Chapter 227

After some persuasion from King Youxian, Qiang Qu Khan gave up the idea of ​​sending troops, and Qiang Qu Khan recruited Yu Fuluo and Hu Chuquan back to prevent them from expanding their strength in their own name.

Soon, the news reached Zhongshan.

Everyone immediately looked at the new Mr. Wu Yi with admiration.

This Mr. Wu Yi made a clever move, which delayed the start of the war between the two sides and brought Yunzhou an opportunity for development.

For reasons of confidentiality, Guo Jia did not announce Xun You's identity. The only ones who knew Xun You's identity were Xi Zhong and Xu Shu, and they kept their mouths shut.

Zhongshan Wenwu didn't know Xun You's identity, and was very puzzled that he, a newcomer, could ascend to the position of right army division.

The left and right military divisions are Guo Jia's right-hand men, and they can't help but have outstanding resourcefulness and certain prestige.

Needless to say, Xu Shu is Guo Jia's classmate and Guo Jia's old team member, and he led the army to defeat Yuan Shao and made great military exploits.

But what is the origin of this Wu Yi, who can also be the right military adviser?

There are also private dissatisfaction.

But after seeing the stratagem of the right army division, everyone was convinced.

"well done!"

Guo Jia nodded with a smile.

He still values ​​Xun You's ability very much, otherwise he would not try to subdue him at all costs.

"My lord, you are being polite. This is all thanks to everyone, and the subordinates are just talking."

Xun You was born in a noble family, he is very mature in dealing with people and things, and he is very good at being a man.

Hearing the humility of the new military adviser, everyone felt good again.

Xi Zhong and Xu Shu looked at each other and nodded slowly.

They are very clear about Xun You's ability.

With his help in Yunzhou, Guo Jia can completely save half of his energy.


Xun You stood up again.

"Using time is just a temporary measure. Now that the Han is weak and the Huns are strong, sooner or later they will cause trouble on the border. Therefore, the subordinate hopes that the Lord will prepare early."

Hearing this, everyone revived respect in their hearts.

The strategist made a great contribution to avoiding the flames of war in Yunzhou with a clever plan.Not only does he not take credit for himself, but he is also prepared for danger in times of peace, so that the lord can prepare early.

It is indeed Yunzhou's fortune to have such a person in Yunzhou.

"Mr. is right!"

Guo Jia nodded.

The Southern Huns have been on the move since the end of the Han Dynasty. When the Central Plains were in chaos, they also took advantage of the fire and looted, killing and looting in several border counties. Cai Yan was robbed at that time.

This situation continued until Cao Cao unified the north before it was considered stable.

So this group of people is also owed.

It is impossible not to fight.

Only when they are subdued like Wei Qinghuo Qubing did, they will bow their heads.

But it is not easy to defeat the Southern Huns who have tens of thousands of bow cavalry.

"The ban!"

Guo Jia suddenly called out.

The end will be here!
Yu Jin strode out.

After so much time, Yu Jin has faintly become Guo Jia's confidant and favorite general.

"I have ordered that five thousand crossbowmen be gathered from all the troops in Yunzhou to come to Lunu. I hope you can train these people well."

Guo Jiayu said earnestly.

Although Yunzhou has crock bombs and flying stone carts, they have great limitations. They are completely passive against the Xiongnu who are good at riding and shooting.

Therefore, bombs can be used as surprise soldiers at most. Just in case, Guo Jia also trained an army that can restrain cavalry.

To restrain cavalry, the shortest answer is infantry.

Based on Yunzhou's existing manpower and material resources, only crossbowmen will develop the fastest in a period of time.

In the Han Dynasty, crossbowmen are the second noblest arms after cavalry.

A qualified crossbowman is not so easy to train, it takes a long time of training.

Bows and crossbows are also very rare, and it is impossible to manufacture high-end crossbows with Yunzhou's existing manufacturing technology.

Fortunately, Guo Jia repeatedly defeated the army and seized a large number of crossbows. These crossbows were handed down from the treasury of the Han Dynasty, and they are the most sophisticated crossbows today.

Guo Jia immediately ordered skilled craftsmen in Zhongshan to imitate them, and used these crossbows to form a crossbow team of 3000 people. In addition, he assembled [-] archers to form a mixed army of [-] bows and crossbows.

In order to form this army of bows and crossbows, Guo Jia also worked hard. He mobilized most of the soldiers in the army in Yunzhou who could use bows and crossbows.

Five thousand crossbowmen, named the Shenshe Battalion, were handed over to Yu Jin for training.

"My lord, don't worry!"

Yu Jin fell to the ground.

"The subordinates will definitely not disappoint the trust of the lord, and will definitely build the Shenshe Battalion into a sharp weapon in Yunzhou."

The five thousand crossbowmen are a formidable force. If they are well trained, they are completely Zhongshan's sharp weapon.

Guo Jiaken gave this sharp weapon to Yu Jin, and he trusted him very much.

Yu Jin is a great general, not only capable of commanding troops but also training them.

After receiving Guo Jia's task, Yu Jin immediately put down all his duties and took five thousand crossbowmen on the journey of training.

As soon as possible to train a bow and crossbow unit, and to give Guo Jia a satisfactory answer as soon as possible.

"My lord, after months of hard work, the bridgehead has been built."

Mao Jie came to report in a hurry.

Very good!
Guo Jia was shocked.

Zhongshan is the base camp of Guo Jia. Once a war breaks out, it will easily affect the normal operation of China's commerce and trade.

So Guo Jia is going to stretch his tentacles forward.

The area outside Zhongshan is empty, and it is completely a pasture for foreigners.

But these sites belong to Guo Jia, so he will naturally take them back.

The bridgehead is a former military outpost he built.

For the first bridgehead, Guo Jia chose Dai County, and used the original county seat in the territory to build a solid military unit.

Because this place borders the Southern Huns, Guo Jia attaches great importance to it.

There are several docks connected between the bridgehead and Zhongshan, like a tentacles stretching out.

Guo Jia planned to use this method to firmly control the open space of the three counties in his own hands.

But right now his strength is limited, so he can only build a bridgehead first.

"Appointment! Mao Jie and Zhang He led two thousand soldiers and horses as the vanguard, and settled in Dai County."

Mao Jie is the governor of Daijun, and Zhang Yun is the captain of Daijun. Now that the Daijun office has been restored, they naturally want to settle in.

Mao Jie is Wen, Zhang He is Wu, and the combination of Wen and Wu will surely make this bridgehead play an important role.

Once the bridgehead is firmly established, Guo Jia will drive the follow-up army into Daijun.


Xun You clasped his fists again and said, "The position of the bridgehead is very important and cannot be lost. The reason for this subordinate is to go to Daijun with Mao Taishou and Zhang Duwei."

Although he surrendered to Guo Jia, he didn't want to be an enemy of the imperial court, so he planned to go to the bridgehead of Daijun to deal with the Southern Huns wholeheartedly.

Soldiers are here!
Guo Jia nodded.

He understands Xun You's thoughts, besides, with Xun You sitting in Dai County, it will be as stable as Mount Tai!

 The new year has arrived, and blessings have arrived.Here the author wishes everyone good luck in the new year.In addition, if you have the cheek to ask for a leave of absence, you will be lazy today.

(End of this chapter)

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