Chapter 219 Xiliang Ma Teng
Soon, the court's reward came to Zhongshan.

"The governor of Yunzhou is also in charge of the military affairs of the four counties!"

When seeing this new title, Guo Jia couldn't help being overjoyed.I can't wait to hug Liu Hongda and kiss him a few times.

Although the emperor is fatuous, he is indeed powerful.

All of a sudden, he was given four more counties.

In this way, Guo Jiake is the state shepherd.

"Congratulations, my lord, Hexi my lord!"

Ju Shou and Xu Shu laughed.

"Gongyu, Yuanzhi! It's all thanks to you."

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

Indeed, Zhongshan's current achievements are the result of everyone's joint efforts.


Guo Jia also knew it very well.

Emperor Han Ling was a stingy emperor. Although he was given the land of the three counties, it was already desolate.

Most of the population also fled into Zhongshan.

In other words, the three counties actually fell into Guo Jia's pocket.

This old emperor is fake and generous.

In addition, the three counties were given to him, and the pressure of border defense also fell on Guo Jia's shoulders.

In the past, in the three border counties, the imperial court had to garrison troops, and the annual expenditure was also astronomical.Now that all the brains are given to Guo Jia, the court pats his butt and doesn't ask anything, and he is happy to be a shopkeeper who throws his hands away.

Who said that the emperor is a fool?

People's calculations are very clear?

Guo Jia slandered a few words in his heart.

As a result, Guo Jia's military strength was somewhat stretched.

If you want to increase troops, you have to spend money.


Guo Jia couldn't help but feel a little headache again.

Over the years of the Yellow Turban chaos, his business routes have been intermittent, and he has lost a lot of small money.

This is also the fundamental reason why Guo Jia is determined to solve the Yellow Turban Dao and restore peace to the world.

Only when there is peace can the caravan be unimpeded, and when the caravan is unimpeded, his border trade will be rich.

Only when you have money can you recruit soldiers and buy horses, and you can settle down in Zhongshan.

"My lord, is there someone from Xiliang?"

Zhao Yun hurried in.


Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

He has nothing to do with Xiliang!

Lean less!
A burly man walked in.

"Ma Teng from Xiliang pays his respects to Lord Guo!"


Hearing this name, Guo Jia couldn't help standing up excitedly.

This is a big man!

How did he get here?
"Shoucheng please rise!"

Guo Jia hurriedly helped Ma Teng up.

Ma Teng froze for a moment.

He is just a registration number, how does the prefect know that his name is Shoucheng?

But after thinking about it, Mr. Yan Zhong is the leader of Liangzhou's heroes, and he probably mentioned some things about Liangzhou to him, so he didn't take it to heart.

"Mr. Guo Fu, a few months ago, Mr. Yan Zhong suddenly sent a letter back to Xiliang. He said that Mr. Guo was a righteous man in the dynasty, and he asked us Xiliang heroes to respond to the Fu Lord and jointly raise important events. Mr. Yan Zhong is the leader of Xiliang heroes. , Heroes of Xiliang respect him very much. Counting the days now, heroes of Xiliang Beigong Boyu, Li Wenhou, Han Sui, Bian Zhang and others have already started in Liangzhou. Ma also came here to inform the governor, Let’s do great things together.”

Ma Teng is a straight person, and said straight to the point.

Guo Jia was taken aback again.

Is Xiliang in chaos?

It seems to be a little earlier than the original plot.

No wonder those old fellows in the imperial court have died down, and there are fewer memorials to impeach him. It turned out that they were preparing to deal with the rebellion in Liangzhou.

The rebellion in Liangzhou can be regarded as helping him out.

It turned out that Yan Zhong was the leader of the Xiliang rebel group, and Han Suimateng was with him.

Only then did Guo Jia understand the meaning of Yan Zhong saving Jushou.

He wanted to unite himself in the rebellion.

Originally, Yan Zhong valued Huangfusong, but this person was very foolish and loyal, and would never rebel, so Yan Zhong gave up Huangfusong and planned to join him, but unfortunately he was killed by Yuan Shao halfway.

"I appreciate Shoucheng's kindness, but it's a pity for Mr. Yan Zhong!"

Guo Jia pretended to show grief.

In fact, he didn't have any special feelings for Yan Zhong either.

My lord's condolences!

Ma Teng's eyes flashed with anger.

"Yuan Shao killed Mr. Yan Zhong, and hundreds of thousands of Xiliang heroes will not let him go. This time, I will definitely fight to Luoyang, capture Yuan Shao alive, cut out his heart and liver, and avenge Mr. Yan Zhong!"

Good ambition!
Guo Jia praised it, but he didn't think so.

Although the people of Xiliang were brave, they lacked political wisdom. They rebelled for decades without making a name for themselves.

"My lord!"

Ma Teng clasped his fists again and said: "This time, Ma is also deeply entrusted by you heroes. I hope you will start your army soon."

He was a vulgar person, since Yan Zhong praised Guo Jia very much in his letter, he naturally believed that Guo Jia was also a fellow of Liangzhou people.

The Liangzhou side has turned against it. If Guo Jia can raise troops to cooperate, things will be very promising.


Guo Jia smiled.

Although he also thought about rebellion, but now is not the time, no matter how tossing in Xiliang, it will not help.

"Shoucheng doesn't know anything!"

Guo Jiasi said calmly: "The previous Yellow Turban Rebellion severely damaged Zhongshan, and it has not recovered yet. What's more, Huangfusong stationed troops in Julu. One off!"

Huangfu Song!
Hearing this name, Ma Teng was very angry.

"This old man is also from Liangzhou, but he is willing to act as a lackey of the powerful in the pass. Mr. Yan Zhong was also blind before he fell in love with him."

He clasped his fists again.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Mr. Ma is here to help you this time. Although Ma is not talented, he has some martial arts. As long as Mr. Ma is willing to give Ma a soldier, Ma will be able to defeat Huangfusong and help you." My lord, clear away the obstacles outside Luoyang."


Guo Jia suddenly laughed a few times.

This Ma Teng is very straightforward.

Ma Teng was a little confused.

"My lord, what are you laughing at? Ma has lived in the Qiang land for a long time and is familiar with the Qiang people's warfare methods. The inland army is no match for the Qiang people at all."

no no!

Guo Jia waved his hands hastily.

He pondered for a while, and said: "Well, Shoucheng has worked hard all the way, let's go down and rest first. Let me discuss with the generals about sending troops."

Although Ma Teng felt a little troublesome, he still nodded.

After all, such a big matter as sending troops cannot be decided in a short while.

What a big breath!
Guan Yu sneered and looked at Ma Teng's back.

Just now Ma Teng brazenly said that Huangfusong could be defeated with only one cavalry, which already made the second master very upset.

Seeing that Ma Teng has no manners at all now, it makes Second Master's hands itch even more.

If Guo Jia hadn't been in front of him, he would have jumped out to compete with Ma Teng long ago.

Don't underestimate Yun Chang!

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

Although Ma Teng is not outstanding, his son Ma Chao is an awesome character.

In the battle of Weishui, Cao Aman lost his helmet and armor and was defeated.

Mal is not dead, I am not at ease!
This is Cao Cao's evaluation of Ma Chao.

(End of this chapter)

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