Chapter 258
eat human!

Hearing the news, Qiang Qu Khan was also taken aback.

Even the cruelest tribes on the grassland seldom eat people.

If what the subordinates said was true, then these Han people were really cruel, no wonder they dared to kill his youngest son.

But since they cannibalize, why did they release the more than 100 captives back.

Soon, Qiang Quhan understood.

This is the strategy of the Han army. First, they used cannibalism to frighten the captives, making the Huns fearful, and then released them, allowing them to spread fear among the Huns.

Originally, the Huns despised the Han people, but now that they know the vicious nature of their cannibalism, they may feel somewhat fearful in their hearts.

In this way, the Huns were at a disadvantage before they started fighting.


Qiang Qu Khan overthrew Hu Deng angrily.

He once again learned the cunning of the Han people.

"Come here, arrest these captives released by the Han army and chop them up!"

Qiang Qu Khan made a decisive decision and immediately beheaded these people.

However, it has been of no avail.

These captives were terrified, and they kept preaching about the cannibalism of the Han army on the way back.

Soon the entire Hun army knew about it.

The news that the Han people had the help of gods had already surprised them, but now they have received the news that the Han people cannibalize people. These Huns have already collapsed?
Seeing this, Qiang Quhan's heart sank suddenly, the thing he was most worried about happened.

As soon as the war started, the Han people went down to the city first, suppressing the morale of the Huns.

It can't go on like this!

Not only Qiangqu Khan, but also other Hun leaders were aware of the problem.

Morale must be boosted, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to the Huns.

The easiest way to boost morale is to fight a winning battle.

Soon, Guo Jia's cavalry unit fell into the eyes of the Huns.

The bell also needs to be tied.

As long as this bug is defeated, the fear of the Huns will naturally be resolved.

Qiang Quhan's eyes immediately fell on the map.

"Go forward at full speed and catch up with this army. I will smash them into pieces."

As he said that, a flash of sternness flashed across his both sides.

According to the captives, the leader of the cavalry was none other than Guo Jia, the Han Chinese who tore apart Qiang Qu Khan's son.

Ever since, the [-] army marched towards the Yunzhou army.


The news that the Huns were coming in a big way came quickly.

It has to be said that Guo Jia's fireworks and arrows are still very efficient in delivering messages.

As soon as the Huns moved their buttocks, they were detected by the scouts at the front.

The scouts at the front immediately released fireworks and arrows.

After discovering that the detective horses at the front had released fireworks and arrows, the detective horses of the second echelon immediately released fireworks and arrows.The third echelon continues.

If so several times, it will not be long before it is passed on to the main force in the rear.

Compared with the previous fast horse passing, it can be regarded as very fast.

Hearing this news, Guo Jia smiled slightly.

This Qiang Qu Khan is also very smart, knowing that the way to resolve fear is to win a battle.

Once a battle is won, morale will rise, and fear will naturally disappear.

"Sledgehammer, you take the artillery and a thousand cavalry back to the camp at the bridgehead Yujin, the rest of the people obey orders, let's go to Bingzhou to see the excitement."

Annihilated the vanguard of Beilai, Guo Jia captured many Xiongnu horses, and Baima Yicong also had replacement horses. The combat radius more than doubled, and he could go around in circles with the Huns.

Of course, this kind of thing does not need heavy artillery, Guo Jia immediately sent the artillery back, and took Baima Yicong to Bingzhoulang.

Why choose Bingzhou?

That's because it's not at the door of his own house, and Guo Jia doesn't feel bad if it is destroyed.

Ding Yuan, an old guy, dared to covet Yunzhou, but he was just impatient.

If Guo Jia didn't cheat him, who would he cheat?
The crowd happily took orders.

They also understood what Lord Inspector was thinking.

Playing hide-and-seek with the Huns in Bingzhou, they didn't feel bad about losing their own backyard anyway.

"My lord! Isn't this very good?"

Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment, he was quite honest and didn't quite agree with Guo Jia's plan to make things worse.

It's all right for them to follow the white horse righteously, the Huns are extremely cruel, and they will not let the people of Bingzhou go.

what happened?
Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "Does Zilong think that we should lure them to Yunzhou to fight again?"


Zhao Yun shook his head hastily.

Yunzhou is their lair, and it has just been built now, so naturally it cannot be destroyed.


Zhao Yun wanted to say something else.

"Zilong don't worry, Ding Yuan is not weak. His Bingzhou army is brave and good at fighting, and its fighting power is not weaker than that of the Xiongnu."

Guo Jia's face darkened, and he sneered: "With such an army, Ding Jianyang didn't come out when the Huns were raging, but hid behind us and watched jokes. How can I, Guo Jia, make him happy? So..."

He took a deep breath.

"This official just wants to cause disasters to flow to the east and burn the fire to their buttocks. lest they gloat behind."

Lord Inspector is wise!

Everyone greeted in unison.

"What the governor said is true!"

Yang Fan, who had been promoted to Zhao Yun's deputy after his meritorious service, said loudly: "They are all military horses of the imperial court. Why should our Yunzhou army work hard and those bastards sit back and enjoy the rewards?"

that is!

Dian Wei also said angrily: "It's all right for these guys to hide behind and watch the excitement. I'm afraid they don't have any good intentions. Didn't they all border Chen Bing earlier? That's their ambition for our Yunzhou. If it wasn't for the Huns coming, Most of these bastards will fight together."

Zhao Yun smiled wryly.

This Lord Inspector is really not a loser.

He wanted to muddy the water and drag the state army into the water.

But to be honest, although the method is a bit extreme, it is still effective.

The Huns rushed into the house, Ding Yuan can't just pretend to be confused.

Once the Bingzhou Army joins, the pressure on the Yunzhou Army will become less.

Not only did the Latin original enter the water, but also avoided the damage to his own territory. I am afraid that the lord has already planned this.

Now that the matter was over, Zhao Yun didn't say anything.

Chaos in Bingzhou is better than chaos in Yunzhou.

However, there is still a problem that has not been solved.

"My lord, how do we deal with our food and grass?"

Zhao Yun is very concerned about this issue.

Although the cavalry is mobile and flexible, it also needs food and grass supply after a long time.

Their supplies have been coming from the bridgeheads in the rear.

Once it goes deep into Bingzhou, I am afraid that the supply will be a bit difficult.

"It's easy!"

Guo Jia smiled.

"The Huns invaded Bingzhou, and our Yunzhou army came to help. Naturally, Bingzhou has to bear the military supplies."


Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled.

Guo Jia must have been very annoyed by the fact that Guo Jia had caused the disaster to flow to the east. How could he obediently supply food and grass?
When he saw Guo Jia's cold gaze, Zhao Yun couldn't help shivering.

I'm afraid the governor's methods are not very gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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