Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 215 The identity of the man in black

Chapter 215 The identity of the man in black
"My lord! Yuan Shao personally commanded the army to kill!"

Immediately report to explore the horse!

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said to himself: "This guy is desperate."

"My lord! This subordinate is willing to take the lead!"

Zhang Yan is eager to try.

He had won a battle just now, and he was full of confidence.

The two thousand cavalry were finished in a hurry.

Thanks to those crock pots, my lord.

Zhang Yan thought about it but didn't understand that those things would be so powerful.

It is worthy of being used by gods!
Now it can only be explained by such a reason.

With these things used by the gods, even if there is another hundred thousand troops, what fear is there?
Not only Zhang Yan, but all the bandits in the Black Mountain Army thought so.

They fought with the gods.

When did the gods suffer?

No need!
Guo Jia smiled and said: "The whole army has them, go back to the city!"

Everyone almost fell to the ground.

Back to the city?

What do these mean?
do not fight?
Since you don't fight anymore, why do you pull it out?

Zhang Yan was puzzled and said: "Just now we fought a victory and wiped out more than 1000 cavalry of the opponent. The morale is high, why didn't we fight?"

He was a little confused.

There are other soldiers who can't figure it out.

They managed to win the battle with the wise and powerful prefect who descended to earth, this is not enough, why are they going back?
Guo Jia smiled slightly.

He had already wiped out Yuan Shao's cavalry, and Yuan Shao's army was completely under the sword of Xu Shu's cavalry, so it was a certain defeat.

Since Yuan Shao was bound to lose, why did Guo Jia let him bite back?

Although the Black Mountain Army is not his direct lineage, Guo Jia does not want to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Back to the city!

Leave the rest to Xu Shu.

Without the cavalry, Yuan Shao couldn't run away from the cavalry at all. Even if he could escape, the nearly [-] troops would not be able to escape.

This time, he lost!
Guo Jia waved his hand and led the army back.

Although this battle is not very rewarding, it is of great significance.

It can be said that the outcome between the two sides has been decided from the moment Yan Liang was defeated.

So the [-] army rushed back to Julu in mighty force!
Yuan Shao wanted to do his best, but Guo Jia didn't give him a chance.


Guo Jia's army withdrew, and Yuan Shao was completely exhausted.

At this time, Xu Shu's cavalry finally caught up.

Before the officers and soldiers could set up their positions, Zhongshan's cavalry rushed over.


Guan Yu and Zhao Yun each led an army to charge left and right, breaking Yuan Shao's army into several sections, so that the head and tail could not look at each other.

After so many times, Yuan Shao's army was finally defeated.

In plain warfare, cavalry is the absolute overlord.

Fight as you want, and leave as you want, the infantry has nothing to do.

The infantry is in formation, and the cavalry can go around and attack the baggage behind.

The infantry fled, and the cavalry could follow up and wipe out the entire army with little effort.

The defeated infantry could not escape the massacre of the cavalry.

Yuan Shao's army is finished.

He also recognized this.

So he also abandoned the army and fled the battlefield under the escort of Yan Liangwen Chou and his confidantes.

Guo Jia once again won a complete victory, and the officers and soldiers suffered heavy casualties and countless survivors.

This time not only defeated Yuan Shao, broke the siege of Zhongshan, but also occupied Julu County by the way.



Xu Shu took Guan Yu and Zhao Yun into Julu's prefect's mansion.

This was originally Zhang Bao's mansion, but after Zhang Bao died, it became Guo Jia's.

Yuan Zhi, Yun Chang, Zi Long!

Guo Jia helped the three of them up with a smile.

"You have worked hard. I will give you a credit."

Thank you my lord!

The three thanked each other.

"My lord, I have a gift for my lord!"

Xu Shu suddenly said mysteriously.


Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

But he didn't think much of it.

This time Xu Shu was ordered to pursue Yuan Shao, maybe he got something good.

"Yun Chang, Zilong, you guys avoid it for a while!"

Xu Shu said apologetically.

Guan Yu and Zhao Yun looked at each other, and then slowly withdrew.

Although they didn't know what the military division was up to, they still obediently left.

"Yuanzhi, what the hell are you doing?"

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

The relationship between him and Xu Shu is not purely master-slave, both of them and Xi Zhong are classmates, so the relationship is naturally extraordinary.

"Bring it up!"

Xu Shu just clapped his hands.

Two soldiers helped a masked man in black into the room.

is this person?

Guo Jia's eyes narrowed immediately.

It turned out to be the mysterious scribe next to Yuan Shao.

Mentioning this black-clothed scribe made Guo Jia feel a little wary.

This person is the most difficult person Guo Jia has encountered since his debut.

If he hadn't counted on Yuan Shao Shaomou, he might have really stumbled in this person's hands.

Now this mysterious man finally fell into his own hands.

Guo Jia was also very curious, wanting to know who this person is?

When he pulled off the black scarf from the face of the man in black, he couldn't help showing surprise.

"It's you!"

Guo Jia looked at the young man in front of him in surprise.

"Feng Xiao, are you safe?"

The man also said with a wry smile.

Guo Jia was surprised for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"I'm just wondering? Who in the world has the ability to beat me, Guo Jia, so hard that I can't fight back? So it's you, Xun You Xun Gongda!"

I heard Guo Jia call out the name.

The man in black looked calm.

He is Xun You and Xun Gongda, and he is also an outstanding figure of the younger generation of the Xun family.He and his younger uncle Xun Yu are known as the double walls of the Xun family, and they are also heroes of domestic civilization.

Uncle and nephew Xun You was also a student of the Academy, and had a good relationship with the original Guo Jia.Although Xi Zhong and Xu Shu also knew each other, but they were from the noble family, Xi Zhong and Xu Shu were from poor families, and the two sides did not have much friendship.

Guo Jia said angrily: "Actually, I should have thought a long time ago that Brother Xun has such a sharp eye, such a clever method, and such a ruthless strategy."

Although the aristocratic families dominate their official careers, they are not all the generation with wine bags and rice bags.

The Xun family is one of the representatives.

The uncles and nephews of the Xun family are all dragons and phoenixes, even Guo Jia has a high regard for them.

"Feng Xiao is being polite!"

Xun You smiled faintly, and said: "The winner and the loser, since I have been defeated by Feng Xiao, please give me a whole body for the sake of the previous love!"

Said and closed his eyes.

Xu Shu hurriedly clasped his fists together and said, "My lord, although Gongda offended him, he is his own master. Now Zhongshan is the time to employ people..."

He and Xun You were also classmates, so naturally he didn't want to watch Xun You die.

Besides, this person is a great talent in Yingchuan, a young hero who was as famous as Guo Jia back then.

It would be great if it could be used by Zhongshan.

Needless to say!

Xun You sneered and said, "My Xun family has been innocent and loyal to the Han Dynasty for generations, and I will not sacrifice my life for rebellious officials and thieves. If you want to kill, kill, don't talk too much. There is no one in the Xun family who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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