Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 244 Mobilization Before the War

Chapter 244 Mobilization Before the War

Chariot General, please stay.

When Zhang Wen was about to leave, Yuan Kai and He Jin caught up.

"What are the orders of the General and the Taiwei?"

Zhang Wen asked lightly.

He just came back and didn't know what to do.

However, Yuan Kai tried his best to prevent him from sending troops to Yunzhou, which made Zhang Wen very upset.

"Don't misunderstand Zhang Cheqi!"

Yuan Kui hastily explained what happened in Yunzhou.

That's it!

After hearing Yuan Kai's explanation, Zhang Wen suddenly realized.

The Southern Huns sent troops to Yunzhou.

It stands to reason that the imperial court should assist Yunzhou.

But the governor of Yunzhou is Guo Jia, who is the enemy of all scholars.

When the Southern Xiongnu invaded Guo Jia, all the scholars naturally applauded, and Yuan Wei naturally would not let the court send troops.

According to their opinion, it is best for the Southern Huns to tear Guo Jia into pieces.


Zhang Wen hesitated.

Guo Jia has now become the public enemy of the courtiers, and Yuan Kai deals with Guo Jia.As a member of the courtiers, Zhang Wen naturally had no opinion.

But Zhang Wen was a little worried.

If the Southern Huns break through Yunzhou, who knows if they will take advantage of the situation and go south.

When the time comes to Luoyang, Jizhou, things will get out of hand.

"General, Master Taiwei!"

Zhang Wen thought for a while and said: "Yunzhou is newly built. Although there are four counties, it is only the foundation of the original Zhongshan. The Huns are not good men and women. I am worried that they will not be reconciled to taking down Yunzhou. Looting in the hinterland of Zhongshan. If that's the case, things will get out of hand."

Compared with Yuan Wei and others, Zhang Wen still has a bit of a big picture.

In his eyes, although Guo Jia is hateful, it is also a contradiction within the nation.

The Huns are a foreign race. Although the Southern Huns have surrendered, they must have a different heart if they are not my race.

Subconsciously, Zhang Wen still has a little heart for Guo Jia.

Of course that is by comparison.

The chariot general is right!
He Jin who hadn't spoken all this time suddenly smiled.

"This matter has to be under our control."

It was a great opportunity for He Jin that Guo Jia had a bad relationship with the courtiers.

He can help the aristocratic family to suppress Guo Jia, so as to subdue these people and become his own wings.

Not bad!

Yuan Kai also nodded.

"Guo Jia's son is lawless and has a perverse personality. I have long wanted to get rid of him, but His Majesty listened to the slander and favored him. It is a great opportunity for the Southern Huns to enter the country now."

When he said that, Zhang Wen understood.

Yuan Kai wanted to use the knife of the Southern Huns to get rid of Guo Jia, and then use the power of the court to get rid of the Southern Huns.

After all, the Southern Huns are not a good bird.

one stone two bird!
A smile flashed across Zhang Wen's face.


Yuan Kai lowered his voice.

"I'll have to discuss it later, how to control the situation."

The three hit it off immediately, and secretly passed on the order.

Soon, Liu Yu, Ding Yuan, and Yuan Shao received secret orders.

The adults in the DPRK asked them to stand still on the border of Yunzhou for the time being.

The three naturally obeyed happily.

Ever since, the border of Yunzhou is full of soldiers and horses, and there is a situation where the mountains and rains will be full of wind and wind in the future.


Soon, news from the imperial court spread to Yunzhou.


Everyone in Yunzhou was very angry.

How can there be such an emperor?
I heard that fighting costs money, but I actually avoided it.

If you love someone, you can't spend his money anyway.

How can there be such a courtier?
Yunzhou is located in the frontier, and it takes on the important task of guarding the border of the Han Dynasty against nomads.

Not only did these bastards not support them, but they also wanted to add insult to injury right now.If it wasn't for the Southern Huns coming, they might come back again.

It's the opposite!

Dian Wei said angrily, "What kind of old emperor is this? We sold our lives outside, and they stabbed us in the back. If this is the case, why do we still work for them?"

Xu Chu also responded, "That's right. Ever since the old man ascended the throne, the man has become worse every year. In previous years, the common people could still get enough food and clothing, but these years they can't even eat. The yellow scarf thief took this opportunity And there was a lot of response.”

The two are the second general Heng Ha who is beside Guo Jia, leading Guo Jia's personal soldiers Tiger Guards, they are confidantes in the heart.

So in the military meeting, they also have the right to speak.


Xu Shu stood up.

"What the two generals said is not rough. Our Yunzhou has made great achievements in annihilating the Yellow Turban Army. What did the court give? An empty Yunzhou is actually the old foundation of our Zhongshan."

Not bad!

In the play, Nian Xu said: "The imperial court is ashamed of the people of Yunzhou. We have done our utmost to the imperial court. Naturally, we can't continue to suffer when encountering such a thing. Everyone, think about it carefully, why the lord Arouse the anger of the Southern Huns? What is he doing for?"

As Guo Jia's right-hand man, Xu Shu and Xi Zhong put this sharp question on the table in unison.

It's not that Yunzhou is unkind to the court, but that the court is unjust to Yunzhou.

The two subtly increased Guo Jia's bargaining chip for rebellion.

Indeed, the imperial court was a little too unkind.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhongshan has been upgraded to Yunzhou, and the original team has been expanded.

Many local rich and gentry filled in.

Such as the Su family, such as the Zhen family, some big families who support Guo Jia.

But there are still some families who are in awe of the Han Dynasty and are very resistant to rebellion.

But after hearing what Xi Zhong and Xu Shu said, these people had nothing to say.

The main reason why the Southern Huns invaded was that Guo Jia killed their little prince.

The reason why Guo Jia killed the little prince of the Southern Huns was for the stability of Yunzhou's business.

Only when Yunzhou's business is stable can everyone live and work in peace and contentment.

It's all about them.

I saw the generous words of the two subordinates.

Guo Jia was also very happy.

A talent is a talent, you don't need to say it, they will do it for you first.

The seeds of hatred are sown, and it won't take long for them to germinate in the hearts of these people.

When Guo Jia rebelled, they also took it for granted.

Of course that was later.

The reason why Guo Jia chose to report to the court was not to ask for help?
He knew the urination of Yuan Wei and those people very well.

They don't care about national justice or not. These people are masters of internal fighting.

The reason why Guo Jia wanted to go to the court was to prevent these people from taking advantage of the fire and stabbing Guo Jia in the back when Yunzhou was going all out to deal with the Southern Huns.

Of course, these people also have such plans.

But now that the Huns are here, they don't have to.

Because sitting and watching Guo Jia and the Huns fight to the death is what they like to see.

Guo Jia wanted them to have this mentality.

Only in this way can Guo Jia let go of the Southern Huns and get rid of this heinous trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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