Chapter 250 Confidential Mission
Through Zhang Liao's description, Guo Jia already had a preliminary understanding of the military deployment of the Southern Huns.

It seems that this time the Southern Huns came out in full force.

Fifty thousand troops is already their limit.

"Lord Inspector!"

Zhang Liao clasped his fists and said: "The Southern Huns are composed of tribes big and small. The left side where Qiangqu Shuai is located is the largest of the Southern Huns. There are [-] people who control strings, and the rest are all vassals of Qiangqu Khan. Most of the remaining people are from these tribes. In addition..."

He paused and said again: "Qiang Qu Khan is not in power on the left side. Among the 1 elite soldiers, 1 belong to Qiang Qu Khan. Under him is the Right Wise King. This Right Wise King Xiu Tu is a shrewd man. Xiutu also has [-] soldiers, and the remaining [-] soldiers are the two sons of Qiangqu Khan, Yu Fuluo and Huchuquan. Although these two men are princes, they have never been killed by Qiang Quhan. What he likes. Qiang Qu’s favorite is his youngest son. But for some reason, this youngest son died suddenly. It is said that he died at the hands of a Han county guard, that’s why the Southern Huns came out in full force.”

Hearing this, Zhao Yun looked at Guo Jia with a smile.

It is said that this youngest son died at the hands of his lord.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia also smiled.

"It seems that the Han county guard got into trouble?"

No, no!
Zhang Liao hurriedly said: "If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different. Even if there is no such thing as the wolfish ambitions of the Southern Huns, they will not let go of the colorful world of the Central Plains. On the contrary, this county governor is not afraid of power and enforces the law. Yan Ming, the villain is greatly admired. This talent is a real hero. He is the hero of our Han people."

The Southern Xiongnu are used to being domineering in the border county. If they disagree with each other, they will attack the city, kill people and steal goods.

In Zhang Liao's heart, this Han county sheriff is really a hero.

He is just a commander in the frontier army, and he doesn't have any information channels, so he naturally doesn't know the whole story of this matter.


Zhao Yun couldn't hold back a few laughs.

Guo Jia also couldn't help laughing.

On the contrary, Zhang Liao was a little puzzled.

"Did I said wrong thing?"

Not bad!

Zhao Yun waved his hand hastily.

"Does Wen Yuan know who killed the little prince of the Southern Huns?"

Zhang Liao was stunned for a moment, and said, "I heard it's a young prefect of Zhongshan."

Not bad!

Zhao Yun stretched out his hand and pointed.

"The former prefect of Zhongshan has now become the governor of Yunzhou."

Zhang Liao was pleasantly surprised.

He fell to the ground again.

"Thank you prefect for not assassinating Mr. Shi. The Huns are so arrogant in the border counties, and all the county chiefs are obedient. Only the Lord defies power and punishes the Huns angrily, giving us a sigh of relief for the people of the border counties."

For this matter, Zhang Liao admired it very much.

Wen Yuan is serious!

Guo Jia hurriedly helped him up.

"Although it was popular for a while, it also brought disaster to the people in Border County."


If he had been more rational at the beginning, the Huns would not have come in full force.


Zhang Liao said sincerely: "The Xiongnu are eyeing up, and they will never give up the colorful world of the Central Plains. Now that the big man has gone through wars and is very weak, how could they let go of this opportunity? It is false to avenge the little prince, but it is true to take the opportunity to attack the big man."

Having said that, his eyes suddenly flashed with anger.

"Although I'm just a pawn, I can see clearly. Every year, I will report the pros and cons to Shangfeng. But every time, I will be ridiculed. Every time the Southern Huns came out to plunder, these high officials would turn a blind eye. In order to avoid conflict with the Huns, they will shrink their troops to defend the city and let the Huns go south to plunder. I only hope that they will retreat after they have plundered enough. Zhang’s greatest wish is to be a hero like Huo Qubing and Weiqing, and lead his troops to defeat the Huns. The people were driven out of the borders of the great Han."

Zhang Liao said indignantly.

Zhao Yun was also furious when he heard this.

"There is such an incompetent general?"

It was the first time he had heard of it.

Guo Jia was also a little surprised.

He never thought that the generals of Bianjun could be so incompetent.

But I can figure it out.

The big man is no longer the old man.

Naturally, the Southern Huns did not take the affiliation between the two sides seriously.

The border county of the big man has become their hunting ground, and they can come and go whenever they want.

The officials of the border counties were also unable to compete with the Huns, so they had to turn a blind eye to stability for the sake of stability.

In this way, the local people will suffer.

"Zhang Wenyuan!"

Guo Jia suddenly said: "Are you willing to stay in our Yunzhou army?"

Seeing Zhang Liao, a Confucian general who is both civil and military, the five sons of the future generations, he will not let it go easily.

Yunzhou Army!
Zhang Liao was stunned for a moment.

He is a member of the Bingzhou Army. Although he is only a senior, he is also an official.

Now abandoning the Bingzhou Army to join the Yunzhou Army is a deserter.

Besides, the Zhang Liao family is in Yanmen, and the Zhang family can be counted in Yanmen. If the word of being a deserter is passed back, it may be a bit insulting to the family.

Zhang Liao still values ​​his reputation very much.

Just when he politely refused, Guo Jia dropped another blockbuster.

"Stay in Yunzhou Army, and I can fulfill your wish."

Zhang Liao shook his body and looked at Guo Jia in shock.

Satisfy his wish, that is to go to war against the Huns.

Originally, Zhang Liao thought that the Yunzhou army would come to deal with it like other county soldiers and then leave.

Unexpectedly, this Lord Inspector would really dare to attack the Huns?
"Lord Inspector, is what you said true? Are you really going to attack the Southern Huns?"

Zhang Liao asked hesitantly.

Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said: "Since I dared to kill the little prince of the Southern Huns, I naturally dared to attack the Southern Huns. What is 5 people? The Huns who were the champions back then ran away with their heads in their arms. You will be punished far away."

A strong man who offends me will be punished even if he is far away!

Hearing these words, Zhang Liao couldn't help but get excited.

This is his lifelong wish.

"The villain Zhang Liao is willing to serve as a pawn under the command of Lord Inspector."


He got Zhang Liao's surrender.

Guo Jia was very happy.

This time, five good generals, he already has four.

"Wen Yuan is a great talent. It's a pity to be a pawn. How about this, I appoint you as the captain, and allocate 2000 troops to you to do a confidential matter. I don't know if you dare?"

Secret mission?

Zhang Liao was a little dumbfounded.

He never expected that Guo Jia would attach so much importance to him.

As soon as he voted in, he became the captain, and the captain is the deputy of the governor.

Not only that, Guo Jia also gave him two thousand cavalry to carry out secret missions.

What a trust!

Zhang Liao took a deep breath and knelt heavily on the ground.

"Zhang Liao is willing to go through fire and water for his lord."

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman tolerates a person who pleases her.

Since Guo Jia valued and trusted him so much, why shouldn't he die for Guo Jia?

(End of this chapter)

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