Chapter 222 Convincing Xun You

"Gongda, there is something I don't understand, and I hope Gongda can enlighten me. You and I had a good relationship when we were in Yingchuan. Guo Jia asked himself that he didn't offend Xun Gongda. Why do you always look at me? ?”

Guo Jia couldn't figure it out.

Although the two don't get along very well, they may not be enemies.

Why did Xun Gongda come here to find his own bad luck?
"You really don't understand?"

Xun You sneered.

not understand!
Guo Jia shook his head.


Xun Youlue thought for a while, and then said something, which made Guo Jia suddenly realize.

When he was in Yingchuan, Xun You was as famous as Guo Jia, and they were both rare young talents in the local area.

It's just that the growth paths of the two are somewhat different.

Xun You became famous at a young age, and the three great generals all admired his name and recruited him.

But he rejected them one by one.

At that time, literati had to have a strong character, and they all took pride in rejecting the imperial court's conquest.

Rejecting the imperial court's conquest is firstly because the official position is not suitable, and secondly, it is also a way to increase fame.

Xun You is no exception.

This is the path that the talented and learned disciples of the serious gentry should take.

But Guo Jia is different.

He was originally from a noble family, and if he followed the steps, he would have a good future.

But this guy actually sold his property and bribed ten permanent servants to get a post of prefect in pursuit of becoming an official.

You must know that Shi Changshi is the enemy of Shilin.

Mentioning them, all scholars in the world grit their teeth.

Guo Jia did this, which was a taboo for scholars.

After hearing about this incident, Xun You still felt sorry for Guo Jia, thinking that he was just confused for a while.

Originally, Guo Jia was his prefect, and Xun You was reading his own books. Apart from being classmates, the two parties had little relationship.

The cause of the incident was that Guo Jia changed the practice of the imperial court and promoted border trade in Zhongshan.

What is border trade?
That is the way to make money for dignitaries and local border counties.

Merchants who want to buy and sell goods are exploited by the local government.

This is a fat job, and it has always been controlled by the dignitaries of the imperial court.

There are only a few horse markets. Originally, there were too many monks and too few porridge, and they were all controlled by various families. If you, Guo Jia, wanted to get a piece of the pie, there was no way.

Unexpectedly, Guo Jia continued to bribe Shi Changshi and obtained the qualification to start border trade.


The ten permanent attendants covered the sky with one hand, these people endured it.

You, Guo Jia, take a share of the pie, so let them earn less.

But these people are naive.

As soon as Guo Jia came in, he made an awesome policy.

Those who do business in Zhongshan will not be taxed.

Not only do you not collect taxes, you are bullied, and Zhongshan also makes decisions for you.

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Merchants naturally swarmed up, and Zhongshan was overcrowded for a while.

There were more merchants and more goods, which once again attracted merchants from all over the country to Zhongshan for business.

In this way, naturally no one would go to the horse markets in other border counties.

Guo Jia is full, and the others have nothing to eat.

Cutting people's money and killing their parents!
So these people began to unite to trip Guo Jia.

These people are not a single person, they represent an intricate web of relationships.

It's a pity that the Yellow Turban Rebellion came before they had time to attack Guo Jia.

Now that the Yellow Turban Rebellion is almost settled, these people are ready to deal with Guo Jia again.

Runan Yuan is one of them.

The conflict between Guo Jia and Yuan Lang became an excuse for the Yuan family to deal with Guo Jia. Even if there was no such incident, they would not let Guo Jia go.

Cao Cao is so!
So is Yuan Shao!

In order to deal with Guo Jia, the Xun family also made a contribution and sent Xun You to Yuan Shao's side.

Guo Jia started border trade, which touched the cheese of dignitaries and nobles, and the Xun family's interests were among them.

The Xun family naturally took action.

Xun You also came to Jizhou for this reason.

"I see!"

Guo Jia just nodded.

It turned out that it was blocking other people's money, no wonder they were brutally attacked one after another.

In fact, he should have thought of it when he promoted border trade.

There are only so many benefits in the world, if you get more, others will get less.

This is also impossible.

"Just for this reason?"

Guo Jia tilted his head and glanced at Xun You.

Xun You's expression was a little unnatural.

But for Guo Jia, Xun You still has his own thoughts.

At the beginning, the two were called Yingchuan Shuangbi, but now Guo Jia has broken the yellow scarves in the north, has many soldiers under his command, and the prosperous people in Zhongshan are living and working in peace and contentment. His achievements far leave Xun You behind.

Xun You was a little unconvinced, so he came to have a chat with Guo Jia.

It's a pity that the heavens didn't follow people's wishes, Xun You met such a useless guy as Yuan Shao, and was defeated again, and he himself became Guo Jia's captive.

Captives are captives!
When Xun You fell into Guo Jia's hands, he didn't think about going back alive.

But what he never thought of was.

That bastard Guo Jia actually froze Li Daitao, killed a fake Xun You, and hid the real Xun You.

This made Xun You a little dumbfounded.

"Guo Fengxiao!"

He calmly said: "I was born as a member of the Xun family and died as a ghost of the Xun family. Even if you hide me, I, Xun You, will not beg for mercy from you. I will not give you advice to deal with the court. You'd better Kill me, or you will regret it in the end."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Gongda, you are wrong. I, Guo Jia, never planned to let you deal with the imperial court."

The Xun family was deeply entrenched in the imperial court, and it was for this reason that Xun You would rather die than surrender.

How could he help Guo Jia deal with the court?

Guo Jia had already thought it through.

Not against the court?

Xun You froze for a moment.

He knew that the reason why he was able to survive was that Guo Jia probably valued his talent.

Although Guo Jia has not rebelled now, it is almost the same.If he didn't allow himself to deal with the court and the Xun family, then what would he do with himself?

Xun You didn't understand.

Guo Jia suddenly took out a map and put it in front of Xun You.

"Please look, Gongda, the imperial court has appointed me as the governor of Yunzhou, in charge of the defense of the four counties of Zhongshan, Guangyang, Yanmen."

Governor of Yunzhou!

Xun You was taken aback.

If Guo Jia dared to attack the imperial army, he was already an out-and-out traitor. Not only did the imperial court not attack him, why did he even promote him.


Could it be that a state was specially separated for this guy?

When Xun You's eyes fell on the map, he immediately understood.

That's what happened.

In fact, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the three counties of Guangyang, Yanmen, and Daijun were ravaged by nomads, and they were relatively desolate.

Now after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, these three counties have already existed in name only.

Now that it has merged into Yunzhou, the court is just pretending to be generous.

Although the three counties are not small, the real background is Guo Jia's own Zhongshan County.

(End of this chapter)

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