Chapter 241 Coup
The army of the imperial court, as well as the soldiers and horses of Youzhou, Bingzhou and Jizhou.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't help but feel a little headache.

It seems that he is the hardest traveler.

Since the end of the Han Dynasty, they have been fighting and killing indefinitely.

First they fought with the local tyrants and killed the local tyrants. The Yellow Turbans came again. Then they fought with the Yellow Turbans and killed the Yellow Turbans.

After beating off the imperial army, Guo Jia should have grown up. Unexpectedly, within three months, they would make a comeback.

It seems that these people still haven't learned how to behave!
"Yuan Shao in Jizhou stationed troops in Juye, Liu Yu in Youzhou stationed troops in Zhuojun, and Dingyuan in Bingzhou stationed troops in Leping. The combined strength of the three families should be more than 3, and Yuan Shao's [-] troops were the largest. There are [-] people, but the cavalry under his command accounts for one-third."

Cai Yu lowered his voice and said.

Her intelligence work is still in place.

The distribution of the troops of the three families has been drawn up in detail at the garrison areas, and it is recorded in the scroll in Guo Jia's hand.

Guo Jia put down the scroll and came to the map.

It seems that they only waited for the imperial court's army to return to the court before they began to attack.

Although Yunzhou can be regarded as a state, it is still the foundation of Zhongshan County.

Although Guo Jia gathered [-] infantry and [-] cavalry, the distribution of troops was still somewhat stretched.

In Daijun Road alone, [-] troops were stationed to deal with the invasion of the Southern Huns, and the remaining [-] troops had to guard various key points. It might be difficult to deal with the three armies at the same time.

In addition, the imperial army is about to withdraw from Liangzhou.Once they also entered the battle, Zhongshan might be in danger.

"Feng Xiao!"

Cai Yu suddenly said: "It's better to withdraw the 1 people from Dai County first."

As an intelligence leader, Cai Yu still has some discernment.

After Dai Junna retreated all the way, Guo Jia could stick to Zhongshan.

Zhongshan is the foundation of Guo Jia. As long as Zhongshan is not lost, he can make a comeback.

This is also a relatively safe way.


Guo Jia shook his head resolutely.

Daijun is his first tentacles extending from Zhongshan. It is of great strategic significance and can push Zhongshan's defense forward hundreds of miles.

In the event of a war, the bridgehead of Dai County can also become a horn with Zhongshan. The enemy has scruples and will not go deep into Zhongshan. The war will only start outside Zhongshan, which can protect the trade department here from being disturbed.

Once withdrawn, Zhongshan became a dead city.If there is a war, it will become the center of the war.

"People from Daijun must not withdraw!"

Guo Jia said in a low voice.

"Then recruit troops, Minzhuang, the more the better!"

Cai Yu made a second suggestion.

At present, the lack of troops is still the biggest constraint in Yunzhou.

There is no way around this. Although Yunzhou has four counties, there are actually only 100 million people, and they are all from Zhongshan.

One million people may seem like a lot, but the number of young people among them is very limited, and besides, they have just settled down.Once young and strong are recruited, it will have some negative effects.

In addition, the financial revenue of Yunzhou is actually the revenue of Zhongshan County.

However, due to border trade, the income of a county in Zhongshan is completely higher than that of any county.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the richest county.

But even so, the income can barely support the current [-] soldiers and horses.

"You can't conscript, you've reached your limit."

Guo Jia shook his head again and said.

Besides, soldiers are more expensive than elites, and no amount of mobs can stop the opponents of elite soldiers.

Cai Yu stopped talking.

She is just a rough master of military strategy, and being able to put forward these two opinions is already very good.

There are 10,000+ people in the three prefectures, plus the upcoming imperial army, there may be no less than 20.

There are only [-] soldiers and horses in Yunzhou, and there are [-] guards in Daijun, which means that only [-] can fight.

Thirty thousand against 20.

Even Cai Yu doesn't understand military affairs, but he still feels that Zhongshan's prospects are not good.

Guo Jia also frowned and thought hard, thinking of countermeasures.

For a while, there was silence in the room.

Suddenly a carrier pigeon flew in, circled around a few times, and landed on Cai Yu's arm.

This is a communication pigeon raised by Cai Yu.

Cai Yu pulled out a piece of lambskin from the carrier pigeon's feet, looked at it for a few moments, and suddenly his face changed drastically.

"Feng Xiao, it's not good!"

She took a deep breath and continued: "I just received the news that the Southern Huns have gathered [-] troops. Under the leadership of Qiang Quhan, they are rushing towards Yunzhou. Come to the bridgehead of Dai County."

Guo Jia couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Jizhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou are just about to move, but the Southern Huns also joined in.

Could it be that they have all negotiated and plan to conquer Yunzhou together?

This is also the time when the Southern Huns dispatched, and it was the time when Zhongshan was in danger.

"Feng Xiao!"

At this moment, Cai Yu's face is a little pale!
After all, she was a young girl, so she was a little nervous when she encountered such a situation.

With 20 imperial troops and [-] Hun cavalry, Yunzhou has only this little force, how should we deal with it?

After thinking carefully for a while, Guo Jia's eyes lingered on the map for a long time, and suddenly he laughed a few times.

"It's a good job, it's a good job, the Southern Huns came here this time, and it's a relief for us."

He suddenly thought of a countermeasure.

If the Southern Huns did not send troops, he would still have to deal with the official army.


Hearing these words, Cai Yu was both surprised and delighted.

She has a mysterious belief in Guo Jia.

However, she was a little puzzled.

Guo Jia cracked the little prince of the Southern Huns, and the Southern Huns hated him so much, how could they rescue Yunzhou?

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and suddenly said: "Girl, do you still remember that sentence?"

What words!

Cai Yu was slightly taken aback.

"A kiss from my sister-in-law will kill my brother-in-law!"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, Cai Yu couldn't help being angry and funny.

This was just what Guo Jia lied to her back then, how could she take it seriously?

"If, you are willing to tell me how to retreat, I can... can..."

Cai Yu blushed slightly, and her lips moved slightly.


Guo Jia immediately understood and was very happy.

Under his guidance, the sisters of the Cai family all learned to play the flute.

Although Cai Yan also agreed, she still couldn't let go of it.

After all, she is a lady!

But Cai Yu is different.

After Guo Jia's training, this girl fell in love with this matter, and she was better than blue than blue.

The skill soon surpassed that of Cai Yan.

Guo Jia coughed and said with a smile: "Girl, you said that!"

Now quietly said his plan.


Hearing Guo Jia's plan, Cai Yu couldn't help turning worry into joy.

It seems that there is nothing in the world that can make this bastard difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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