Chapter 243 The Money-greedy Emperor

Above the court, Yuan Kui talked eloquently.

He was born as a scholar, and he is extremely talkative.

see so!

General He Jin also stood up.

"Yuan Taiwei is right, and I think so too. So I suppressed the news, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

In the history books, He Jin is portrayed as a pig-killing idiot who ruined the Han Dynasty with his own hands.

In fact, He Jin is not a simple character.

Although he ascended to the position of general by relying on his nepotism, he was not satisfied with the status of a foreign relative in his bones.

In the Han Dynasty, although the relatives had a lot of power, they were the emperor and the courtiers.After the next emperor ascends the throne, the old relatives will be replaced by new relatives.

At that time, the old foreign relatives will also decline.Moreover, most of the old relatives with power in the government and the public did not end well.

Such as Liang Ji, such as Huo Guang!
How to maintain the prominent position of the He family has become He Jin's primary concern.

In the Han Dynasty, whether it was foreign relatives or eunuchs, the power was all over the court, but basically it was a flash in the pan.

Only the aristocratic and powerful families survived.

A family of iron, relatives of flowing water.

No matter who is the emperor, the backbone of the courtiers will be those aristocratic families.

He Jin, who had just ascended to the position of general, was just a newcomer in politics, and the He family was just a new rich man.There is no heritage of those century-old families.

On the top is the old foreign relative Dong's family, and on the bottom is the aristocratic family.

A little carelessness, the He family will be ruined.

In order to keep the status of the He family, He Jin would move closer to those great families, get married with them, and melt into one body with them.

So after taking office, He Jin deliberately established good relations with those aristocratic families, and drew a clear line with the ten permanent attendants.Although Shi Changshi is his benefactor.

Sure enough, the aristocratic family was also very happy with He Jin's overture.

For such a knowledgeable foreign relative, these people are also happy to see the success.

Over time, He Jin got mixed up with the aristocratic family, and with the support of the aristocratic family, He Jin was able to consolidate his position smoothly.

He Jin got close to the courtiers, which not only offended Shi Changshi, but also made the emperor very unhappy.

Foreign relatives and eunuchs have always been sharp weapons in the hands of the emperor to restrain courtiers.

Now He Jin, a relative, actually wears a pair of trousers with the courtiers, the emperor is naturally not happy.

What is a dog that wags its tail even if it doesn’t bite?
"Great general, soldiers are precious and fast. It may have been a while before the news spread from Yunzhou to the capital, so you send people to investigate again. Isn't this delaying the opportunity of the war?"

Zhang Rang interrupted.

Zhao Zhong also said: "Master Taiwei, this is your fault. Whether the news is true or not, you have to report it to His Majesty. If it is true, you are not pretending to be smart."

The ten permanent attendants share honor and disgrace, and are unanimous in foreign affairs.

On this point, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong are still very united.

Hearing the bewitchment of the two, Han Lingdi's face became even more gloomy.

He Jin and Yuan Kai glanced at each other, and both could see the other's worry.

I am afraid it will be difficult to hide the news this time.

At this moment, a eunuch suddenly came in hurriedly.

"Qizou Your Majesty, Chariot General Zhang Wen defeated the Xiliang rebels and returned to the court with the victorious army."

Hearing Zhang Wen came back.

A smile appeared on Han Lingdi's face.

There was the Yellow Turban in the front and Liangzhou in the back. Both chaos were quelled by the imperial army.

"I invite the chariot general to have an audience!"

Han Lingdi shouted hastily.

Lean less!
Zhang Wen arrived in a hurry.

"Minister Zhang Wen kowtows to His Majesty!"

After being given the seat by the emperor, Zhang Wen did not take the seat immediately, but met General He Jin and Taiwei Yuan Wei one by one.

In the military system of the Han Dynasty, the generals are on top, higher than the Sangongs.Next are General Hussars, Generals Chariots and Generals Wei, under San Gong.

So Zhang Wen had to greet He Jin and Yuan Kai who were higher than him.

He Jin and Yuan Wei also said a few words politely.

Zhang Wen was the hero who pacified Liangzhou, and now he is returning to the court with a victorious teacher.

"The chariot general came just in time!"

Emperor Ling of the Han said angrily: "As the subjects of the great Han, the Southern Xiongnu and Qiang Qu, as a subject of the great Han, dare to invade Yunzhou and kill our subjects. How can I tolerate it?"

He slammed the table sharply.

"General Cheqi has suffered a lot, and led the victorious army, and immediately went to Yunzhou to repel the invading enemies."

Zhang Wen was slightly taken aback.

He still figured out what and what, and he was about to be sent out to fight by the emperor again.

Southern Huns invaded?
What is going on?

"His Majesty!"

Yuan Kai hurriedly stood up.

"Zhang Cheqi and his soldiers have just quelled the rebellion. They are exhausted and need to recuperate for a while before they can go to the battlefield. I think that Liu Yu, the governor of Youzhou, Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, and Yuan Shao, the governor of Jizhou, can be transferred to help Yunzhou. The Huns There are not many troops to be dispatched, and the troops from the four prefectures are sufficient to deal with it, so there is no need for the imperial court to send troops."

He has his own plan in mind.

If the emperor sent Zhang Wen to send troops, it would definitely disrupt his plan.

That's why Yuan Kai tried his best to oppose sending troops.

"Master Taiwei!"

Zhang Rang yin and yang said strangely: "Bingzhou, Jizhou, and Youzhou have just gone through the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and the army is also in a mess. How can they be the opponents of the Huns. General Cheqi has just repelled the rebellion of the Qiang people. It's the right time for the state. Do you think the local army is more powerful than the imperial army?"


Zhao Zhong also narrowed his eyes.

"I heard that Yuan Shao, the governor of Jizhou, is the nephew of Lord Taiwei. He became the governor of Yizhou at a young age. Does Mr. Taiwei recommend his nephew to send troops, is there some personal affair?"

Although the ten permanent attendants don't have any strategies, and don't know any strategies.

But a simple reason is still very clear.

They oppose what the enemy supports, and support what the enemy opposes.

According to this way of thinking, you can't go wrong!
Ha ha!

For these two idiots, Yuan Wei didn't take them to heart at all.

"The two Marquis don't know something."

He coughed and continued: "Actually, the reason why I said this is also for the sake of the national treasury. First, there was the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and then the Liangzhou Rebellion. The imperial court fought everywhere and spent money like water. Now the treasury is very tight. Once troops are dispatched to Yunzhou, the military salary..."

He didn't say the rest, but it was almost the same.

It costs money to send troops, and the treasury is running out of money, so the money must naturally be paid by the emperor.

And this emperor is the master who can only enter and not exit.

Before asking him to spend money to pacify the Yellow Turban, it was a bit painful.

Now asking him to spend money to support Yunzhou would simply kill him.

Yuan Kui had already seized the emperor's vitals.

"Play it, play it!"

Emperor Han Ling hurriedly agreed, not only that, but also quickly escaped from the hall.

A weird one is a weird one.

Fearing that his courtiers would ask him for money, this strange emperor immediately ran away.

What about Yunzhou, what about Guo Jia, they were all left behind by him.

Everything is fake these days.

Only real money is real.

(End of this chapter)

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