Chapter 217 General He Jin

There was a sound of a whip, and the car shook a few times.

Guo Jia slowly woke up.

He found that Zhang Ning was secretly looking at him.

The weather was relatively hot, so Zhang Ning was wearing a light gauze, revealing the skin of suet and jade.

This girl's skin is better than snow, very fair and tender, but her face is surprisingly crimson.

She finally knew what car shock was.

This guy is simply a hungry ghost.

Apart from this word, Zhang Ning didn't know how to describe him.

But being in Cheshan also made her feel very excited.


Guo Jia suddenly turned over and pushed her down on the cushion, and said with a smile, "Do you still want it?"

no no……

Zhang Ning shook his head hastily.

She had already seen how powerful Guo Jia was last night, how could she dare to tease him again?
"Mr. Xu is here, he is outside!"

Zhang Ning said hurriedly.

Xu Shu!

Then Guo Jia remembered something, got up and put on his clothes.

Xu Shu is his confidant and also his good friend. For this good friend, he needs to show a little respect.

Zhang Ning immediately began to dress him up.

It took a long time for Guo Jia to get out of the carriage.


Xu Shu stood tall and had been waiting for a long time.

He is no stranger to Guo Jia's flair.

"Yuanzhi, how are things going?"

Guo Jia asked hurriedly.

Everything is as the lord expected!
Xu Shu nodded and said: "Huangfu Song sent troops to occupy Julu City, Zhang Yan stood and retreated, and has already retreated into Taihang Mountain."

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

It seemed that whether it was Huangfusong or Zhang Yan, everything went according to his expectations and everything went smoothly.


Xu Shu suddenly opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

He really wanted to know what Guo Jia wrote in the letter to Huangfu Song, but he felt that it would be rash to ask.


Guo Jia smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I knew you couldn't help it. In fact, nothing was written in the letter. I just told Huangfusong that I can help him solve the problem of the Yellow Turban Dao. But the premise is He can’t use troops against Zhongshan. Otherwise, the Huangjin Road that retreated into the Taihang Mountains will still make a comeback. This is a happy situation for everyone, and I believe Huangfusong will know how to choose.”

That's it!

Xu Shu suddenly realized.

But he still doesn't understand why Guo Jia wants to give up the fat he got. Julu is a rich place in Jizhou, so it's a pity to let it out.

Yuan Zhi!

Guo Jia smiled and said: "Although Julu is good, it is not our territory. We have occupied it and become a legitimate rebel. Although what we do is no different from the Yellow Turban Dao. But on the surface, we still have to keep a low profile That's good. Today, I sold my face to Huangfusong, and made his great contribution to destroying the Yellow Turbans. He will definitely give peaches as gifts and speak for us in the court. I will also send some gold beads to the ten permanent servants. This matter will be over. Yes. Even if other people are not satisfied, we are still officials in Zhongshan. In addition, our focus is on developing Zhongshan, because it is not worthwhile for a place like Julu to conflict with the imperial court. Of course, it doesn’t take much time, as long as it lasts for three In five years, Julu will still be ours sooner or later."

Three to five years!
Xu Shu was puzzled again.

What does three to five years mean?
Guo Jia smiled and said nothing.

Five years later, Emperor Ling died of illness, He Jin was killed, and Dong Zhuo entered Beijing.

That's when the chaos began.

After that, the local warlords officially entered the stage of history.

Guo Jia naturally looked forward to the arrival of that era.

But before that, he had to make some preparations.


Huangfusong's memorial soon spread to Luoyang.

Guo Jia's kindness was appreciated by Huangfusong, and he also understood Guo Jia's strength. If Guo Jia really wanted to rebel, Huangfusong would not be able to stop him with the troops in his hands.

Since Guo Jia voluntarily withdrew Julu and released his goodwill, Huangfusong naturally reciprocated, and made a heavy contribution to Zhongshan County in the credit book.

In Huangfusong's memorial, Guo Jia led the soldiers of Zhongshan County and made great contributions to the suppression of the Yellow Turban Army by the official army.

However, as soon as this memorial was sent to Hanling Emperor Liu Hong, it was opposed by Yuan Wei, one of the three princes.

"Your Majesty. General Huangfu has done a great job in recovering Julu and exterminating the Yellow Turban bandits. The veteran has no objection. But the evidence of Guo Jia's malicious intentions to rebel is undeniable."

Huangfusong just gave him face, he was embarrassed to oppose Huangfusong, but he was not so polite to Guo Jiake.

Yuan Shao is a newcomer whom the Yuan family will highly recommend in the future, and it is a great opportunity to succeed Huang Fusong as the commander of the army.

If Julu City was captured by him, then Huangfusong's honor today would be Yuan Shao's.

With the background of the Yuan family, it won't take long for Yuan Shao to be promoted to the position of Jiuqing and become the leader of the next generation.

It's a pity that this hope of the Yuan family was shattered by Guo Jia.

Yuan Shao's [-] troops were defeated by Guo Jia in Jizhou. Although no one died, his official career may have come to an end.

The reason is this Guo Jia.

"Yuan Taiwei!"

Zhang Rang, who was on the side, said in a strange way: "Do you have any evidence for Guo Jia's rebellion?"


Of course Yuan Kai did, but in order to cover up his nephew's defeat, Yuan Shao's [-] army and Cao Cao's defeat at Wuji County were not brought up.

Once he produced the evidence, he would definitely pull these two things out.

That's all for Cao Cao, this Yuan Shao is their family's hope for the future, nothing can happen to him.

"Three-year-old children in the Northland know this kind of thing, so why do we need any evidence?"

Yuan Kui talked about him from left to right.


Zhang Rang laughed loudly, and said, "Our family has heard something different. This Guo Jia has made a lot of contributions in annihilating the Yellow Turban Bandits."

He received Guo Jia's gold beads in private, so he naturally wanted to speak for Guo Jia.

Not bad!

Zhao Zhong also stood up.

"If you have meritorious deeds, you should be rewarded, and if you have demerits, you should be punished. Guo Jia has made great achievements in annihilating the Yellow Turban Bandits, so the court will naturally reward them. If there is no reward for this, wouldn't it make the world laugh at my emperor for not distinguishing right from wrong?"

The ten constant attendants are one, one is prosperous and all is prosperous, and one is damaged and all are damaged.

They have been holding together against the courtiers.

They will support whoever the courtiers oppose, and they will oppose whoever the courtiers support.

Yuan Kui wanted to attack Guo Jia, so Shi Changshi wanted to protect Guo Jia.

Emperor Han Ling is a fool.

Seeing the ten permanent attendants and civil servants confronting each other, I don't know which side to help.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Guo Jia cannot be rewarded!"

Then He Jin's tall figure walked in.

Everyone greeted in unison.

Now He Jin has become a general of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The general is above the Sangong and has a great right to speak.

"It turns out that the general is back!"

Liu Hong, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, was very happy.

The reason why Luoyang was able to keep this time was that the wife and younger brother made great contributions.

(End of this chapter)

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