Chapter 223

Xun You smiled faintly and said, "The imperial court has shown great grace to Your Excellency, and your Excellency should serve the Imperial Court and benefit the common people."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled.

"Gongda, are you hurting me?"

His face suddenly sank, and he pointed at the land of the three counties.

"At the beginning, this was also the territory of the big Han. Over the years, the imperial court has been weak, the border has shrunk day by day, and the people in the border counties have also been oppressed by foreign races. Every day, countless compatriots die under the iron hooves of foreign races, and many of them are ignorant babies. I don't know Do the dignitaries of the imperial court know about it?"


Xun You couldn't answer.

Naturally, the dignitaries of the imperial court didn't know, and even if they knew, they wouldn't take it to heart.

What does it matter to them if all the people on the border are dead?

As long as their own interests are not damaged.

Xun You also knew something about these meat eaters.

But there is nothing they can do, because the Xun family is also a member of the meat eaters.

they do not know!
Guo Jia smiled coldly and said, "I, Guo Jia, have only been in Zhongshan for half a year, and nearly a million people from the surrounding area have flocked to Zhongshan. Why is that?"

Xun You stopped talking.

He understood what Guo Jia meant.

The Han people pay the most attention to their hometown, and unless they can't survive, few people leave their hometowns to develop in other places.

The reason why so many people flooded into Zhongshan can only show that their living environment is very bad, too bad to survive.

"Since the opening of the border trade in Zhongshan, there has been a lot of income every day. But I, Guo Jia, have used the income to build the army and settle down the people. I will use my best efforts to provide a stable living environment for the people under my rule."

Guo Jia said solemnly.

Xun You looked a little embarrassed.

He also heard about Jizhou's experience.

Although Guo Jia is not a loyal minister, he is indeed a good official.

At least in this war-torn era, it would be nice to be able to protect the people of one side from being affected by war disasters.

"Feng Xiao, although you and I are in different positions, I know you are a good official."

Xun You said in a low voice.

good sir!

Guo Jia sneered, and said: "If I do my best, those people in the court are nothing more than traitors."

Xun You stopped talking.

To put it bluntly, politics is party imprisonment.

Common interests bring everyone together in a circle, which is the party.

Although the emperors of all dynasties banned it again and again, it is difficult to really solve this problem.

Guo Jia started his business by bribing the ten permanent servants, so naturally he didn't get the approval of these gentry, and it was only natural to give him small shoes to wear.

"Feng Xiao!"

When Xun You originally wanted to persuade him to leave the Shichang Attendant and join the gentry, he suddenly remembered that he had killed Yuan Lang and defeated Yuan Shao and Cao Cao one after another. It is also difficult.


Guo Jia said calmly: "I don't want to ask about the affairs of the court. I can't even ask. I just want to manage Yunzhou well and make it a home for the people to live and work in peace."

He took a deep breath, and said word by word: "I hope Gongda will help me for the sake of more than 100 million ordinary people in Yunzhou."

As he spoke, he bowed to the end.

Fengxiao can't make it!
Xun You hurriedly helped him up.

Only then did he realize that he was still tied up, and he was a little embarrassed again.

Guo Jia smiled and reached out to untie the rope on him.

"The new construction of Yunzhou is at the time of employing people. Although I still have some people on hand, I can't compare with Xun Gongda. So I ask Gongda to help me."

Guo Jia is well aware of Xun You's ability, so even if he is cheated and abducted, he must be kept.

Bong filial piety!

Xun You was a little moved.

Although this person has a perverse personality and does not obey discipline, he is really good to the people under his command.

"You know about the affairs of the Xun family. They have some contacts with the dignitaries of the court. Therefore, Xun You can't help himself. If Fengxiao wants to raise troops to oppose the court, Xun You will never dare to respond. If the border counties are stabilized and the people are governed, Xun You will be fine." able to contribute.”

Very good!
Guo Jia immediately grabbed Xun You's hand and said excitedly, "From now on, Xun Gongda, you will be my left military advisor, responsible for the civil affairs of the entire Yunzhou."

Xun You hesitated for a while, then nodded.

"I'm willing to try my best. But Fengxiao, you have to promise me that you won't rebel?"

As he spoke, he fixed his eyes on Guo Jia.

The Xun family is still very loyal to the big man.

When Cao Cao usurped the Han, he was strongly opposed by his uncle and nephew.

Although he was treated coldly by Cao Aman, Cao Aman did not succeed in his lifetime.

"I, Guo Jia, will never rebel in my lifetime?"

Guo Jia raised his right hand high!
Naturally, he will not rebel, but if someone else rebelled and overthrew the big man, then it is no longer within the scope of this discussion.

Anyway, a few years later when Dong Zhuo came to Beijing, the world was in chaos, and Xun You couldn't say anything.

"Xun You pays homage to the lord, I hope the lord can remember today's oath!"

Xun You prostrated himself on the ground excitedly.

Guo Jia was willing to make such an oath, which made him get rid of his last scruples.

As long as it is not a rebellion, he, Xun You, has no reason to object, and he can also show his strengths in Yunzhou.

In addition, Xun You is dead, and he will not use this name again.

Gongda please rise!

Guo Jia helped him up with a smile.

Xun You's internal affairs ability is very good, and he is also a good military adviser. He once helped Cao A hide a lot of tricks.

Naturally, this kind of talent cannot be killed.

Xun You still has a lot of affection for the court and the people, so Guo Jia started from this aspect and asked him to help.

Kill a fake Xunyou, so that the real Xunyou will have no worries.

The more Guo Jia thought about it, the more complacent he became.


Xun You said indifferently: "From now on, there will be no such name as Xun Gongda. From now on, I will be called Wu Yi."

He didn't want to have anything to do with the Xun family.

Wu Yi!

Guo Jia scratched his head.

The name is a bit odd.

But he couldn't care less.

"From now on, you are my Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu, the people of Yunzhou will count on you."

Guo Jiayu said earnestly.

Don't worry, my lord!

Xun You (now renamed Wu Yi)

"We must go all out!"

very good!

Guo Jia laughed a few times, and said, "Since that's the case, Mr. Wu should follow me and go back to Wuji County first. Xu Yuanzhi will definitely break out in fright when he sees you."

Xun You also laughed a few times.

He suddenly felt a little ashamed of his old classmate.

At the beginning, Xu Shu also tried his best to save him, but unfortunately he was scolded back by himself.

Seeing Xu Shu now, Xun You didn't know what to say.

Always feel a little awkward.

"There's someone else you should want to see more!"

Guo Jia suddenly said mysteriously.

Xun You was puzzled.


Guo Jia said with a smile.

Play Zhicai!
Xun You froze for a moment.

No wonder this guy has had such a good time this year.

It turned out that he had the ambition to support him.

That is Wang Zuozhi who is as famous as his uncle Xun Yu!

Unexpectedly, he was also abducted.

(End of this chapter)

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