Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 237 1 point of hard work, 1 point of harvest

Chapter 237 No Pain No Harm

Guo Jia really couldn't bear it.

Such a beautiful woman as Cai Yan dangled in front of his eyes, how could he take Zuo Ci's words to heart.

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Cai Yan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

She still had some understanding of Guo Jia's impatience.

This bastard dared to hold her in his arms the first time he saw her, but the second time he met her he was like a bully attacking him. If he hadn't resisted to the death and persisted, he would have really succeeded.

Wen Ji!

Guo Jia clenched his hands again, and couldn't help but move closer.

Cai Yan suddenly couldn't help but let out a cry.

"Don't take an inch!"

Cai Yan suddenly pressed his hand, but how could Guo Jia bear it?
In other words, the two haven't been intimate for a long time.

Both Cai Yan and Guo Jia couldn't help themselves.

When Guo Jia couldn't help but picked Cai Yan up and walked to the bed, Cai Yan suddenly grabbed the bedpost and refused to let go.

"Have you forgotten Mr. Wujiao's advice?"

She said with a flushed face.

That magic stick!

Guo Jia couldn't help himself now, so he didn't care so much.

Do not!
Although Cai Yan is still persisting, he is no match for Guo Jia's strength.

At this moment, a discordant voice came from outside.

"My lord! There is a Taoist outside the door who calls himself Zuo Ci, begging to see him!"

Zuo Ci!

Hearing this name, Guo Jia couldn't help shivering, and lost interest in an instant.

What is this magic stick doing here?
For some reason, upon hearing this name, Guo Jia felt a little guilty.

It is said that this Zuo Ci was a little godlike in the original plot, which made a generation of treacherous Cao Cao feel ashamed.

It seems that this person is very fond of Liu Bei.

It's just that I don't know when I set my sights on Guo Jia.

Thinking about it carefully, he was really kind to him, he was teaching the exercises, and he was sending female apprentices.

That chick Zhang Ning had already been captured by Guo Jia.

The saint girl of the White Lotus Sect has also become a good girl now. Guo Jia told her to go east, but she dared not go west.

But there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, this old guy can't be so kind, there must be some kind of conspiracy?
"Mr. Wujiao is an expert in the world, and only he can save you!"

Cai Yan also returned to normal, feeling ashamed in her heart.

She blamed Guo Jia a little bit.

If the two get tired of being together every day, let alone Guo Jia can't help it, even she can't help it.

"Wen Ji, what did you promise this magic stick, otherwise how could he work so hard?"

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

As for Zuo Ci, his understanding still comes from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

But that seems a bit fanciful.

"Mr. Wujiao is Uncle Hua's good friend, and he was entrusted by Uncle Hua to save people this time."

Cai Yan said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help frowning.

Hua Tuo really had one aspect, but Zuo Ci came to help him but it was not so simple.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have Zhang Ning'an by his side.

It seems that this old guy admired Liu Bei very much. Now that Liu Bei died in his own hands, wouldn't he come to avenge Liu Bei?
Guo Jia shook his head again.

My own arrival changed the history of the Three Kingdoms, at least Liu Bei was killed before he became famous.

Zuo Ci should not know Liu Bei.

"OK OK!"

Cai Yan suddenly pushed Guo Jia!
"Mr. Wujiao came from afar, you must not neglect him."

She had already made up her mind that after Guo Jia left, she would strictly control the women in the backyard and prevent them from having too much contact with Guo Jia, so as not to spoil Mr. Wujiao's plan.

After Guo Jia left, Cai Meimei immediately restrained the women in the backyard without mentioning it.


"Mr. Wujiao!"

Guo Jia cupped his fists.

Long time no see, Zuo Ci is still the same, not likable at all.

A woman stood quietly beside Zuo Ci, it was Zhang Ning who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Since returning from Julu, Zhang Ning has temporarily left Guo Jia.

Bong filial piety!

Seeing Guo Jia, Zhang Ning's eyes flashed with joy for a while, and then he was a little ashamed, and lowered his head without saying a word.

Seeing Zhang Ning's expression, Guo Jia couldn't help but feel happy.

It seems that the saint of the Yellow Turban Dao has been trained by himself.

"Congratulations to Mr. Guo Fu for his promotion, he should be called Guo Inspector now!"

Zuo Ci smiled and shook hands!
He was originally a little blind, but now he looks even more wretched, how can he look like a master of Taoism?
Don't dare to be!
Guo Jiabao smiled, but secretly vigilant in his heart.

It seems that Zuo Ci is still very clear about his affairs, what kind of plot does this old guy have?
"In addition, the old man would like to congratulate Lord Inspector. Judging by your complexion, this chronic disease has been alleviated. I'm afraid your body will recover within a year."

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although he also thinks it is ridiculous, the effect of the method of dual cultivation is really there.

This old magic stick still has some skills.

"This is all accomplished by Mr. Wujiao and Hui Niang. Guo Jia is extremely grateful."

Guo Jia said politely.

Zuo Ci's method, Zhang Ning's body, no matter what purpose they have, Guo Jia is still very grateful.


Hearing what Guo Jia said, Zuo Ci laughed heartily.

"Mr. Wujiao!"

Guo Jia cupped his fists.

"Guo Jia has nothing to repay the grace of saving your life. As long as there are some in Yunzhou, you can open your mouth."

He took the first step to test Zuo Ci.

I want to know what purpose this person came to save him.

Unable to make sense of this issue, Guo Jia couldn't sleep.


Zuo Ci laughed again.

"The old way is a person from outside the square. Saving people and saving the world is practice. It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

Said and waved his hand!

"Sir, you have a good reputation!"

Although Guo Jia had a smile on his face, he felt a little disbelieving in his heart.

There is no free lunch in the world.

Zuo Ci must have a plan for doing this, and those who don't have a plan are fools.

It's just that Guo Jia still hasn't figured out what Zuo Ci wants.

"There is one more congratulations, the old man still wants to congratulate! Lord Inspector, do you want to know?"

Another joy!
Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zuo Ci puzzled.

The latter was smiling and could not see anything unusual.

Where does joy come from?

Guo Jia asked in a low voice.

Zuo Ci clasped his hands again, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Lord Inspector, Huiniang is happy, that is to say, the Guo family has a queen!"

Hearing this news, Guo Jia couldn't help being surprised.

Like a thunderbolt flashing across the clear sky!
He actually has a child?

Guo Jia's eyes immediately fell on Zhang Ning.

It seems that during this period of time, besides double cultivation, he has also worked hard on others.

In this era, there are no insurance measures, and it is only natural to be recruited.

But here comes the problem.

The former Guo Jia also worked hard on other women, why didn't he gain anything?
Is it because of this and practicing Dafa?

(End of this chapter)

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