Chapter 249 Yanmen Zhang Liao
"you're a soldier?"

Seeing the big man's gesture, Zhao Yun couldn't help being a little surprised.


The big man clasped his fists and said: "The villain is a soldier of Yanmen County. Due to the invasion of the Southern Huns, there were many casualties in the prefecture. He was ordered by Ding Inspector to spy on the army. But he was carefully targeted by the Southern Huns. He fled for a day and a night. He shot and killed more than 60 people, unfortunately his mount fell to his death, if the general had not rescued him, he would have been decapitated."

good man!
Zhao Yun dismounted immediately.

Being able to shoot and kill so many people under the pursuit of the Southern Huns is really a tiger in the world.

"I am Zhao Yun, the captain under the command of Governor Guo in Yunzhou. I heard that the Southern Huns entered the country, so I came here to meet the enemy."

The general is here to meet the enemy?
Hearing this sentence, the big man was immediately overjoyed.

The southern Huns have always been a confidant on the border of the Han Dynasty, and they will invade every autumn and winter.

Bianjun has been suffering for a long time, and the big man has also expressed his pros and cons like Shangfeng.

But both the governor and the county guard turned a blind eye to this matter.

Anyway, the Huns will leave after plundering for a while. Whoever is full and has nothing to do to provoke the Huns?
This time the Huns came in large numbers, and the big man thought that the higher-ups would still be as indifferent as last time.

Unexpectedly, a cavalry came to reinforce it.

But the big man immediately hesitated again.


Right now the Huns are still in Yanmen, in the territory of Bingzhou, and the Bingzhou soldiers are not coming out, but the neighbor Yunzhou soldiers are actually coming out.


The big man was a little puzzled.

He felt a little uncomfortable.


Zhao Yun is also a smart person, and he immediately saw what the big man was thinking.

"You and the state governor didn't take any action?"

The big man shook his head sadly.

In recent years, the Huns have come to Yanmen to plunder every year.

Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, has always turned a blind eye to allowing the Huns to plunder.

Ha ha!

Zhao Yun couldn't help but smile.

"Following this kind of governor is really a tragedy for a strong man. Don't you Yanmen warriors feel aggrieved?"

Aggrieved, why not aggrieved?
The big man couldn't help but patted his thigh, he wished he could find Ding Yuan in person to reason with him.

Of course this is also impossible.

Ding Yuan is the governor of a county, he is just a young general, the level difference between the two is too far, he can't see Ding Yuan's face at all.

"How many soldiers and horses did the Huns have?"

Zhao Yun asked in a low voice.

Hearing this question, Dahan suddenly regained his spirits.

In order to inquire about the enemy's situation, he almost fell into the hands of the Huns.

"The Southern Xiongnu came out in full force this time, and they claimed to be [-], and the auxiliary soldiers behind them were more than [-] to [-]."

Sixty thousand!

Zhao Yun couldn't help being surprised.

This is somewhat different from the information they got.

"Is what you said true?"

Zhao Yun asked in a deep voice.

Every sentence is true!

The big man patted his chest and said: "The villain has observed the Huns' military camp at a close distance. This time, they sent out at least 5 people. The tents at the camp site covered the sky and the sun, and there were countless cattle and sheep with the army."

5 million people!
Zhao Yun narrowed his eyes.

If so many Huns really came, the lord will have to weigh it carefully.


The big man said in a deep voice: "If you really want to fight the Huns, I think I can help. I know the strength and distribution of the Huns very well."

Although it was not the Bingzhou soldiers he expected, as long as he was fighting the Huns, he was very welcome.

After all, Bianjun has hated the Southern Huns so much these years.

When Yunzhou soldiers came to fight the Xiongnu, they would all agree with it.

Zhao Yun suddenly said: "Strong man, please come with me, I will take you to meet someone."


Soon, Zhao Yun brought the big man to Guo Jia, and told him what happened before.

More than 5 people!

Guo Jia was also taken aback.

The information that Cai Yu gave him was 3 people, how come there are so many more people here suddenly.

If it is 5 people, this battle may be even more difficult.

His eyes fell on the big man.

"What's your name, and what is your position in the Bingzhou Army?"

Hearing Guo Jia's question, the big man was slightly embarrassed.

His position is that of the chief of the frontier army, and it is not elegant to say it.

However, he still said solemnly: "My surname is Zhang and my name is Liao. I am from Yanmen in Bingzhou, and now I am a frontier army of Yanmen..."

His length was really too low, and he was a little embarrassed to say it.

My surname is Zhang and my name is Liao!

Hearing this name, Guo Jia couldn't help standing up.

Zhang Liao Zhang Wenyuan!
He pointed at the big man in surprise.

The big man seemed to be taken aback, and then said vigilantly: "Lord Inspector, what's wrong? Have you heard of cheap names?"

He was faintly worried.

Zhang Liao's surname was Nie, and his name was Nie Yi.

This Nie Yi is a fierce man.

In the first year of Yuanguang in the Western Han Dynasty, out of his familiarity with the Huns, Nie Yi, a wealthy merchant in Mayi, Yanmen, suggested to Emperor Wu through Wang Hui that the Han Dynasty had already won the trust of the Huns after the marriage. rout.

So Nie Yi was ordered to use himself as a bait to personally go to the Xiongnu camp, and feigned surrender to Shanyu, the military official at the time, and claimed that he could kill the county magistrate of Mayi, force Mayi to surrender, and then get all the property of the city.

Shan Yu believed his words and was greedy for profit, so he immediately planned to raise troops.After Nie Yi returned to Han, he falsely called the head of a criminal as the head of Mayi chief official to show that the time had come to lure the Xiongnu army into the important area.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent five generals with a total of 30 chariots and infantry to set up an ambush in Mayi.These five generals are General Li Guangxiao, the Wei Wei, General Sun He Qingche, the imperial servant, General Wang Hui, General Tun of the Daxingling, General Li Xicai, the Taizhong doctor, and Han Anguo, the imperial doctor.All the leaders belonged to Han Anguo, and agreed to attack Shanyu when he entered Mayi.

The plan was carried out smoothly, but when he was marching, he found that there were only livestock and no one in the city, so he became suspicious.He sent troops to capture a blockhouse and captured a Wei Shi.

The lieutenant's history exposed the truth that more than 30 Han troops had ambushed near Mayi. Shan Yu, who had seen through the conspiracy, retreated in shock, and the Han army's ambush was useless.After judging the situation, Wang Hui thought that the best time to attack the Huns' supplies had been missed, so he decided to withdraw his troops and return to the division.

"Ma Yi's plot" ended in failure.

If Mayi's plot succeeded, the Xiongnu would have been wiped out at that time, how can it continue to this day?
After Mayi's plot was exposed, the Nie family was finished. They offended both the Xiongnu and the Han Dynasty's peace faction.So he became a mouse in the bellows, and got angry at both ends, so later generations changed their surnames to Zhang, so as not to be hated.

Zhang Liao was also a little worried at the moment, wondering how Guo Jia knew his name.

It's just that his worry is superfluous, Guo Jia has been immersed in joy right now.

Zhang Liao!

This is Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan who shocked Xiaoyaojin in later generations.

Cao Wei's famous general, one of the five good generals!

Didn't expect to meet here.

Guo Jia felt refreshed in his heart.

It is beyond words.

Five sons of good generals, the fourth one has been won, who in the world will compete with him?

(End of this chapter)

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