Chapter 252 The First Battle

Whoosh whoosh!
A flash of light appeared in midair.

It was the rocket launched by the horse detection troops ahead.

"My lord, the 5000 forwards of the Southern Huns have camped fifty miles ahead."

Someone immediately sent the news to Guo Jia.

In ancient times, scouting horses was an indispensable force for both sides.

At that time, there was no radio, and the transmission of messages was basically dependent on horses. The commander could grasp the information at the first time, so that he could make the fastest deployment.

Whether it is the transmission of news or the issuance of orders, scouts and scouts are inseparable.

Their speed and work efficiency can largely determine the victory or defeat of a battle.

This is where information matters.

Therefore, Guo Jia, as a time traveler, pays great attention to the transmission of information.

Of course, the traversers of later generations naturally have the advantages of traversers.

Guo Jia used the sound arrow made of gunpowder to compile a set of programs for transmitting information.A dedicated messaging unit was also created.

Although this force is small in number, it is very important and is responsible for the information transmission of the entire team.

The gunpowder plus sound arrow has a long range and is also very eye-catching, and it can also convey simple messages.

In this way, the speed of message delivery has been increased by more than several times.

very good!

Seeing this news, Guo Jia showed a smile on his face.

Facing the bow and cavalry of the Southern Huns, the border counties of the Han Dynasty are generally very afraid, so in the border counties, the Huns are still in a state of no one.

The court of the Eastern Han Dynasty weakened day by day, never
Therefore, although the forwards of the Huns discovered Guo Jia's cavalry, they did not take it seriously.

This time, Guo Jia will take advantage of the enemy's mentality and catch them by surprise.

"Order the troops to move on. Prepare some gifts for the Huns!"

Guo Jia said with a smile.


Hearing this word, Zhao Dachui immediately smiled.

Guo Jia's so-called gift is naturally a crock bomb, and their artillery can show their power again.

Zhao Yun clasped his fists together and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Although Guo Jia is the commander-in-chief of the entire army, it is Zhao Yun who is responsible for the cavalry combat. He is in charge of the entire cavalry campaign.

Three thousand cavalry quietly moved forward.


Fifty miles away, the camp of the Huns.

Beilai is a veteran general, and he followed Qiangqu Khan to fight north and south, and he was also very skilled in marching and fighting.

The place he chose to camp was also very safe and close to the water.

Although the camps of the Huns were simple, they were also very effective. They set up rows of horse-repelling guns and horse pits on the front, back, left, and right.And made a special mark, if someone strikes rashly, they will definitely fall into their trap.

Even so, Beilai still didn't dare to be careless, and once again divided the cavalry into five teams, taking turns to rest to prevent enemy attacks.

All night long!
Early the next morning, Beilai received the news.

A cavalry of a thousand Han people stopped two hundred steps in front of their camp and set up a formation.

1000 people?

Bai Lai's eyes narrowed immediately.

This is seriously inconsistent with the news he got.

I'm afraid it's a strategy of the Han people. These people are just bait. Is the real Han army ambush behind?
Beilai immediately ordered his subordinates to stand by and ignore the provocations of the Yunzhou cavalry.

Qiang Qu Khan is on his way, as long as tens of thousands of cavalry under Qiang Qu Khan are gathered, they can drive straight in and break Yunzhou.

With the strength in front of them, it is natural that they cannot escape the fate of extinction.

I have to say that Balai's decision-making is still a very safe way, but it is a pity that he met Guo Jia.

The person in charge of commanding the thousand cavalry was Zhao Dahui. The reason why he was chosen as the vanguard was not because he could fight, but because he could pretend to be aggressive and he was born with a loud voice.

Finally got a chance to pretend to be aggressive, Zhao Dahammer was naturally fully armed.

The golden armor and silver hammer were brought immediately.

"Hey, listen to the thieves of the Huns. This god will be the patron saint of Yunzhou. It is really abominable for you barbarians to dare to invade the Central Plains. However, God has the virtue of loving life, so you must retreat quickly, lest Invite death."

For this task, Zhao Dachui deliberately learned some Hun dialect from the Hun merchants.

I have to say, this guy is still quite talented.

After only a few days of learning, the Xiongnu dialect is very slippery.If you don't listen carefully, you really can't tell the difference.

This fellow had a high voice, and his voice reached the ears of the Huns after two hundred steps.

The Huns soldiers looked at each other in dismay.

The Huns have the "heaven" consciousness of "established by heaven" and "born by heaven and earth".The religious belief of the Huns has obvious characteristics of Shamanism.

According to records, the Xiongnu people "gathered in Longcheng in May to sacrifice their ancestors, heaven and earth, ghosts and gods". "And Shanyu went out of the camp in the morning, worshiped the sun for the first birth, and worshiped the moon in the evening", "Waiting for the stars and the moon when raising an event, attacking when the moon is strong, and retreating when the moon is weak."

There are shamans, who will predict good and bad times when they send troops, worship the heavens, the earth, the sun and the moon, and have the custom of worshiping idols.In the worship of the gods, special attention is paid to the gods.It is believed that the god of heaven is the supreme ruler of the gods, and the gains and losses in the world depend on the sky.

If people's actions can follow the way of heaven, heaven will bestow good fortune on people.Otherwise, heaven will bring disasters to people.Therefore, whenever things go well, it is called "blessing from heaven".

So they also respect ghosts and gods.

Now a weirdly dressed guy is talking in front of them, so how can they not be strange.

What surprised them even more was that the man was actually holding a huge hammer.

Among other things, wouldn't even people and horses be crushed with this hammer?
Seeing that such a big hammer was like a plaything in this man's hands, the faces of the Hun soldiers changed color.

Even the most powerful warrior of the Huns might not be able to hold this hammer.

Of course, some people suspect that this hammer is a fake, how can a normal person handle such a big hammer.

It's just that the captain gave the order, and the whole army stood still, and they didn't dare to disobey the order.I had to listen patiently.

Seeing the Huns pointing fingers, Zhao Dachui immediately got excited.

"The artillery is ready!"

Zhao Dachui gave an order in a low voice.

His performance is inseparable from the cooperation of the artillerymen.

Otherwise, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Behind him, a dozen artillerymen set up flying stone carts under the cover of cavalry.

everything's ready.

Zhao Dachui rode his horse again to the front of the team.

"Since you are obsessed with obsession, don't blame me for being ruthless."

He pretended to dance and dance.

After the Battle of the Yellow Turbans, Zhao Dahammer's half-baked performance was inspired by professionals, and he became more presentable.

The Huns cavalry were stunned for a while.

The Yunzhou cavalry knew very well about Zhao Dahammer's details.

Seeing this guy performing, the cavalry around couldn't help laughing, but tried not to laugh out loud, and the ones behind almost fell off their horses.

Zhao Dahui turned a blind eye to it, and was absorbed in his pretentious career.

I have to say that this is the most dedicated pretender.

(End of this chapter)

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