this army is dispersed, Yan Liang has the confidence to wipe out this army.

Kan Kan, the leading cavalryman, rushed into the left wing position and immediately fell into a deep pit.

Trapped in a horse pit!
Yan Liang was not surprised either.

He can bear this level of loss.

"Brothers, don't be afraid, rush over!"

Yan Liang let out a loud roar, and desperately led his people into the left wing position.

After the left flank is the enemy's center.

The Chinese army is the command center, once the Chinese army collapses, the army will be finished.

So even if some of his men were sacrificed, Yan Liang would have to overwhelm the Yellow Turban Army's central army.

After a small number of people filled the hole, Yan Liang finally broke through the left wing's position with his people.

When he excitedly galloped towards the cavalry on Guo Jia's left flank, he suddenly saw these cavalry holding torches and sneering on their faces.

what happened?

Yan Liang suddenly realized that something was wrong, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he could only bite the bullet and rush forward at this time.

The cavalry of the official army in front of them entered the trap.

Boom, boom!
The soldiers of the Tiger Guards immediately ignited the fuze and ignited the laid mines.

"Brothers, drop the bomb!"

Dian Wei yelled, and the soldiers behind him immediately ignited the crock bombs in their hands, and threw them at the enemy vigorously.

The previous round of bombing had stunned the officers and soldiers.

Before they could react, countless small crock bombs were thrown over again.

Boom, boom!
The cavalry of the official army fell into chaos again.

"Brothers, go ahead!"

Dian Wei roared, drew his halberds, and charged forward.

The three hundred cavalrymen behind him greeted him in unison, each with their own weapons, and rushed over.

Although the three hundred cavalry were not many, the timing of the attack was just right, and it was the time when the officers and soldiers were most chaotic.

"Brothers, we can't fall behind, let's go!"

Zhang Yan shouted excitedly, commanding the infantry to charge up.

Three hundred cavalry could not cause too much damage to the officers and soldiers in chaos.

So let the infantry rush up to give the cavalry a fatal blow.

"Back, back!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yan Liang immediately turned his horse's head and led his men out of the chaos.

"Dog thief, eat a certain family!"

Dian Wei's tall and strong figure appeared behind him, and the iron halberd in his hand swept towards him mercilessly.

Yan Liang didn't turn his head when he heard the sound behind him, the sword suddenly turned around, and he dragged the sword behind his back.

This is a great way to deal with the enemy behind you.


The iron halberd and the broadsword collided with each other, making a muffled sound.

Dian Wei's body was shaken, and people and horses were shocked back a few steps, his chest was suffocated, and he was almost out of breath.

Yan Liang was not much better, his arms were numb, and he fell on the horse's back.

Good guy!
Dian Wei let out a strange cry.

Although he has one hand, the enemy general has two hands, but he is forward and has a horsepower bonus, and he is able to draw with him when he uses the knife behind his back.

It can be seen that this man's supernatural power is amazing.

Since their debut, there are not many who can compare with Dian Wei in strength.Even his sworn brother Guan Zhangzhao is not as strong as Dianwei.

After all, there was only Xu Chu, that freak.

But now it seems that there is another Yan Liang.

"Dog thief, let's go, fight a certain family for [-] rounds!"

Dian Wei rushed up excitedly.

After finally finding an evenly matched opponent, how could he let it go easily?

Yan Liang is also suffering at the moment and can't tell.

He has been in Hebei for many years, except for his righteous brother Wen Chou, he has basically never met an opponent.

This black-faced man actually pushed him back with one hand, the strength can be imagined.

In an ambush, Yan Liang was a little timid at first, but now that he met a fierce general, he dared not stay, so he immediately restrained the remnants of the defeated general and fled.

 The second update is gone today!
(End of this chapter)

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