Chapter 253 Fire Sea
"Hurry up like a law, Lei Lai!"

Seeing that the pretense was almost done, the silver hammer in Zhao Dachui's hand pointed at the sky obliquely.

The artillerymen behind him understood.

A crock flew into the air.

To confuse the Huns.

They deliberately turned their backs to the sun.

The sight of the Huns was covered by the sun, so if you don't pay attention, it's really not easy to find.


The violent explosion sounded in mid-air, emitting a dazzling light in mid-air, really like thunder.

After such a long period of exploration, the quality and power of the gunpowder produced by the gunpowder workshop in Zhongshan have been improved to a higher level.

This crock pot mixed with metal powder and gunpowder exploded even more bluffing.

The sound of the explosion scared the Hun soldiers to turn pale.

They racked their brains and couldn't figure it out, how could there be thunder on this sunny day, could it really be the magic of the golden-armored sledgehammer in front of them?

If that's the case, wouldn't they have suffered a crushing defeat.


Zhao Dahammer couldn't help laughing a few times.

Come again!

The sledgehammer pointed diagonally at the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!
The gun carriage behind continued to fire.

Three specially-made crock bombs were launched into the air again.

Boom boom boom boom!

Three explosions, three lights.

The Huns were once again terrified.

God, God!

They originally respected the gods and ghosts.

Now seeing the might of Zhao Dahammer, many timid soldiers of the Huns fell to their knees and muttered to themselves.

This awe is also contagious.

At first, there were only a small number of people, and then many people fell to their knees, and then most of the Huns fell to their knees.

darn thing!

Bei Lai was angry.

Although he didn't know what the Han people did, he definitely didn't believe that the bumbling guy was a god.

This is the way things are. The smarter people are, the less they believe in ghosts and gods. They attribute their hope to their own efforts.

Only the foolish people are in awe of ghosts and gods, and place their hopes on these illusory things.

Beilai was the captain of the 24th head of the Xiongnu and a native of Chongming.

I know this is a trick of the Han people.

"Everyone, don't be fooled. This person is using blindfolds."

Billey let out a loud cry.

"Come on, go out and chop off that bastard's head."

At this time, the army's mind was about to disperse, and if he remained indifferent, he would be digging his own grave.

The best way to deal with these tricks is to expose him.

Although Beilai didn't know the details of Zhao Dahammer, he could find out by sending someone to test it out.

Soon, a group of 500 Huns cavalry rushed out of the camp.

The distance between the two sides was two hundred steps, and the Huns came very quickly. As long as they could reach a distance of one hundred steps, the feather arrows in their hands could shoot Zhao Dahammer into a sieve.

Good to come!
A smile appeared on Zhao Dachui's face.

The reason why he is pretending here is to complete the task given by Guo Jia.

When he came this time, Guo Jia asked him to arouse the anger of the Huns.

"The gun cart is ready, load the incendiary bomb!"

Zhao Dachui immediately took a few steps back, revealing more than a dozen gun carriages behind him.

Whoosh whoosh!
The artillerymen fired incendiary bombs one after another.

They were already a little impatient.

Although the leader's jumping master is very funny, it is a bit dull after watching it for a long time.

Artillery is naturally going to fire.

An artilleryman who doesn't like not firing is not a good artilleryman.

Therefore, whenever there is shelling, these artillerymen will be full of energy.

After more than half a year of training, this artillery is very skillful in its movements, loading, aiming, and firing in an orderly manner.

The Xiongnu cavalry had just charged tens of meters, and the artillerymen fired several rounds of incendiary bombs, and they were also very skillful in firing artillery. For this kind of charging troops, the method of reducing the range should be used to deal with escaped troops. By increasing the range.Only in this way can the tread area be increased or decreased.

As soon as the Huns left the camp, the first round of shells exploded above their heads, engulfing many people in a sea of ​​flames.The Huns who were lucky enough to escape this round of shells hadn't caught their breath yet, and the second round of shells arrived.And covered most of the people.The fire quickly ignited the fur products on their bodies, and the people in the venue turned their backs and screamed again and again.

After two salvos, only a few dozen people rushed over intact.

They are the elite of the five hundred cavalry and the best archers.

The moment they stepped out of the shooting range and took out their bows and arrows to fight back, what greeted them was the third round of shells.


I don't know who said it, these dozens of elite bow riders were once again shrouded in flames.

Zhao Dahammer laughed wildly again.

"Huns, listen up, this is the magic fire of my general. Obediently get off your horse and surrender, lest..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud arrow flew towards him, Zhao Dachui's heart trembled, and he hurriedly used the sledgehammer to block in front of him.

With a puff, the sledgehammer was instantly pierced by the feather arrow.

A Hun cavalry covered in fire came galloping.

He rushed over in a raging fire, and after sending out the arrow, he couldn't hold on again and fell to the ground.

Zhao Dachui broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the sledgehammer was big enough, and it was still wrapped in iron, otherwise, Zhao Dahammer might be finished with that slap just now.


Watching the sledgehammer break.

Zhao Dahammer is so angry.

The silver hammer and gold armor was his sharp weapon for pretentiousness, but today it was torn down by a Hun.

Where should Zhao Dahui put his face?
Five hundred cavalrymen were engulfed by incendiary bombs, and all the men and horses were struggling in the flames. The Huns cavalry on the opposite side were stunned.

Where have they seen such a tragedy?

Even Bailai was pale.

"Stick to the camp, stick to the camp, don't attack."

Bei Lai hastily ordered.

Zhao Dahammer's fire had already frightened him.

"Guys, show these bastards a little bit of power!"

Seeing that the Huns did not dare to come out, Zhao Dachui said viciously, "Use the gravel bombs, and the big incendiary bombs."

Gravel bombs, as the name suggests, are made of gunpowder filled with gravel.

Once it explodes, gravel is flying all over the sky, which is very lethal to dense formations.

The large incendiary bomb is also an enhanced version of the ordinary incendiary bomb.

It is the latest development of Gunpowder Workshop.

It's a pity that these two bombs are too bulky and have a short range, so they are not suitable for field battles.

However, Guo Jia had thought of it a long time ago. He installed the cannon carriage on the carriage to increase its mobility.

A few double-wheeled carriages galloped away from the team.

The artillery on the car is ready.

The Huns were so frightened that they didn't dare to fight now. They just watched the Han people's carriages approaching.

Beilai was still calm and commanded the army to guard the camp.

A large number of horse traps were dug within a hundred paces outside the camp. If no one led the way, they would definitely fall into the trap, so he was not afraid that the Han people would rush over.

Once the Han people fell into the trap, they would become living targets for the Huns' archers.

But he seems to have miscalculated again.

The Han people stopped at a hundred paces and stopped taking a step forward.

One hundred paces is the limit for bow and horsemen, and the Hun archers had to look at the Han people depressedly.

At this time, the carriage carrying the gun carriage stopped, and the groom fixed the carriage and covered the horse's ears.

The artillery on the vehicle threw gravel bombs and large incendiary bombs one after another.

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless earthen jars flew over the heads of the Huns.

The barracks quickly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

(End of this chapter)

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