Chapter 245
After the mobilization meeting was over, officials from various prefectures and counties left, and the rest were senior officials and generals from Yunzhou.

Next, Guo Jia has to prepare for the battle.

At present, Yunzhou has [-] infantry and [-] cavalry.

Ten thousand of the [-] infantry were stationed at the bridgehead in Dai County, led by Xun You and Zhang He.

The bridgehead is Guo Jia's nail in Dai County, and it can echo Zhongshan County outside.

Xun You is resourceful and resourceful, and there is no problem in defending the bridgehead.

So Guo Jia is not worried.

"Zi Long!"

Guo Jia was the first general to point to Zhao Yun.

The end will be here!
Zhao Yun stepped forward with great strides, but his heart was very heavy.

"This time when the Xiongnu's [-] cavalry came to attack, we naturally have cavalry to deal with it. Baima Yicong is duty-bound. Zilong, I will give you [-] cavalry to fight against the Huns. The burden on you is not light!"

Guo Jia said in a low voice.

Don't worry, my lord!

Zhao Yun clasped his fists and knelt down on one knee.

"Zhao Yun must go all out, and will not weaken the prestige of Baima Yicong."

This time when the Southern Huns invaded, Zhao Yun didn't sleep well for several days.

The main force of the Huns was cavalry.

The best way to destroy the Huns is to use cavalry against cavalry.

It's a pity that the Huns have [-] cavalry, but there are only [-] cavalry in Zhongshan.

Moreover, the Huns were good at archery, most of the [-] cavalry were bow cavalry, and the [-] cavalry in Zhongshan were all light cavalry.

A head-on confrontation will inevitably be suppressed by the rain of arrows from the cavalry archers.

During this period of time, Zhao Yun was thinking hard about how to break the bow and cavalry, and he already had some drafts in his chest.

"My lord, this subordinate believes that the White Horse Yicong is mostly light cavalry. If it is a frontal battle, it is probably not the opponent of the Xiongnu cavalry archers. Therefore, this subordinate suggests that we should cooperate with the infantry to fight."

Only cooperating with infantry is the best way to deal with archers.

The hero sees the same.

Guo Jia smiled and nodded.

He thought so too.

After all, the Huns' cavalry archers were very fierce.

Only with the cooperation of infantry and cavalry can it be resisted.

"The ban!"

Thinking of this, Guo Jia immediately called out the second confidant general.

The end will be here!
Yu Jin strode out of the queue.

"My lord, I was ordered to train [-] crossbowmen three months ago, and now the scale has been issued. I can definitely participate in this battle."

Yu Jin who had just stepped forward immediately brought good news to Guo Jia.

it is good!
Guo Jia couldn't help but slapped the table.

This news came too timely.

The infantry crossbow has always been the nemesis of the cavalry archers, especially this kind of established legion.

If the archers attack head-on, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Although three months is a bit short, there is no way to do it. The Huns have already killed them.

"Wen Ze, I will hand over all five thousand crossbowmen to you. In addition to your Polu army, I will give you another three thousand infantry."

Guo Jia gave Yu Jin [-] troops without even thinking about it.

Thank you my lord!

Yu Jin clasped his fists and fell to his knees.

With these five thousand crossbowmen, together with Zhao Yun's cavalry and his Polu army, he can completely fight the Huns.

After arranging the two generals, Guo Jia began to settle the logistics.


Subordinates are here!
Xi Zhong stood up immediately.

Guo Jia said in a deep voice: "This time the Xiongnu are coming in full force, Zhongshan will definitely experience a fierce battle. I plan to personally lead the troops to meet the Xiongnu. I will leave the family affairs to you."

Not only Xi Zhong, but other people were also very surprised.

My lord must not!

Xi Zhong hurriedly said: "This subordinate is willing to fight for the lord."

Guo Jia is the lord of a state, if something happens, Yunzhou will be in chaos.


The rest of the generals also said something to Xiang, but they were interrupted by Guo Jia.

"This is a military order!"

After hearing this sentence, no one spoke.

The military order fell like a mountain!
As Guo Jia's subordinates, they can only obey.

As Guo Jia's right-hand man, Xi Zhong has been silently contributing in the rear.

When Guo Jia went out to fight, the base camp could not be guarded unless he was loyal.

After Xi Zhong was left to lead the overall situation, Guo Jia was relieved.

He still believes in Xi Zhong's ability.

During the days when he left, Xi Zhong took care of Zhongshan in an orderly manner.

Without Xi Zhong in charge, Guo Jia would feel a little uneasy.

"Xu Shu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei!"

Hearing Guo Jia's roll call, the three immediately stood up.

Guo Jia's gaze flicked over the three of them.

"Yuanzhi, I'll leave the rear to you!"

Xu Shu is Guo Jia's confidant. During this time, he has been shouldering the important task of guarding the rear from the court.

Under the guardianship of Xu Shu, Zhongshan can be regarded as impenetrable.

Therefore, Guo Jia immediately thought of Xu Shu for the important task of staying behind.

"Subordinates take orders!"

Xu Shu clasped his fists and said.

The relationship between him and Guo Jia is extraordinary, so there is no need to say anything, everything is in his heart.

The three surrounding counties are ready to move, and guarding the rear is a very important issue.

Xu Shu did his part to take on this important task.

Xu Shu and Guan Zhang also had [-] county soldiers in their hands. Zhongshan had fought many times, and Guan Zhang and others were guarding the rear. They still had some experience in defending the city.

"Gong Ming!"

Subordinates are here!
Xu Huang hurried out.

During this period of time, he has been behind the scenes, training cavalry for Zhongshan, and has never had the opportunity to fight.

Now that I heard Guo Jia's general, I couldn't help being overjoyed.

"After Zilong left, you still have [-] cavalry in your hands. These [-] cavalry are the last mobile force in Yunzhou. Gong Ming must not be careless, and must obey Mr. Xi Zhong's orders."

Guo Jiayu said earnestly.

Hearing that he was still staying in Yunzhou, although Xu Huang felt a little disappointed, he still cupped his fists and said, "Don't worry, my lord, a certain family will definitely obey Mr. Xi Zhong's orders."

He is one of the few talents in Zhongshan who can train soldiers.

Almost all the cavalry trained by him have become the backbone of the White Horse Yi Cong.

Those who can endure loneliness are the real talents of generals.

Xu Huang is really a good general!
Guo Jia nodded secretly.

With Xu Shu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Xu Huang defending the city.

Guo Jia felt at ease.

But this time, defending the city is not an easy task.

Guo Jia successively mobilized more than 2 troops, and there are only more than 1 left in Yunzhou.

Right now, Jizhou, Youzhou and Bingzhou are eyeing up, and the three families together have 10,000+ soldiers and horses.

Guo Jia only left these 1 people to defend Yunzhou?
The answer is still unknown.

However, Xi Zhong and Xu Shu still deployed a safe deployment of troops.

Xu Shu and Guan Yu led three thousand soldiers to guard Wuji to block Yuan Shao.

Ju Shou Zhang Fei led [-] county soldiers to guard Anguo to keep Liu Yu away.

Xi Zhong and Xu Chu led [-] county soldiers to guard Lu Nu.

In addition, Xu Huang led [-] cavalry and the remaining [-] county soldiers to station Zhangjiawu Fort for support.

Of course, Guo Jia didn't forget to let Man Chong and Zhang Yan go out of Taihang Mountain to occupy Changshan Zhending as Ding Yuan.

After all the dust settled.

Guo Jia chose an auspicious day, led [-] cavalry out of Lunu, and marched towards the soldiers and horses of the Southern Huns.

(End of this chapter)

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