Chapter 220 Celebration
The arrival of Ma Teng made Guo Jia focus on Xiliang.

Guo Jia was not surprised that Xiliang rebelled.

It is said that the boundary of Xiliang has not been peaceful in recent years.

The Qiang people refused to accept the management of the Han people, and often made troubles.For this reason, the Han Dynasty was very troubled, so a harsh system was established in Xiliang to prohibit the migration of Xiliang people.

As a result, the Han people in Xiliang were also shot while lying down and became second-class citizens.

In order to get the court to change this policy, Xiliang people have made decades of efforts, but they have not achieved any results.

In the end, Xiliang people's recognition of the imperial court also faded.

In addition, living in the frontier for a long time, the folk customs are tough, and they will be chopped off if they don't agree with each other.

Since you don't give me treatment, I simply rebelled and no longer recognize you as the court.

Ever since, in recent years, most people in Xiliang have rebelled, or are on the road to rebellion.

Yan Zhong is the leader of the rebel group.

But in recent years, Xiliang people have rebelled many times, but they have not achieved any results.

So they want to ask for help.

This time Yan Zhong followed Huangfusong, just to persuade him to work with Xiliang.

But Huangfusong is a good old man, hello, hello, hello everyone, there is no meaning of rebellion at all.

Seeing that Huangfusong couldn't be persuaded, Yan Zhong immediately shifted his target, because he found a rebellious boy——Guo Jia.

In Yan Zhong's eyes, this Guo Taishou has a very right temper.

It doesn't matter where you are, just do it if you disagree.

Even the soldiers and horses of the imperial court were beaten to the brim.

What the hell!

Isn't this the enlightened master he was looking for so hard?
With such an awesome person as a foreign agent, wouldn't the cause of liberation of the people of Liangzhou usher in a spring?

Ever since, Yan Zhong immediately planned to vote under Guo Jia's sect.

This is a potential stock, don't let it go.

It's a pity that Yan Zhong was caught up and killed by Yuan Shao before he came to worship under Guo Jia's sect.

But before that, he still wrote to the rebel group in Liangzhou about Guo Jia.

Yan Zhong is still very famous in the rebel group.

The leader of the rebel group read Yan Zhong's letter and still looked forward to Guo Jia.

The rebel groups in Liangzhou have taken action, and they also hope that Guo Jia will respond.So he sent Zhichangzi Ma Teng over.

Ma Teng has half of Qiang blood, is very tough, and is also the type who refuses to accept it.

Otherwise, you wouldn't say "Give me three thousand urban management, I want to quell the rhetoric around Luoyang."

In fact, Ma Teng has lived in Xiliang for a long time, and his natal family is a wealthy Qiang family. He has learned the essence of Qiang warfare, especially proficient in cavalry warfare.

Give him three thousand urban management, and he can't say that he can really wipe out the surrounding areas of Luoyang.

But Guo Jia doesn't want to fight with the soldiers and horses of the imperial court now, so he can only settle down the sturdy Ma Teng first.

Besides, he didn't want to relieve the pressure on the rebels in Xiliang at this time.

While the imperial court was concentrating on attacking Xiliang, he had better concentrate on consolidating his power.

After Ma Teng was settled, and Erye Guan was sent to follow him, Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief again.

With Guan Erye's disposition, the two of them might start working soon.

Although Ma Teng can be regarded as a strong man, he is still not good enough compared to Guan Erye, and he will probably be dealt with submissively.


Jushou suddenly reminded: "The Zhen family sent someone here! Miss Zhen is here!"

Zhen family!

Then Guo Jia remembered that Zhen Jiang had been keeping a filial piety at home for a long time.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with a daughter being filial to her father.

But the Zhen family was obviously afraid that Zhen Jiang would fall out of favor in front of Guo Jia after a long time, so they sent Zhen Jiang over immediately after the war.

I see!

Guo Jia nodded, stood up and greeted him.

The Zhen family was the main contributor to his occupation of Zhongshan back then, and this respect should be given.

"My lord!"

The person who came to the Zhen family this time is Zhen Yan.

At this moment, he was still showing filial piety, when seeing Guo Jia, Zhen Yan immediately saluted.

He didn't call himself Guo Jia's big uncle at all.

"So it's the second brother!"

Guo Jia smiled and said hello!
Don't dare to be!
Zhen Yan hurriedly said humbly.

Zhen Yi's death brought a huge loss to the Zhen family. Everyone in the Zhen family was afraid of falling out of favor in front of Guo Jia, so they did everything possible to please Guo Jia.

"Jiang'er has been missing Lord Fu Jun, and the villain has sent her here. Do you want to see her, Lord Fu Jun?"

Zhen Yan said cautiously.

Now the Zhen family can only put all their chips on the married daughter.

As long as Zhen Jiang can gain Guo Jia's favor, the Zhen family will surely flourish in the future.

not busy!

Guo Jia waved his hand hastily.

"Second brother, please sit down! I just happen to have something to say to you."

Zhen Yan sat down obediently.

He is very respectful to this brother-in-law.

Let's go first, this brother-in-law is only a prefect, but now he is already a shepherd.

Today's Guo Jia can be regarded as a big family, and the Zhen family is still worried about whether Guo Jia will go to the Zhen family at that time.

"Elder Zhen has already passed away. It is natural for children to keep their filial piety. However, Yunzhou is full of waste and waiting for prosperity. It is time to employ people. The two counties around Wuji County still lack county magistrates. I hope that the second and third brothers Come out and help me."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

After conquering the country, it is natural to divide the heroes.

Guo Jia is no exception.

For Zhongshan to achieve such achievements, a group of subordinates have put in a lot of effort.

Now is the time to reward according to merit.

As for how to award the reward, Guo Jia also had a preliminary draft.

Today Yunzhou has four counties.

Although there are not so many cities, a set of officials is still needed.

For a war-torn borderland like Yunzhou, dignitaries and dignitaries would naturally not come here to become officials, and Guo Jia's prefect didn't spend much money back then.

Naturally, the imperial court would not assign them, and even if they were assigned, people would dare to come. In this case, Guo Jia will not be polite.

Divide out several capable subordinates one by one.

Xizhong was the prefect of Zhongshan, Cheng Yu was the prefect of Guangyang, Mao Jie was the prefect of Daijun, and Jushou was the prefect of Shanggu.

Although Man Chong is not the prefect, but the task is very heavy, he has to stay in the Taihang Mountains to monitor Zhang Yan.

The subordinates are separated, and the remaining key positions must be replaced by their own people.

Since the Zhen family is so loyal to him, he naturally wants to reciprocate.

Both Zhen Yan and Zhen Yao are good talents, and if they stay at home for a long time, they will be a little inferior.

"Your Majesty is very polite, and it is the Zhen family's honor to be able to share your worries for Your Majesty."

Zhen Yan was flattered!

Guo Jia's ability to use them is due to his trust in the Zhen family, and they will naturally not refuse.

very good!

Seeing Zhen Yan's statement, Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately appoint Zhen Yan Zhen Yao as the magistrate of the county under his jurisdiction.

Zhen Yan accepted the order happily, bid farewell to Guo Jia immediately, and went back to make preparations.

The magistrate is also an official.

With Guo Jia as his brother-in-law covering him, why should he worry about not being able to rise to the top?
Zhen Yan happily left.

He already felt goodwill from Guo Jia's message.

Guo Jia still did not forget the Zhen family.

It's time for the Zhen family to breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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