Chapter 254 The Bird of Fright
Boom boom boom!

A violent explosion sounded, and the Huns' camp immediately fell into a sea of ​​flames.

Although the large incendiary bombs and gravel bombs are clumsy, they are still very powerful, especially for dense places like camps.

The Huns jumped up and down for a while.

Retreat, retreat!

Seeing the camp turned into a sea of ​​flames, Beilai saw that the situation was over, and immediately commanded the army to break through.

The Huns immediately left their tents and luggage and retreated through the back door.

At this time, the fire had spread, and they couldn't open their eyes because of the smoke.

The Huns had no choice but to rush forward with their heads covered, so they couldn't care less about other things.

At this time, the horse trap they dug earlier has become their obstacle.

There were screams again and again, and many Hun cavalry fell into the pit with their horses.

The ones at the back stepped on the former's corpse and continued to break through.

Five thousand cavalry were burned to death by fire, crushed to death by gravel, killed by their own pits, trampled to death by their own horses, countless.

Zhao Dachui laughed loudly, and only fired shells to threaten the Huns, but did not chase after him, because he knew very well that the reason why he was able to catch the Huns by surprise this time was mainly due to the power of the artillery.

If it was a head-to-head encounter, the thousand troops of the Yunzhou cavalry might not be enough for the Huns to shoot two rounds of volleys.

The remaining vanguard of the Huns ran all the way.

Where have they seen such things as gunpowder bombs?

Naturally, he was scared out of his body.

After traveling ten miles, seeing that the Han army hadn't caught up, Bei Lai finally settled down.

Everyone got off their horses to rest, count the casualties, and eat something by the way.

After counting the casualties, Beilai was very heartbroken.

Half of the [-] cavalry were gone. Except for the [-] cavalry who were initially burned to death by the Han army, most of the rest died in the chaos of self-tramplement.

In other words, only 500 people died in the real charge, and the remaining 2000 people died at the hands of their own family members.

Damn Han people!
A gloomy look flashed across Beilai's face.

He was the most trusted subordinate of Qiang Qu Khan, so he was selected as a vanguard officer. Now the five thousand cavalry have not even touched a hair of the Han army, but they have lost half of them.

How could Beilai have the face to go back and meet Qiang Quhan?

These thousand Han people must be wiped out.

Otherwise, Beilai will be punished even if he goes back.

The Huns punished the defeated generals very severely.

After a period of desperate escape, the Huns cavalry couldn't hold on anymore, they dismounted one after another and collapsed on the ground.After all these years of fighting with the Han people, they have never seen this kind of formation.

Especially the general with the sledgehammer, who can set off thunder and fire with a single finger of the sledgehammer, he is simply a god descending from the earth.

Although they are also very brave, but where are the opponents of the gods?

Many people whispered to each other, feeling very scared in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Beilai's heart sank.

The most fearful thing in war is the unstable morale of the army. If the morale of the army is unstable, half of the loss has already been lost.

"Sons of the Huns!"

Bailai stood up slowly.

"We are the warriors of the grassland, the people favored by the heavens. The sun god and the moon god will protect us from the intrusion of evil spirits and heretics."

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

The Great Captain speaks beautifully, but they have just seen how powerful the Han people are.

Especially those things that can thunder and set fire, they are simply invincible.

"That's a trick of the Han people!"

Bai Lai shouted loudly: "They packed the kerosene in earthen jars and threw them out with a catapult. As for those things that can make thunder... it's just a trick."

In fact, he didn't know what the Han army threw out?
However, as a captain, Bei Lai still has some knowledge.He knew that the reason why the Han army won for a while was because of these weird earthen pots.

Without these weird things, they are definitely not the opponents of the Huns' bow cavalry.

Just as Bei Lai was racking his brains to cheer up his subordinates and was about to fight back, the ground suddenly trembled.

Enemy attack!

The Huns stood up in surprise.

They are all people on horseback, and they are very accurate in judging the approaching cavalry.

Line up, line up!
Beilai hurriedly called the cavalry to take up their positions.

He suffered a big loss just now, and he was very upset. The Han people dared to catch up, which is really unreasonable.

That being the case, he let these Han troops taste the power of the Huns' cavalry and archery.

More than 2000 archers and knights took up their positions, and the vanguard of the Han people arrived.

Only then did Bai Lai realize that something was wrong.

The leading troops were all white horses, and a flag was erected behind the leading general, with the word Zhao capitalized on it. It was Zhao Yun who led the white horse Yicong to arrive.

Under Guo Jia's command, Zhao Dachui attacked the enemy camp with artillery, while Zhao Yun led the light cavalry to detour to stop the enemy.

One was fleeing in a straight line, the other was chasing after a detour, and unexpectedly they ran into each other.

Seeing the previous troops, Beilai suddenly felt relieved.

If it was really the troops just now, he would be a little timid towards those earthen pots.


Bei Lai drew out his scimitar, and was about to direct the troops to charge.

The vanguard of the Han people separated again, revealing the carriage.

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless earthen pots were thrown into the air, making roaring noises one after another.

This is it again!

The Huns were all shocked.

Their barracks were destroyed under these things before.

They can still vividly remember the tragedy at that time, so how dare they compete with the Han army?

I don't know who yelled, the Huns turned around and ran away, not having the courage to face the Han army.

Defeated like a mountain!

The Xiongnu cavalry, who had doubts about Beilai's words, were immediately frightened by the explosion. They turned around and left, even ignoring the captain's words.

These people were only temporarily transferred to act as vanguards, not the subordinates of the capital Wei Beilai.

proceed if you can!
Anyway, they are not on.

"Stop, stop!"

Beilai was furious, drew his sword and hacked to death a retreater, but still couldn't stop the army from retreating.

"Bai Ma Yi Cong, attack!"

Seeing that the Huns fled without a fight, Zhao Yun naturally would not miss this opportunity.

He immediately led Baima Yicong to rush over.


Seeing the irreversible defeat of the army, Bailai immediately became furious.

Half of the [-] forwards had already been lost. If he went back like this, Qiang Quhan would definitely not let him go.

It is better to die on the spot than to be beheaded in a wimpy manner.


There was a flash of sternness on Beilai's face, and he rushed towards Baima Yicong with three hundred guards.

Three hundred versus two thousand, even though the Huns were brave, they still couldn't change their numerical disadvantage.

Soon, the cavalry was submerged in the white ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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