Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 225 Xun You, Good at Conspiracy

Chapter 225 Xun You, Good at Conspiracy

For a moment, there was a cloud of sadness on everyone's face.

Thirty thousand Hun cavalry who knew how to ride and shoot were not so easy to deal with.


Xi Zhong said in a deep voice: "The Huns are unparalleled in riding and shooting. This battle can only be outsmarted and invincible. At present, the foundation of Yunzhou is still based on Zhongshan. It can shrink its troops, strengthen the defense of Zhongshan's counties, and set up docks outside. Fortresses, and connected into one piece to form the periphery of Zhongshan. The surrounding area is solid and clear, and there is no opportunity for the Huns to take advantage of."

Not bad!

Everyone said yes.

The Huns are powerful in riding and shooting, and they come and go like the wind. It may be difficult to deal with them with Zhongshan's troops.

It is a safe way to strengthen the wall and clear the field.

The Huns are not good at attacking cities, and if they can't plunder anything around them, they won't stay for long, and they will naturally retreat.

In the early years of the Han Dynasty, the local border counties dealt with the Xiongnu cavalry in this way.

The Huns are a group of robbers, once they can't grab anything, they will naturally retreat.

Clear the wall!

Guo Jia asked, "What about the people outside the city? What about the caravans? The Huns are coming, who will protect them?"

Everyone stopped talking.

Although strengthening the wall and clearing the wilderness is a safe method, it can only take care of the main urban areas, and there is nothing that can be done for the people outside the urban areas.

It is even more helpless for the caravans that come and go.

In addition, Zhongshan's foreign trade system has just been restored. If the Huns come to make a big fuss, their efforts for the past six months may be in vain.

"You can't fortify the wall and clear the field, you must wipe out the enemy outside Zhongshan."

Guo Jia said firmly.

Zhongshan was developed by him with great difficulty, and naturally he could not tolerate the destruction of anyone else, not even the Huns.

How to do?
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

If you can't fortify the wall and clear the field, then you can only fight hard.

But if you fight hard, how can Zhongshan's soldiers and horses stop the Huns' cavalry and shooting?
"grown ups!"

Yu Jin suddenly stood up.

"To deal with the Huns' cavalry and shooting, my subordinates have some methods."

Guo Jia's spirit lifted.

"Wen Ze, tell me!"

Yu Jin is now the No.1 general under Guo Jia's command, and his Polu army can be said to be the number one force in Zhongshan.

"Step crossbow!"

Yu Jin clasped his fists and said: "Since ancient times, infantry crossbows have been a sharp weapon against cavalry. The range of infantry crossbows is much higher than that of cavalry archery. With the formation of chariots, it will definitely be able to restrain the cavalry of the Huns."

He said excitedly: "In the past, General Li Ling used [-]-step crossbows to attack tens of thousands of Huns cavalry. In more than a dozen battles, he shot and killed [-] Huns. The general will never be defeated."

Li Ling!

Hearing this name, everyone couldn't help being a little moved.

Li Ling's grandfather was Li Guang, a famous parachutist in the Han Dynasty, and his father was Li Danghu, Li Guang's eldest son. Li Danghu died early (presumably before Li Guang).

In the autumn of the second year of the Tianhan Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent General Li Guangli of the Second Division with [-] cavalry to attack the Xiongnu, and met and fought with Youxian King in Tianshan.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty summoned Li Ling in Wutai and ordered him to guard the baggage for Li Guangli's army.Li Ling resigned, and took the initiative to ask Ying to lead his troops to form an independent army to contain the Xiongnu army, so as to assist Li Guangli in frontal combat.Emperor Wu agreed, but because there were not enough horses, Li Ling could only send his infantry out.

Li Ling led [-] archers and marched from Juyan to the north for a month. At Junji Mountain, he encountered [-] cavalry of Qiedanhou Shanyu, and the Huns surrounded the Han army between the two mountains.

The Han army used baggage carts as their battalion and deployed them outside the camp. The soldiers in the front line held halberds and shields, and the soldiers in the back line held bows and arrows.Seeing that the Han army was few, the Xiongnu attacked the Han army. As a result, the Han army fired thousands of crossbows, and the Huns fell in response. They were forced to retreat up the mountain.

Shan Yu was frightened, and hurriedly mobilized more than [-] cavalry from the left and right to attack Li Ling. Li Ling fought and retreated.

On the second day, he fought again and beheaded more than [-] people.

After traveling for more than ten days, they arrived in the middle of a large lake, where there were many reeds. The Xiongnu set fire to the wind, and the Han army also set fire to it, burning the surrounding reeds in advance to save themselves.Retreating to a certain mountain, Shan Yu sent troops to attack. Li Ling and the Xiongnu soldiers fought on foot in the woods, beheading thousands of people.He fired again and again at Shan Yu, who fled.

This is the most famous example of the battle between the crossbow and the cavalry in the history of the Han Dynasty.

Although Li Ling was defeated in the end, and his end was very miserable, and he even became a traitor of the big man, but no one denied his military exploits.

Yu Jin was familiar with the art of war, and highly admired Li Ling's combination of crossbow and chariot.

Chariots and crossbows!
Guo Jia nodded.

This is a feasible way.

I remember that Qi Jiguang of later generations defeated the Mongolian cavalry with a chariot formation.

However, this crossbow shooting chariot array still has a lot of disadvantages.

Must have the cavalry to cooperate.

Besides, the car array is just a dead thing, and it can be improved.

"Yu Jin, if you are asked to lead the army, how many crossbowmen do you need to be able to fight against the Huns' 3 horses?"

Guo Jia suddenly asked.

Yu Jin was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a long time, and finally said firmly: "If you want to defeat the Huns' [-] army, you need at least [-] crossbowmen. In addition, you need infantry and cavalry to help you fight."

it is good!
Guo Jia patted the table.

"I will dispatch [-] archers and crossbowmen for you, and [-] Polu troops and Zhao Yun's [-] white horse righteous followers will also be dispatched to assist in the battle."

Yu Jin was overjoyed and fell to the ground again.

If he was really given [-] crossbowmen, the Polu Army and the White Horse Yi Cong, he would really have the confidence to break the Huns' [-] cavalry.


Xun You, who was silent at the side, suddenly spoke.

"With General Yujin around, it's only natural to shoot crossbows, break horses and shoot horses. The subordinates will add to the cake and offer a plan to ensure a smoother trip."

Will the plan come out?

Guo Jia asked hurriedly.

Xun You is the top strategist of the Three Kingdoms.

His strategy is naturally extraordinary.

Xun You smiled, and said: "I have heard for a long time that Qiang Qu, the great Han of the Southern Huns, doted on his youngest son. The eldest prince Yu Fuluo and the second prince Hu Chuquan were very dissatisfied with this matter. The lord killed the little prince, and the two clapped their hands in disbelief. Hurry up. So it is false for the two of them to avenge their younger brother, and it is true to take the opportunity to expand their own strength. Even if it is a fight, the two may not be willing to fight desperately. In addition, I heard that King Youxian has been following the two princes. It is very contradictory for the prince to send troops to revenge. King Youxian also has a lot of power in the Southern Huns, and sometimes he can influence Qiangqu Khan. The lord can use this aspect. Perhaps, this battle will not be fought at all. The worst You can also buy a little time to arrange."

Brilliant plan!

Xi Zhong couldn't help but raised his thumb.

As expected of Xun You!
In terms of talent and learning, he is no different from Xun You.

But in terms of conspiracy, Xun You left him behind.

According to historical records, Xun You was short on strategy but good on tactics, and was good at ingenuity. He had always been Cao Cao's main military adviser.

Guo Jia suddenly laughed a few times.

"Sir, with one word, you can win a hundred thousand soldiers, so let's do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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