Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 242 Guo Jia's Countermeasure

Chapter 242 Guo Jia's Countermeasure

The weather is gradually entering winter, and the Southern Huns have also ended their grazing.

For steppe nomads, what they hate most is winter.

The grassland is desolate in winter, and the pasture has withered. The weather is fine, and they can migrate all the way to find the remaining pasture.Once it hits a snowy day, even if there is grass, it will be covered by heavy snow.Before that time, they will lose a lot of cattle, sheep and horses.

Without cattle, sheep and horses, the nomads could not survive the winter and could only go out to rob the surrounding areas.

Therefore, winter is the time for nomads to concentrate on plundering.

Under normal circumstances, nomads would not attack big cities, they would only divide their troops to plunder the villages and towns outside the city.When you have plundered enough, you will withdraw your troops and go back.

The guards of the border counties are very aware of the plunder of the nomads.Most of the time, they stick to the city, turn a blind eye, and ignore the invasion of nomads.It's just pity for the surrounding civilians. Every nomad's plunder is their doomsday.

In recent years, the state of the Han Dynasty has become increasingly empty, and the border counties are basically useless, almost becoming a hunting ground for nomads.

Although the Southern Huns apparently surrendered to the great Han, they have also secretly plundered the surrounding counties over the years.

Now that the Han Dynasty has experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the Liangzhou Rebellion, the national power is at a time when it is empty.The Southern Huns naturally intensified.

So under the banner of avenging the little prince, Qiang Qu Khan led [-] Huns with bows and cavalry to attack Yunzhou mightily.

Why choose Yunzhou, because Yunzhou is rich.

Through nearly a year of operation, Guo Jia has built Zhongshan into a land of gold.

The Huns were also very jealous.

Besides, Guo Jia, the governor of Yunzhou, was the murderer who killed the little prince. He acted for public and private purposes, so Qiang Quhan naturally couldn't let him go.

Therefore, taking advantage of the winter, the Southern Huns gathered a large number of soldiers and horses to kill Yunzhou.


As soon as the southern Xiongnu sent troops, Guo Jia organized a fast horse to report to the court.

As a member of one party, Guo Jia also has the right to submit a letter.

As expected, he was immediately pressed down by General He Jin and Chief Sima Yuan Kai.

However, Guo Jia seems to have thought of it a long time ago. While he wrote the letter, he sent people to spread it around Gyeonggi.

Soon, the news of the Southern Huns' invasion of Yunzhou spread throughout Luoyang.

The ten permanent servants got the news and immediately sent it to Emperor Han Ling.


Emperor Han Ling couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the news.


Emperor Han Ling slapped the table.

The Southern Huns were subordinates of the Han Dynasty, how dare they enter Kou Yunzhou?
"Where did the news come from?"

Han Lingdi asked puzzledly.

Under normal circumstances, such military secrets should be kept secret, and should be reported by the Taiwei and the General.

What puzzled Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was that He Jin and Yuan Kai didn't move, but the Shichang Attendant sent them up first.

"His Majesty!"

Zhang Rang hurriedly said: "The news of the invasion of the Southern Huns has spread throughout Luoyang. Civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty know about it, but His Majesty does not. I don't know what the general and the Taiwei are thinking about. But I do know Yes, the Huns are killing His Majesty's people in the frontier counties and attacking the cities of the Han Dynasty."

Shi Changshi has been at odds with courtiers for a long time.

Given the opportunity to alienate the emperor, Zhang Rang naturally would not let it go.

"His Majesty!"

Zhao Zhong also said in a low voice: "The general and the Taiwei actually kept this important matter from His Majesty. Didn't His Majesty know about it until the Huns came to the city?"

Zhang Rang made a start, and he was naturally happy to add insult to injury.

darn thing!

Emperor Han Ling cursed loudly.

Although he is a fighter among the odd ones, he is not a fool either.

Why don't you report such important news?
These two bastards, He Jin and Yuan Wei, are trying to beat the rhythm of the emperor.

"Come here, order General He Jin and Taiwei Yuan Kai to meet with you!"

Han Lingdi said aggressively.

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong responded, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of their mouths.

Lean less!
He Jin and Yuan Wei came to the palace.

"Your Majesty, He Jin/Yuan Kui, greet Your Majesty!"

After saluting, the two immediately sat on the side.

Before the Song Dynasty, after the courtiers had an audience with the emperor, they all had seats.Although there were no seats in the Han Dynasty, there were mats, and courtiers could kneel and sit on the court hall.

But before entering the hall, you have to take off your sword and shoes.

Of course, the courtiers who monopolize power do not have this rule. For example, Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao later, they can go to court with swords.That is to say, there is no need to pick up the sword and take off the shoes.

That's already a manifestation of an extremely powerful minister's monopoly on power.

Obviously, the current He Jin and Yuan Wei did not receive such treatment.

Emperor Han Ling's face was very ugly.

That's all for Yuan Kai, he is the representative of the aristocratic family, and it is understandable to be against him.

But there is something wrong with He Jin doing this.

He Jin is the elder brother of Empress He and the eldest brother-in-law of Emperor Han Ling.

For this uncle, Emperor Han Ling trusted him very much. He won several levels in a row for several years, and he didn't ask for a penny.

Otherwise, how could a pig butcher enter the court and become the current general?

"He Jin, Yuan Kai. One of you is a general and the other is a lieutenant, and you are in charge of countless troops and horses of the great man. Why did you not report the invasion of the Southern Huns?"

Having said that, Emperor Han Ling couldn't help but patted the table.

Seeing the emperor rising, the two couldn't help being surprised.

Although the Southern Xiongnu surrendered to the great Han, they would secretly plunder the surrounding counties every winter.

Of course, it's just a small fight and leave, and it won't cause any major troubles.

The important ministers of the imperial court also knew it well, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

But this time it was different. The Huns dispatched [-] archers, which was almost all of their strength.

Under normal circumstances, Yuan Kai had already reported it, but the target of the Southern Huns was Yunzhou, that damned Guo Jia.

Yuan Kui immediately persuaded the general to press the message.

This bastard Guo Jia became the source of wealth for the Yuan family and killed the children of the Yuan family. Yuan Kai was planning to deal with him when the Southern Huns suddenly jumped out.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, I have received the news of the invasion of the Southern Huns a long time ago. However, I still have some doubts about the accuracy of the news. I have already sent someone to investigate, before the results come out. In order to avoid unnecessary panic , so I discussed with the general and suppressed the news. As long as the investigation is clear, I will report to His Majesty immediately."

Yuan Kui stood up first.

As expected of a scholar, what he said was impeccable.

Gently uncovered this incident, and also highlighted his wise and powerful outlook on the overall situation.

It's natural that these scholars are better at playing lip service.

A touch on the upper lip, and a touch on the lower lip is the result.

A touch on the lower lip, and another touch on the upper lip is another result.

Otherwise, wouldn't those books be read in vain?

(End of this chapter)

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