Chapter 226
"Use room!"

Seeing the news from Guo Jia, Cai Yu couldn't help but smile.

"Fortunately, this guy can figure it out."

This time, Guo Jia actually wanted to take advantage of the internal differences among the Huns to make a fuss.

Soldiers never tire of cheating!

Using time has always been the main diplomatic strategy in ancient times, and it is not uncommon even now.

However, this time it was the Youxian King of the Southern Huns who played the leading role.

Only he can help.

Of course, although he is not very willing.

Soon, rumors that the eldest prince and the second prince wanted to take advantage of sending troops to Zhongshan to support themselves were spread through the Xiongnu news channel established by Cai Yu.

The news soon reached the royal court of the Huns.


"God help me too!"

Seeing the news in front of him, King Youxian couldn't help being overjoyed.

Although he also felt that this kind of news seemed to be a smoke screen released by the enemy, it was extremely beneficial to him.

Because he was against the two princes sending troops.

There is no distinction between the superior and the inferior, and everything depends on strength.

Whoever has a hard fist is the Khan.

Therefore, the nobles always dreamed of how to maximize their own strength.

It is an excellent opportunity to fight abroad.

Because they can justifiably recruit subordinates.

King Youxian is also an ambitious person. Now the power of the Southern Huns is divided into three, the largest one is Qiang Quhan, and the other is the eldest prince, the second prince and King Youxian.

If the eldest prince and the second prince successfully persuade Qiang Quhan to avenge his younger brother and send troops to Zhongshan, then most of the troops of the Southern Huns will fall into the hands of the two princes.

This is very detrimental to King Youxian.

The reason why he supported the little prince at the beginning was also for the sake of balancing himself.

If the little prince ascends to the Khan throne, the southern Xiongnu will still be divided into three parts of the world, and he, the Right Wise King, will still be able to stand firmly.

But if one of the eldest prince and the second prince ascends to the Khan throne, he, the Right Wise King, will be in jeopardy.

"Come here, bring the jewels and beauties, the king is going to meet the Khan!"

King Youxian made a decisive decision immediately.


The court of the Huns!

Qiang Quhan lay listlessly on the soft couch.

The youngest son was a piece of his heart, and now he was killed by Guo Jia, so he was naturally very angry.

Therefore, as soon as the two sons were bewitched, Qiang Quhan immediately agreed with the two to organize a military expedition.

He wants to flatten Zhongshan, capture Guo Jia alive, and avenge his son.

"Report, sweat!"

A Hun soldier suddenly walked in.

"Youxian King is here!"

The Huns were of nomadic origin and did not have so many red tapes.

Let him in!
Qiang Quhan nodded.

King Youxian is one of the four nobles, and he has a lot of power to speak in the Southern Huns, even if he is a big Khan, he has to give some face.


King Youxian saluted slightly.

"Take it!"

After a while, several Hun guards brought in a large box, opened the box, and the dazzling jewel light filled the entire camp.

A barbarian beauty came out of the box.

She was draped in light veils, and jewels adorned her neck, shoulders, wrists, and ankles.

The beauty of the jewels and jewels is very soft against the whole tent.

This is a jeweled beauty presented by a small country in the Western Regions.

Youxian King has never been willing to enjoy it, but now he sent the whole thing to Qiang Quhan's tent.

Good steel should be used wisely. For the sake of our own prospects, this sacrifice is worth it.

"Youxian King, why are you doing this?"

Qiang Qu Khan showed a rare smile.

Jewelry beauty, don't you like being a man?
Profusely welcome!
King You Xian smiled, and waved his hands to send the pearl and jade beauty into Qiang Quhan's camp.

"Khan, I wonder if you have heard any news recently?"

King Youxian said straight to the point.

Compared with the Han people, the Huns are relatively straight.


Qiang Quhan narrowed his eyes.

Some time ago, he couldn't bear the softness and toughness of the two princes, and promised the two to gather the troops to prepare for the attack on Zhongshan.

This matter has also been opposed by many people, and King Youxian is also the most steadfast one.

"Did Yu Fuluo and Huchuquan get into some trouble again?"

Qiang Quhan asked.

In fact, he has always been somewhat dissatisfied with these two sons, thinking that they are not like his own kind.


Youxian King suddenly said in a low voice: "The whole Xiongnu is very clear about the fact that the Great Khan loves the little prince. For this reason, the eldest prince and the second prince also complained a lot. Now the two suddenly changed their normal behavior and insisted on being the little prince." Revenge, this..."

When Qiang Quhan heard this, he was also a little surprised.

"Youxian King, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate."

He was a little dissatisfied with King Youxian.

King Youxian coughed: "There is news, of course it is just a rumor, maybe it is also a trick of the Han people."

What is the news!
Qiang Quhan was a little impatient!
Most of the Huns are straight-tempered, only this Youxian King is an exception.

This person had a lot of contacts with the officials of the Han Dynasty, and he was also contaminated with the bad habits of many southerners, and he hesitated in his speech.

King You Xian suddenly lowered his voice: "There are rumors that it is false that the eldest prince and the second prince sent troops to avenge his younger brother, and it is true to take this opportunity to expand their own strength. I heard that they have annexed many small princes in the name of Great Khan. tribe."

Qiang Quhan's expression turned a little pale.

Based on his understanding of these two sons, this kind of thing may not be impossible.

What if the two of them took command of the army under the guise of avenging their younger brother, and then turned around and forced themselves to abdicate.

Isn't he extremely sad?

The more Qiang Qu Khan thought about it, the more this happened.

When he doted on his youngest son back then, the two had complained more than once.

Now that the younger son had just died, they were anxious to avenge their younger brother.

Is there a problem here?

For this younger brother, it's too late for them to hate him, so why are they so eager to avenge him?

King Youxian saw that the time was almost up.

"Our enemy is the same tribe in the north, not the big man. It is very unwise to fall out with the big man before we wipe out the same tribe in the north. Besides, autumn is coming soon, and this is the time when the pasture is fertile. Once a war is launched, it will I missed the great opportunity for cattle and sheep to grow fat. It is better to let go of Guo Jia's affairs, and there is no rush to settle accounts with him when winter comes."

Qiang Quhan thought about it for the same reason.

Because Guo Jia delayed the good season of grazing, the loss outweighed the gain.

Besides, he was very worried about letting his two sons to toss about.

The younger son's revenge must be avenged.

But it doesn't seem right now.

In order to avenge his son, it would not be worthwhile to involve himself in it.

Thinking of this, Qiang Quhan nodded.

"King You Xian is right. Let's slow down the dispatch of troops. Come and call back the two princes immediately, let them graze well, and wait until winter to make plans."

Profusely wise!

King Youxian saluted again, but an unpredictable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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