Chapter 238 Guo Ye
"This is real?"

Guo Jia looked at Zhang Ning in surprise.

Zhang Ning blushed and nodded embarrassingly.

Guo Jia suddenly hugged her in his arms.

"Huiniang, you have done a great job for our old Guo family."

He couldn't help laughing.

Through this, he established two things.

First, it is useful to practice the law.

Second, his health gradually improved.

"Thank you sir, thank you Hui Niang!"

Guo Jia laughed happily.

In this way, that guy Xi Zhong won't be chasing himself all day long to say things that are unfilial and have no descendants, right?

Seeing Guo Jia so happy, Zhang Ning's heart also relaxed.

During this period of time, Zhang Ning's mood was very complicated.

The Yellow Turban is over!
As a saint of the Yellow Turban Dao, seeing her father's foundation destroyed, she felt a little uncomfortable.

But after so many things, Zhang Ning also thinks it is inevitable.

After all, the ideals of the Yellow Turban Taoism are too naive.

How can it be so easy to want the harmony of the world?

When the Yellow Turban Daoists were in trouble, they still treated the people and believers the same way.

Father and uncles are also conscientious.

But with the passage of time, the Yellow Turban Taoism has gradually changed its taste.

Once they have tasted the taste of power, no one will easily give up the power in their hands.

Therefore, the Yellow Turban Taoism began to fall apart, and the teachings became a mess.

Although my father was still a little sober, he tried his best to bring the Yellow Turban Road back to its original track, but it was a pity that he was unable to do what he wanted.

In the end, I had to arrange a retreat for my daughter.

Mr. Wujiao is an existence that can't see the end of the dragon.

Her father took great pains to be placed by Mr. Wujiao's side.

So Zhang Ning became Zuo Ci's disciple.

However, Zhang Ning couldn't help but feel a little fever on his face.

She never expected that the path Master arranged for her was to be Guo Jia's cauldron.

It sounds nice to be a cauldron, but it sounds ugly to be a concubine.

Zhang Ning used to wonder if this master was a little unreliable.

As the relationship with Guo Jia deepened, Zhang Ning finally understood Master's vision.

Although this Guo Jia is a bit wicked and lustful, he is a very powerful character.

Whether it was the Yellow Turban Army or the soldiers and horses of the imperial court, they were beaten to pieces by him.

Zhongshan has strong soldiers and strong horses, and what is even more powerful is that Guo Jia skillfully turned a desolate border county into a prosperous border trade center in just one year.

Both civil and military, born evildoer.

This is what Zhang Ning gave him.

Now Zhongshan can be regarded as a country within a country, and even the imperial court dare not tear it apart easily.

With Guo Jia around, Zhang Ning would never be in danger.

She is Guo Jia's woman.

Even if the imperial court wanted to move her, they had to pass Guo Jia's test first.

In this way, Master Zuo Ci found her a safe place to stay, although the method was a bit cheap.

Zhang Ning thinks so.

An innocent girl, who is still a saint of the Yellow Turban Dao, wants to take off her clothes to serve as a cauldron for a man.

To put it nicely is to save people, but to put it badly is to provide for others' lust.

What is this?
For a long time, Zhang Ning only felt that he was a plaything of Guo Jia.

Although life is safe, there is no prospect.

Later, as the relationship between the two became closer, Zhang Ning understood the master's good intentions only when he was in the dark.

Guo Jia was weak since he was a child. Although he had women, he had no heirs.

If Zhang Ning can successfully give birth to a son for him, it will be Guo Jia's eldest son.

Although he may not be the eldest son, the eldest son also has a certain status, but afterwards Zhang Ning naturally felt that the mother was more expensive than the son, so he could gain a firm foothold in Guo Jia's backyard.

In this way, Zhang Ning can be relied on for the rest of his life.

"Thank you Master for making it happen!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Ning hurriedly pulled Guo Jia to his knees.

Guo Jia didn't want to cheat at first, but for the sake of helping him recover, he still knelt down.

Don't dare to be!
Zuo Ci hurriedly helped them up.

"The two of you are also destined to get married, and the old man is just pulling the strings."

The more calm he said, the more uncertain Guo Jia felt.

What on earth does this old man want to do?
Guo Jia always felt that some conspiracy was quietly unfolding.

"Lord Inspector, I will leave Hui Niang to you. Remember the same sentence, continue to practice peace until the one-year period expires. You must not touch other women during this period? Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted."

Having said this, Zuo Ci's voice was already severe.

Seeing what people said was so serious, Guo Jia couldn't help being startled, and nodded hastily.

"Don't worry, Daoist, I will definitely do it!"

He still attaches great importance to the happiness of the rest of his life.

After whispering a few words to Zhang Ning, Zuo Ci left Shi Shiran.

Coming and going are very free and easy, which makes Guo Jia, a conspiracy theorist, a little confused.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Guo Jia didn't care about it for the time being.

"Huiniang, when did you find out?"

Guo Jia reached out and hugged her slender waist, and asked with a smile.

This matter cannot be muddled.

There are many examples of Pharaoh next door.

He must ask clearly.

Don't be taken advantage of by the old Wang next door.

When the time comes to be greened by others, and to help them raise their children, it will be very sad.

Naturally, Zhang Ning would not think of the dirty thoughts in this guy's head, but he blushed and refused to speak.

Under Guo Jia's repeated questioning, he said embarrassedly: "It's been a month, that's the day, that day!"

"What day is it?"

Guo Jia continued to ask.

Zhang Ning's face turned red again, and his voice was like a mosquito humming.

"The day Wuji County flooded..."

After saying this, the girl felt a little embarrassed, and gave Guo Jia a hard look.

This bastard actually dared to do it in public.

It really makes no sense!
It was also this incident that made Zhang Ning understand what a field battle is.


Guo Jia couldn't help laughing a few times.

It turned out that the child was planted during the field battle that day.

Counting the days is about the same.

Sure enough, he planted the seeds.

No wonder, no wonder!
When Yuan Shao retreated, Man Chong defeated the official army and captured Juye.

Guo Jia was happy, and when he got excited for a while, he took Zhang Ning to a wild party in the warehouse.

In other words, that time was the most exciting time for Guo Jia.

Unexpectedly, it hit the jackpot and won the lottery.

It's not easy, it's not easy!
Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly coughed and said, "Huiniang, you can raise your baby with peace of mind. When your son is born, he will be called Guo Ye."

Isn't that right, the one who came out of Yehe is naturally called Guo Ye.

Guo Ye!

Zhang Ning muttered a few words, and his beautiful eyes rolled over to Guo Jia again.

She also seemed to understand the meaning of the name.

"How do you know it's your son?"

Zhang Ning asked in embarrassment.

Guo Jia laughed again.

"Like his father, wild!"

(End of this chapter)

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