Chapter 224 The Huns Attack

Soon, Xun You appeared next to Guo Jia under the pseudonym Wu Yi. Except for familiar people such as Xu Shu and Xi Zhong, the rest of the people did not know the origin of Mr. Wu Yi.

Xi Zhong and Xu Shu are also very happy to be able to work with Xun You. They also know that the big family has many taboos, so they have kept Xun You's identity secret.

Giving up Julu to Huangfusong this time can be described as a win-win situation.

Not only saved face for the court, but also brought honor to Zhongshan, why not do it?
Right now, Guo Jia is already the governor of Yunzhou.

Although it is still the foundation of Zhongshan County, the governor of a state is much more powerful than the prefect of a county.

Especially for the special frontier army in Yunzhou, the governor of the state can be said to be in charge of the army and the people.

Now that the territory is established, Guo Jia naturally needs to prepare the management system accordingly.

After returning to Lunu, Guo Jia immediately issued the first assassination order.

Appoint Xi Zhong as the prefect of Zhongshan, in charge of the government affairs of Zhongshan.

Cheng Yu was appointed as the prefect of Guangyang County, in charge of Guangyang's government affairs.

Mao Jie was appointed as the prefect of Daijun, responsible for the government affairs of Daijun.

Jushou was appointed as the prefect of Shanggu, in charge of the government affairs of Shanggu.

Man Chong stays at Taihang Mountain and is responsible for monitoring Zhang Yan and the bandits in Taihang Mountain.

Of course, apart from Zhongshan County, Shanggu in Dai County of Guangyang is basically empty, and the prefects of the three counties are all polished commanders.

However, in Guo Jia's plan, the three counties are to be rebuilt, so the bare commander is also temporary.

Civil servants are basically enough.

Next is the general.

Not counting the bandits in Taihang Mountain, Guo Jia already had [-] old and new cavalry and [-] infantry.In addition to the recruits trained by Xu Huang and Yu Jin, many old soldiers were also recruited in previous battles. These are all elites of hundreds of battles and are the best source of soldiers.

These [-] cavalry were Guo Jia's greatest asset, and also his bargaining chip in fighting for world hegemony, so naturally he couldn't take it lightly.

Guo Jia divided the [-] cavalry into two parts. The first part was formed by Zhao Yun's White Horse Yi Cong, who gathered all the elite cavalry.

Although there are only 2000 people, the equipment and combat effectiveness are top-notch.

The second part is Xu Huang's new army, which has 4000 people.

The new army is Baima Yicong's backup force and the second echelon to maintain Zhongshan's defense.

Independent of the counties, directly under the command of Guo Jia.

The remaining cavalry were dispersed among the infantry, which solved the problem of the infantry having no horses.

Guo Jia divided the [-] infantry into three groups.

Yu Jin was appointed as the captain of Zhongshan, responsible for all defenses in Zhongshan County, and Zhou Cang was his deputy.

1 Zhongshan County soldiers headed by Yu Jin and Zhou Cang were responsible for guarding the Zhongshan Base Camp.

This force included Yu Jin's [-] Polu troops.

If Baima Yicong is the elite of the cavalry, then the Polu Army is the elite of the infantry.

The Polu army is well-equipped and has rich combat experience. They are all formed by Zhongshan elite veterans, and there is no problem with their loyalty.

With Yu Jin's men and horses stationed in Zhongshan, everything will be safe.

Appoint Zhang He as the captain of Daijun, Gao Lan as his assistant, responsible for all defenses of Guangyang. Of course, Guangyang's government is not in Guo Jia's territory now, so Zhang He Gao Lan still guards Anguo, the east gate of Zhongshan.

Guo Jia also added [-] cavalry to them, and Anguo had [-] garrisons, greatly increasing their strength.

Appoint Guan Yu as the captain of Guangyang, and Zhang Fei as the assistant, responsible for all defenses of Shanggu.Like Guangyang, the official position is false, and Guan and Zhang are still guarding Wuji County, the southern gateway of Zhongshan.

In order to prevent the court from coveting, Guo Jia added [-] troops to Guan and Zhang, and distributed them to [-] cavalry, which greatly increased the strength of Wuji County.

Xu Shu was appointed as the left army division, stationed in Wuji County to guard against the imperial court.

Appoint Xun You as the right army division, stationed at the front to prevent nomadic attacks.

Guo Jia accepted Xun You's opinion and divided the surrounding troops into two groups, one for training and one for farming.

It not only saves manpower, but also solves the food problem of the army, and also reduces the burden on the local people, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

In addition, Guo Jia formally formed an artillery battalion.

The initial establishment is 500 people, divided into five battalions, one battalion of 100 people, each battalion has [-] artillery vehicles and [-] mules and horses.

Appoint Zhao Dachui as the captain of the artillery, directly under the command of Guo Jia.

Appoint Zhao Shan as the logistics supervisor of the artillery battalion, as long as he is responsible for the production and transportation of artillery shells.

Finally, Guo Jia gave Cai Yu the remaining [-] cavalry.

This sister-in-law's intelligence network has been well established.

These [-] cavalrymen traveled across the territory of Yunzhou and became a channel for information transmission.

After the end of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, trade routes from Zhongshan to various places were opened up one after another, and border trade was promoted smoothly again.

The big machine in Zhongshan was running again.

With business, there will be money to be made, and with money, Guo Jia can raise soldiers.

With Zhongshan's background, raising [-] military horses is already the limit.

Everything was ready, Guo Jia just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly disaster came.

News came from Cai Yubu's eyeliner on the Xiongnu side, and the Huns have recently begun to move around.

"Thirty thousand cavalry gathered in a short period of time?"

Seeing the news sent by Cai Yu, Guo Jia's scalp also felt a little numb.

The Huns are no better than the Yellow Turbans.

Xi Zhong and Xun You stood in front of Guo Jia, one on the left and the other on the right, their faces were also very heavy.

Thirty thousand cavalry is not a small number.Moreover, the cavalry of the Huns is different from the cavalry of the official army. The Huns are good at riding and shooting, and they come and go like the wind.

Often the cavalry of the Han army was shot down on the horse by a round of arrows before the opponent made contact.

This skill has always been a nightmare for the Han army.

Although Zhongshan also has artillery, they are all earthen gunpowder projected by trebuchets. Although the momentum is amazing, the lethality is very limited.

There is nothing wrong with defending the city, but Yunzhou is so vast that when the Huns come in, it is like entering no one's land.

Even if Guo Jia's crock bombs can defend the city, the people outside the city will definitely become the souls of the Huns.

How to deal with the cavalry and shooting of the Huns in the field has become an urgent problem for Guo Jia to solve.

Before the invention of hot weapons, nomadic riding and shooting had always been a nightmare for the Han people in the Central Plains.

The Mongols used this skill to the limit, and a mere 20 soldiers and horses laid down a huge empire.

It was before World War I that riding and shooting finally withdrew from the stage. At that time, muskets were already very mature.

But in this era, due to the bottleneck of iron smelting technology, Guo Jia could not mass-produce muskets, not even the steel pipes for muskets.

Without steel, how can there be artillery and guns?

But iron and steel smelting cannot be solved in a short time. Even if this bottleneck can be solved, there is not so much iron ore for Guo Jia to squander.

How to do?
Guo Jia had a headache.

Although he is a top agent from later generations, he has a lot of chemical engineering theories.

But it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Without productivity, no matter how good the technology is, it is useless.

 I'm sorry, I'm late today, so I can only update it first. I hope the readers will forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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