Chapter 214
Outside Julu City!

Yan Liang was completely defeated, and the two thousand cavalry suffered heavy casualties. This man was very brave, and under the attack of Dian Wei and Zhang Yan, he still escaped with a small number of people.

But this cavalry is finished.

The cavalry is finished, which means that the barrier of Yuan Shao's [-] troops is gone.

"Come on, send a signal immediately to tell Xu Shu and them."

Guo Jia ordered.

The big picture is set!

Without cavalry, Yuan Shao lost the initiative on the battlefield. This is an excellent opportunity for Xu Shu.

From the very beginning, Guo Jia's purpose was to destroy Yuan Shao's cavalry.

As long as the cavalry is killed, Yuan Shao's army will be slaughtered by Xu Shu and the others.

It is impossible for Xu Shu not to hear such a big movement in front of him. With his ingenuity, he can naturally make the decision to fight for it.


"General, it's not good!"

The scouts of the officers and soldiers came to report in a panic.

"General Yan Liang was defeated. Most of the 300 cavalry were killed and injured, and only [-] cavalry came back."

Yuan Shao was taken aback, his body wobbled and he almost fell off his horse.

These two thousand cavalry were his last stirring force.

Once gone, the infantry went to the barrier.


Several confidants immediately supported Yuan Shao.

"Yan Liang is an invincible hero, and the cavalry is also the elite of the army, how did he lose?"

Yuan Shao recovered a little bit, grabbed the detective horse, and asked sharply.


The scout turned pale with shock, and hurriedly said: "It's not the Yellow Turban bandits, it's Guo Jia. Guo Jia deliberately didn't set up a position to resist the horses in the west to lure General Yan Liang to attack. Who would have thought that Guo Jia had already set up a net to the west, and for a while After the explosion, General Yan Liang's cavalry suffered heavy losses."

Guo Jia!

Yuan Shao was shocked again.

"Isn't he in Wuji County? How could he be here? Where did he get [-] troops?"

The black-clothed scribe at the side hesitated and said: "Guo Jia must have ridden overnight to Julu, but his cavalry has been entangled with Wen Chou. The infantry can't run so fast, and the [-] soldiers and horses naturally come from other sources. Not good ..."

His face suddenly changed.

Only then did he realize Guo Jia's layout.

As early as when Yuan Shao flooded Wuji County, Guo Jia sent troops to Julu.Most of the troops that defeated Cao Cao's army were Guo Jia's troops.

The man in black was shocked.

He always thought that Guo Jia was lucky. The army was defeated in the first battle of Julu, and Yuan Shao had no choice but to retreat. This gave Guo Jia a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, Wuji County would have been submerged long ago.

Now it seems that this is entirely his wishful thinking. In fact, Guo Jia has already started to fight back.

Yuan Shao attacked the place he must save and flooded Wuji County. Guo Jia sent people to raid the army and cut off Yuan Shao's return.Moreover, he has a very precise grasp of Yuan Shao's character.

Sure enough, when Yuan Shao learned that the army was defeated, he immediately retreated.

What a Guo Fengxiao!

The man in black said something to himself.

Now that the entire giant deer has been able to fall into Guo Jia's hands, things will be very difficult.

There is Guo Jia's [-] army in front, and Zhongshan's [-] cavalry in the back. No matter how you look at it, it is a losing game.

The biggest threat right now is the four thousand cavalry behind them.

Cavalry killing infantry is massacre, especially on such open terrain.

Thirty thousand infantry is not enough for four thousand cavalry.

For now, we can only find a safe place first.

The eyes of the man in black immediately fell on the small county town beside him.

He was always aware of the terrain around him.


The black-clothed scribe immediately said: "It's not too late. Immediately enter the surrounding counties and defend the city to the death, waiting for the reinforcements from the imperial court. Otherwise, our army will be wiped out."

There is no good way now, and we can only defend the city.


Wen Chou clasped his fists and said, "No way! The army still has a way to survive outside, and if it is trapped in an isolated city, it will surely die. Rather than passively being beaten, it is better to take the initiative to attack. The final general is willing to lead the army to attack Guo Jia's position and protect the general from the siege."


The man in black was in a hurry.

Yuan Shao and his henchmen have horses, so they may be able to escape, but what about the nearly [-] infantry?
As the commander in chief, how can he abandon the army and flee?
If this is the case, how will Yuan Shao command the army in the future?

"This plan is very good!"

Yuan Shao's indecisive character was exposed again.

He didn't listen to the strategies of the black-clothed scribe at all, but he admired the words of a reckless and ugly man.

Guo Jia has 3 people, and he is also 3 people.

The official army fought far above the local army.

If you fight hard, you may not lose.

Wen Chou was overjoyed and left with fists in his hands.

Ever since he was defeated by Zhao Yun, he had been feeling uneasy, and now he was finally able to lead the army again.


The scribe in black wanted to say something, but was interrupted roughly by Yuan Shao.

"If it weren't for you insisting on this general to fight for something, I wouldn't have come to this point. From now on, don't say anything more."

Saying that, he took his hands and left without looking back.

The scribe in black swayed and almost fell off his horse.

He never thought that he had worked so hard to assist Yuan Shao, and what he got in return was just such a sentence.

After a long time, he smiled wryly.

"What Uncle said is that Yuan Shao was not a wise master in the first place, but unfortunately I was dazzled by jealousy and insisted on competing with Guo Jia."

His eyes fell on Yuan Shao again.

If he can escape this time, he will definitely leave the Yuan family and find another way out.



A scout came to Xu Shu.

"My lord led the Black Mountain Army to block Yuan Shao's way and defeated Yan Liang's cavalry."

Very good!
Hearing this news, Xu Shu, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun became excited.

They had known for a long time that the lord led the army to Julu overnight, took control of the situation in Julu, and sent troops to defeat Yuan Shao's cavalry.

Yan Liang's [-] cavalry were Yuan Shao's last support. Without the protection of these [-] cavalry, Yuan Shao's army would be the souls of the cavalry.

"Brothers, catch up and destroy Yuan Shao!"

Xu Shu yelled and led Guan Yu and Zhao Yun to speed up.

These days, he has been chasing closely behind Yuan Shao and has not launched any action.

Because Yuan Shao still has more than 2000 cavalry in his hands.

Although the number of cavalry in Zhongshan County was superior, Xu Shu did not attack easily.

Zhongshan's cavalry was hard-won, and even the loss of Xu Shu felt distressed.

So if you don't work hard, don't work hard.

Now that Yuan Shao's cavalry is gone, and the infantry is not in formation, it is a good time for the cavalry to make a surprise attack.

Cavalry fighting infantry is called massacre, especially unprotected infantry.

Now that the opponent has no cavalry, how could Xu Shu let go of this great opportunity?
Naturally, all the members pressed forward and fought hard.

This time, he will not let Yuan Shao's army slip away easily.

(End of this chapter)

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