Chapter 240
Yunzhou Governor's Mansion.

A burst of laughter came from the backyard.

Guo Jia sat in the gazebo with a smile on her face.

He has been very comfortable these three months.

There are Xi Zhong, Xu Shu and Xun You in political affairs, so he doesn't need to worry about them at all.

Cai Yan has affairs at home, and they arrange them in an orderly manner.

This man has almost become an idler.

It's winter, and although the garden has withered, there are still some flowers fighting against the cold air tenaciously.

Accompanied by the beautiful sound of the piano, several girls danced in the garden like butterflies wearing flowers.

The leader is a girl in white.

She is Diao Chan.

The appearance of Guo Jia changed Diao Chan's life trajectory.

She did not fall to the tragic end of the plot.

Instead, she became Guo Jia's concubine and lived a life of luxury.

Although fate has changed, Diao Chan's talent is still revealed.

Under Cai Yan's training, Diao Chan immediately stood out and became a beautiful landscape in Guo Jia's backyard.

The two daughters behind Diao Chan are Mi Zhen and Zhen Jiang.

Although they don't have the talent of Diao Chan, they are also graceful and graceful.

It's a dance!
The three beauties stopped immediately.

Dancing is hard work, and they are sweating profusely at this moment.

clap clap clap!
Guo Jia clapped vigorously.

"The music is beautiful, and the dance is also beautiful."

Waking up early in the morning, Cai Meimei mysteriously said that she would give herself a surprise.

Did not expect such a surprise.

Cai Yan on the side also let go of the strings, with a smile on his face.

For today's event, she began to make a long preparation.

This is also a means of increasing the affection of the sisters.

Cai Meimei still has some tricks.

After the three girls dispersed, they immediately gathered around Guo Jia chattering.

"Master, is the cicada dancing well?"

"Husband, Zhen'er practiced hard for a long time in order to learn this dance?"

"Husband, this is all taught by Sister Wen Ji, otherwise Jiang Er would not have made such great progress."

Looking at the delicate faces of the three girls and smelling their seductive body fragrance, Guo Jia was almost intoxicated.

The three beauties had already had skin-to-skin relationships with him.

It's just that since Meimei Cai came, Guo Jia is not as comfortable as before.

Today, the three girls performed a dance, which drew Guo Jia's heart out again.

Seeing Guo Jia's eager eyes, Cai Yan couldn't help but smile.

Normally, she wouldn't mind Guo Jia making out with all the daughters, but Zuo Ci's one-year period is still some days away.

It is inconvenient for her to give the green light.

"It's getting late, Hui Niang is pregnant, if you have time, you should spend more time with her!"

Cai Meimei said calmly.

Wen Ji!

Guo Jia wanted to say something, but Xu Chu came in a hurry.

"My lord, the second lady is back!"

The second young lady he was talking about was naturally Cai Yu.

Cai Yan used to be kind to him, so Xu Chu has always respected the Cai family.

Cai Yu!

Hearing this name, Guo Jia couldn't help standing up.

In other words, he hadn't seen Cai Yu for a while.

"go together?"

Guo Jia looked at Cai Yan.

The latter looked a little hesitant.

Three months ago, the two sisters had an awkward relationship.

Cai Yan misunderstood his sister about Taishan Yang's family.

Originally, she had always wanted to find a chance to have a good talk with her sister, but Cai Yu left Lu Nu the next day, which made Cai Yan lose the opportunity.


Cai Yan couldn't help shaking his head.

"Go ahead!"

It's not appropriate for her to go now.

Guo Jia understood what she was thinking and didn't force her, so she got up and came to the front yard.

Cai Yu is back.

Guo Jia was very happy, but also very worried.

This girl is his intelligence leader.

She came back, probably because of some important news.


A young girl sat in front of Guo Jia, it was Cai Yu who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Cai Yu is the chief intelligence officer of Yunzhou, controlling the entire intelligence network of Yunzhou.

It's hard work and you have to go out a lot.

Therefore, in the past three months, Guo Jia and Guo Jia also gathered less and separated more.


Guo Jia walked up with a smile.

For this little sister-in-law, he still likes it very much.

Cai Yu still looked the same, but after not seeing her for three months, her face was a bit more vicissitudes and mature.

When Guo Jia came in front of her, she couldn't help but wanted to give her a big hug.

Idlers and others consciously avoid it.

They also understand the nature of the protagonist, they will definitely touch a beautiful girl, and they will only be an eyesore here.

Seeing Guo Jia, Cai Yu's eyes flashed softly for a while.

She let Guo Jia hold her in her arms.

"Kiss one!"

Guo Jia moved his mouth closer.

Cai Yu reached out and took out a scroll to cover his mouth, and said with a smile, "If you're still in the mood after reading this, I won't object."

Guo Jia's heart sank.

Sure enough, I guessed it.

There is probably nothing good for this girl to come back.


Guo Jia reached out and grabbed the scroll, but didn't open it. Instead, he hugged Cai Yu forcefully and kissed her deeply.

This bastard!

Cai Yu didn't expect Guo Jia to be so anxious.

One was inattentive, and was kissed by this fellow.

Normally, Cai Yu wouldn't mind being intimate with Guo Jia, but now she's not in the mood.

Guo Jia couldn't help covering her lips, and Cai Yu really bit her.

"Girl, what are you doing?"

Guo Jia was a little confused.

Cai Yu's face flashed solemn for a while.

"I'll talk about other things later, you first look at the things on the scroll."

Seeing Cai Yu's solemnity, Guo Jia had no choice but to open the scroll and carefully read the information on it.

Guo Jia also couldn't help being surprised.

Yuan Shao, governor of Jizhou, Ding Yuan, governor of Bingzhou, and Liu Yu, governor of Youzhou, have been recruiting troops during this time.

Originally, there was no problem with this.

After the chaos, all the states were damaged, and it was nothing to recruit troops to maintain the safety of the state.

But as the imperial court pacified Liangzhou, when the squadron returned to the court, the three governors unanimously deployed heavy troops around Yunzhou.

Even fools can see the problem.

These guys have been targeting Yunzhou.

"Guo Jia!"

Cai Yu on the side said worriedly: "This matter is very difficult, and Yunzhou may be in danger."

Yunzhou is located in the encirclement of Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Jizhou. The governors of the three states tacitly deployed heavy troops under the border of Yunzhou.

It seems that as long as the imperial army returns to the court, it will launch a general offensive.

The ten permanent servants are most in control of the government, but the local government is in the hands of dignitaries.

It seems that they have made up their minds to get rid of Guo Jia's thorn in the eye.

Liu Yu, Ding Yuan, Yuan Shao!
Guo Jia frowned immediately.

Yuan Shao was beaten to death by the Zhongshan Army in Jizhou, and it was only natural that he wanted to deal with Zhongshan.

But what the hell are Ding Yuan and Liu Yu?

They actually want to play Zhongshan's idea?

It really makes no sense!
Is Zhongshan something you can pinch if you want?
(End of this chapter)

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