Chapter 218
He Jin is more than 50 years old, born white and fat, very rich.

As expected of being a pork seller!
The whole face is full of oil.

I saw him walking in with his head held high.

"Your Majesty, what Yuan Taiwei said is true. As far as I know, Guo Jia has besieged the imperial army several times. Although he did not cause too much loss, he is already rebellious. Even if he is successful in annihilating the Yellow Turban, the imperial court will not reward him."

He Jin cupped his hands and said.


Liu Hong was a little undecided again.

not good!

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong on the side looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces.

They were not worried about Guo Jia, but He Jin.

At the beginning, He Jin sent the girl to the palace after following their way.

Only then did Queen He and General He come into being.

It can be said that the He family is today thanks to Zhang Rang and the others.

It stands to reason that the ten constant servants have made the He family, and the He family should be grateful to the ten constant servants.

But Shi Changshi gradually discovered that after He Jin ascended to the position of general, he gradually ignored them.

What worried Shi Changshi even more was that He Jin got closer and closer to the courtiers, and faintly became their spokesperson.

This is very fatal to ten permanent attendants.

Once the general He Jin and the courtiers wear a pair of trousers, they will be finished.


Zhang Rang said indifferently: "Although Guo Jia had some quarrels with the imperial army, there was a reason for it. General Huangfu has already made it very clear in his memorial. Besides, Your Majesty is a sage, so it is natural that rewards and punishments should be clearly defined. Guo Jia has made such great contributions. Wouldn't the rewards chill the hearts of all the officers and men, who would be willing to sacrifice their lives for the imperial court in the future?"

Not bad!

Zhao Zhong also said: "Guo Jia defeated 10,000+ Yellow Turbans one after another, and put down the Yellow Turbans one after another. Zhongshan Julu in Guangping has made great contributions to the country. Naturally, such heroes should be rewarded, and they should be rewarded with special rewards."

They just sang opposite corners with the officials.

Whatever the ministers say, he will oppose it.

This is the meaning of their existence. Even if He Jin stood on the side of the officials, he could not change the position of the ten permanent servants.

alright, alright!

Liu Hong suddenly said: "Stop arguing. How about this, Guo Jia's merits and demerits will be equalized, let's be his Zhongshan County Sheriff!"

He found these courtiers boring.He couldn't help arguing over a prefect.

If you don't want to reward the ministers, and don't want to reward the ten permanent servants, then don't reward or punish!

Ever since, the emperor began to get along with each other.

In fact, in private, this master thinks that Guo Jia is still very good.

At least during this period of time, people did not send less money.

After the rest of the prefects were sent out, which one thought about giving money to themselves?

Sikong and Zhang Wen hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the counties in the north of Zhongshan have long been vain, and refugees from several counties have poured into Zhongshan. Guo Jia already has a population of one million and tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Even if he has no dissent, but He must not be allowed to stay in Zhongshan anymore. In the opinion of the veteran, it is better to transfer him to the capital as an official."

Zhang Wen still has great foresight.

Although he didn't have any enmity with Guo Jia, Guo Jia's roots in Zhongshan were becoming more and more deeply rooted, and it would be difficult to deal with Guo Jia once it became a climate.

Why not take this opportunity and transfer Guo Jia to the capital, but once he is transferred to the capital, he can do whatever he wants.

"Transfer Guo Jia to the capital?"

Hanling Emperor Liu Hong was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zhang Wen puzzled.

Not bad!

Zhang Wen confirmed it.

"Who will give Zhongshan to?"

Emperor Han Ling asked again.

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Wen said: "Captain Cao Cao, who followed Huangfu Song to defeat the enemy, can let him be the first to be the governor of Zhongshan."

He was promoted by Cao Cao's grandfather Cao Teng, so he still took good care of this junior.

This time Cao Cao was able to become the captain of the cavalry, Zhang Wen still contributed a lot.

Han Lingdi suddenly sneered.

He has already seen through this group of courtiers.

Everything in the world has the surname Liu, and he, Liu Hong, was just a little bit greedy, so he was boycotted by these bastards.

In private, these bastards played tricks and were very greedy.

Emperor Han Ling was very upset.

If you are greedy yourself, you are a foolish king, and if they are greedy, it is a matter of course.

Who is he talking to?

All the big officials and foreign officials in the world wear a pair of trousers with them. If they have good things, they will be sent to them first, and the rest will belong to the emperor.

After all, it turned out that Guo Jia didn't have the same heart with them, and if he got something good, he would give it to the emperor first.

In this way, it becomes a thorn in the flesh of these people, and they have to get rid of it quickly.


Liu Hong absolutely refused.

His eyes suddenly narrowed.

Don't you want to get rid of Guo Jia and replace them with your own people?

I am not as good as you wish.

"Since the surrounding area of ​​Zhongshan is empty, let's merge those lands into Zhongshan and let them be managed by Guo Jia! In addition, there are so many people in Zhongshan, and their strength has also increased. It's a bit wronged to be a county guard. How about this?" , Separate the four counties of Daijun, Guangyang, Zhongshan, and Yanmen into a prefecture called Yunzhou, let Guo Jia be the governor of Yunzhou and also the prefect of Zhongshan!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised.

After talking a lot, how could he still be promoted.

The governor of Yunzhou concurrently serves as the military administrator?

Guo Jia unexpectedly rose from the prefect of a county to the shepherd of a state.

Is there any reason for this?

Your Majesty!

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong were immediately overjoyed.

They didn't care about Guo Jia's life or death at all.

To their joy, His Majesty stood with them again this time.

Let's retreat!

Liu Hong waved his sleeves and left, leaving only the officials looking at each other in blank dismay.

Yuan Wei and Zhang Wen glanced at each other, and they both saw the other's wry smile.

"The general stays!"

Seeing that He Jin was about to leave again, Yuan Kai and Zhang Wen hurriedly chased him out.

This time, they lost for a while and had to find a way to move back.

"Your Majesty is like that. Once a decision is made, it will not be changed. Guo Jia can't move for the time being. If he wants to move, he will talk about it later."

Ho Jin seemed to know what they were trying to say.

The two sighed at the same time.


Yuan Kai clasped his fists and said, "Guo Jia's son has ulterior motives, he is really a confidant of the court, and he needs to get rid of it earlier."

Zhang Wen also nodded.

He also has great worries about Guo Jia.

You two are overwhelmed!
He Jin said indifferently: "Guo Jia is only a county, and Huangfu Song is watching from Julu. There will be no changes in a short time. Compared with this, the old man wants to know how Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde got back together." thing?"

When this section was mentioned, Yuan Wei and Zhang Wen stopped talking.

The two suffered a defeat at the hands of Guo Jia, and the army dispersed. If they reported to the court, Guo Jia would naturally be rebellious, but the two would not escape death.

So they teamed up to suppress these two things.


He Jin cursed in his heart, then suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Let's put Guo Jia's matter aside for now, something happened in Liangzhou again."


The hearts of the two sank at the same time.

There is a place of right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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