Chapter 259

Soon Guo Jia's two thousand cavalry entered the territory of Bingzhou, followed by tens of thousands of Huns.

The two sides chased each other and galloped on the land of Bingzhou.

What if there is no food?
Grab it!

Anyway, if they don't rob, the Huns will rob. The Yunzhou army is more gentle in grabbing food, but the Huns are not so gentle. They will kill people when they rob food.

Bingzhou immediately fell into the flames of war.

The Huns invaded Bingzhou, which made Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou who had been watching the excitement, be in a hurry. He immediately sent the chief secretary Lu Bu to lead the Bingzhou army to meet the enemy.

Soon, the news reached He Jin's ears.

"No reason!"

General He Jin said angrily: "This Guo Jia is really a bastard. Instead of fighting the Huns, he brought the Huns into Bingzhou. If it weren't for the extraordinary time, this general would definitely want him to look good."

Zhang Wen on the side was a little dumbfounded.

He didn't think Guo Jia did too much.

It's just like that, people fight the Huns in the front, and you watch the excitement in the back and stare at it.

Who is not angry about this matter?

It was also a helpless move for Guo Jia to drag Bingzhou into the water.

After all, the Southern Huns are coming in full force at this moment.

With tens of thousands of cavalry, the Yunzhou Army is also struggling.

If it was Zhang Wen, he would do the same.

But now Zhang Wen has worn a pair of trousers with He Jin and Yuan Kai, so naturally he can't tell Guo Jia apart.

There is a saying that the ass determines the head.

As a group of courtiers and dignitaries, Zhang Wen naturally wanted to speak for the dignitaries.

"The general calm down!"

He cupped his hands.

"The Southern Huns went to attack Yunzhou under the banner of revenge, so they never wanted to enter Bingzhou first. This Bingzhou is a barrier for Sili. Once Bingzhou is in chaos, Sili will not be alone. I don't know how the general will deal with it. this matter?"

Bingzhou Ding was originally He Jin's confidant, so he reported this information to He Jin immediately.

How to do?
He Jin said angrily: "What else can I do? Bingzhou is not Guo Jia's territory, if it is disrupted, this guy is the most proud."

He hesitated for a while, and finally said helplessly: "How about this, I will play the Son of Heaven tomorrow, and I will work hard on the chariot."

Right now, the three heroes who put down the Yellow Turban, Lu Zhi has entered the prison and has not yet come out, Huang Fusong has been left aside because of his background, Zhu Junyuan is in Yuzhou to clean up the mess, and he will not come back now.

Only Zhang Wen was in the court, and the rebellion in Xiliang was put down by Zhang Wen. This person still has some strategies.

Zhang Wen is waiting to agree.

Besides, as a chariot general, this is also his job.

At this moment, Yuan Kai's voice came.

"Absolutely not!"

Yuan Kai strode in.

Lord Taiwei!

Zhang Wen cupped his fists.

General Cheqi is under Sangong, so he has to salute.

In fact, in this era, the Sangong has been reduced to a vain post, and it is the imperial court's honor to add officials to those civil servants.

Of course money is required.

At the beginning, Cao Song, Cao Cao's father, spent [-] million yuan to buy official positions for the whole family.

However, Yuan Kai was the representative of court officials and the mouthpiece of the dignitaries of the capital.

He still speaks volumes.

Although it was a salute, Zhang Wen was very upset.

This is the second time Yuan Kai has interrupted his dispatch of troops.

The commander sent troops to fight, and winning the battle was a credit, and it was real gold and silver.

Yuan Kui's doing this can be regarded as a way of making money.

Zhang Wen is naturally upset when people kill their parents for money.

However, he didn't dare to express his displeasure, because behind Yuan Kai represented the powerful and powerful in the entire Gyeonggi.

Zhang Wen couldn't afford to provoke him.

"Ciyang, why is this?"

General He Jin was a little puzzled.

Ding Yuan from Bingzhou is one of his people, so it is impossible for him to sit idly by.

Yuan Kai cupped his fists.

"The goal of the Huns is Guo Jia, which is Yunzhou. If we fight with the Huns in Bingzhou, we will be proud of Guo Jia. In this way, all our previous plans will be in vain."

Makes sense!
He Jin and Zhang Wen nodded.

They originally planned to use the Southern Huns to weaken Guo Jia's military strength, and then took advantage of the vacancy to recapture Yunzhou.

But things didn't seem to be developing in the direction they expected, but rather the opposite.


General He Jin said helplessly: "Guo Jia, that bastard, acted first and had already introduced the Huns into Bingzhou. If the Huns continued to wreak havoc, Si Li would be in turmoil."

He didn't say anything about the rest.

Sili is the barrier of the capital. Once Sili is in turmoil, he, the general, will be the first to bear the brunt.

The brother-in-law, the emperor, had long been displeased with He Jin. If there were no other problems with Sili, the general might not be able to survive, after all, the He family had no foundation.

Whether public or private, He Jin would not allow Bingzhou to be in chaos.

"General, don't worry!"

Yuan Kai said confidently: "Qiang Quhan has a feud with Guo Jia for killing his son, and Bingzhou is not his goal. The old man has already conveyed the imperial court's intention to the Southern Huns through Huongnu Zhonglang. Regarding their personal grievances with Guo Jia, The imperial court will not pay attention to it. But it will take some time for it to reach the ears of Qiang Qu, so I ask the general to tell Ding Jianyang that he must stick to the city and not come out, so as not to cause unnecessary conflicts with the Huns."

Zhang Wen on the side was a little confused.

He already heard the meaning behind Yuan Kai's words.

In order not to arouse the wrath of the Huns, they let the Bingzhou Army hold out and let the Huns toss.

How can this work!
Zhang Wen only shook his head in his heart.

In order to deal with Guo Jia, Yuan Wei actually ignored the lives of the people in Bingzhou, which is really unreasonable.

"What about the people of Bingzhou? The Huns can't do anything to the big city, but they can still slaughter them. Besides, what if the Huns don't leave?"

Zhang Wen asked back.

"Zhang Cheqi!"

Yuan Kai said indifferently: "Those who achieve great things don't care about small details, sometimes what should be discarded must be discarded."

He seems to be very confident about the Southern Huns.

Qiang Quhan is not a fool, and he will never compete with the government and army in Bingzhou, which has been in business for hundreds of years.

He will still go to Yunzhou after plundering.

Because only going to Yunzhou, the court will ignore it.

it is good!
Hearing Yuan Kai's words, He Jin seemed to put down a stone in his heart.

If this is the case, the Southern Huns will withdraw from Bingzhou in a short time.

With Bingzhou out of danger, he, a great general, can give the emperor an explanation.

As for the sparks between the Southern Xiongnu and Guo Jia of Yunzhou, it has nothing to do with He Jin.

Anyway, he didn't like Guo Jia very much.

"Okay, this general will write a letter to Ding Jianyang."

He Jin said with a smile.

Ding Yuan, who received He Jin's letter, immediately followed suit and sent people to camp in several big cities along the border.

Let the Huns plunder without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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